The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 16, 1987, Page Page 7, Image 7
Friday, January 16, 1987 Daily Nebraskan Page 7 Classified CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 $2.75 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. i Ten words included. $2.25 minimum charge per day on individual student I and student organization ads. $.75 billing charge on noncommercial ads. All . personal ads must be prepaid. NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN j ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. FOUND ads may be submitted tree ol charge. DEADLINE: 1 p.m. day belore publication (Monday through Friday). ? The Daily Nebraskan will not knowingly accept help wanted ads from businesses that are not equal oppor tunity employers. 1976 DODGE. Always starts, needs tuned and front brakes JS 100. 467-5948 evenings. 73 CHAMPION mobile home, 12 x60 . 2-bedroom fur nished, $5,000. 464-5f)62: C0HNLR ROOM lolt frame lor Abel-Sandoz, Schramm-Smith. 421-1037. Harper- AUTOS FOR GALE 1984 TRANS-AM, loaded with equipment with 1986 spoilers and stripes White wilh graphile interior. $8,250. 423-7455, keep trying. VISA MASTERCARD FOR RENT FOR SALE I ONE MORE TIME Quality home furnishings at affordable prices. 850 No. 27th St. -474-2065 i IBM PORTABLE 2-drive 256KB, CGPrinter adapter, $1,000 or best offer. 472-2658. Ask for Salah or 466-3230 after 5:00 p.m. or weekends. ; AIRLINES NOW HIRING. Flight attendants, agents, 'mechanics, customer service. Salaries to S50K. Entry level positions. Call 805-687-6000, Ext. A-9636 for current .; listings. j FOR SALE: Mide-a-bed, couch, 5cubic ft. frig., bike, best offer. 475-1700. TECHNIQUES HI-FI. Tuner, Amp, Turntable, EQ., Dual Cassette, 200 watt 12" three-way speakers, Loud! Call 477-4828. I MODEL 1650 Tandy computer chess set. Like new, ' selling for $30. Call 474-5259 ask for Marvin or Shar. WHITE WEDDING gown with hat, size 10. Never worn. $500 or best offer. Will sell separately. Call to see. 464- f 1677' a::s'.ver to rr.Ev;:"Js fjzzle Year Round Students Accepted HUD Subsidized 3-bedroom townhouse, 1350 sq. It., carport, WD hookups, rent by income. 1520 Knox 475-6144. CBr NATjCHr U N I joTt Iag r e e rTF e s u o n1, ro u n p h o u sTeI ,KETO STEP j? L A r , J aTt h l e t Frills 0 T oTpfE 122 ,5 -L dTs s f. . a. l. A Q IU aJ. C I T R J fD N FUSSV , L 0 R El ' R E V. tIeIe n a g iltpto r f a ls "iCA r.B E U L A hT J bTr XT g h t e rIIs e n o rIT L I GH THO uTsTeT D U E S GO T t" E L L E Rj J 1 S. p "aIrl .IrTa I Y I E 1 s Um 1 E 1 T I A STUDENT SPECIAL 4445 So. 30th. 3 or 4 bedroom, garage, $395 1735 No. 29th, 5 bedroom, 2 bath. $495 Both incely remodeled and extra parking 488-6738 1935C, large 3 bedroom apartment, WD. Call474-1212 after 5:00 p m. $350. 2-BEDR00M apartment, 2 baths, fireplace. 3272 Starr, $360 mo. 423-8408 or 483-6340. STUDENT SPECIAL: 5-bedroom. 2 bath, completely remodeled. 4 blocks from campus. New carpet, new paint, great location and low utilities. Call Terry, 483 5573. BRAND NEW 2-bedroom apartment 1 12 block from East Campus. AC, DW, microwave, ceiling fan, washer and dryer. Lease thru May or longer. $350. 464-3574. 2 EFFICIENCIES. 1345 H Street. $175 plus electricity, cooking gas. 475-2937. 2504 VINE Nice, clean 1-bedroom, heat paid. $275. Available now. 464-4862, 474-1380. CLOSE TO UNL CAMPUS Newly redecorated 2-bedroom house with garaqe and appliances. $290 plus utilities and deposit. Call 488-2088 or 488-2121. 2-BEDR00M, large, clean, parking, central air, shower, bus. 18th & Euclid. $300. 475-6669. EAST CAMPUS, 3600 Huntington. Large, 2-bedroom, fireplace, appliances, laundry, parking $300. 489-9916. 136 SOUTH 29TH. Student Specialtwo units. $350 $325 plus deposit. East two bedroom, garage, remodeling now (Help decide on decor. Bottom unit laundry, deck, fireplace. Rent both and have friends as neighbors. Call Kim today 421-1871 or 489-6258. 2222 VINE Large, 2-bedroom, 2-bath, heat paid. Start at $370. Feb. 1. 464-4862, 477-1160. NEWLY REMODELED 3-bedroom duplex close to campus. $330month plus utilities (new furnace). Call John 475 0906. ESPECIALLY NICE 4-bedroom home, 2 full baths, totally remodeled. Everything new. $450. 1427 N. 21. 475-1579 or 488-0061. NEAR CAMPUS NICE 1 ft 2 BEDROOM UNITS. NO RENT UNTIL FEBRUARY 1. FROM J265MO. PLUS DEPOSIT. 421-3989, 474-1064 SPACIOUS TWO bedroom, two bath plus den. Huge livingroomdining room with balcony. Cable paid. $375 plus utilities. 476-13G8. 5U8 S 25TH JN le w er2-bed r oo m, 483-2357, leave messa ge. $165 EFFICIENCY. $200 1-bedroom 10th & "C." Newly remodeled. Most utilities paid. 423-7455, keep trying. UNFURNISHED OLDER BUT BIG 2-bedroom wstudy 21st & "A." Upstairs. $265mo. plus gas. Good landlord. Mature tenants only 475-1614. PRIVATE ROOM atco-op, hot meals6 dayswk., laundry facilities, close to campus, $250month, call Kirk 474 4259. 1-BEDROOM DUPLEX Furnished or unfurnished. $225 & up. Nice, clean units. 435-6683, 3601 N. 1st St. CLEAN AND CLOSE 2-bedroom apartment located close to East Campus and Uni Place shopping. All appliances. Laundry facilities. Off-street parking. HUNTINGTON SQUARE APARTMENTS 3300 HUNTINGTON AVE. 466-8611 Joseph E. Kean Co. 474-1666 NEAR CAMPUS, newer 2-bedroom. $295. 489-2203. 4-bedroom, 2 bath, double garage. 630 N. 34th St.,$550. 489-2203. CONVENIENCE PLUS Located close to work AND campus. Beautiful, clean, all appliance apartments. Think summer outdoor pool. Oil-street parking. 1-bedroom $309; 2-bedroom, 1 bath $349; 2-bedroom, 2 bath $389 & up. WILLOWHAVEN APARTMENTS 1800 KNOX 476-6200 Joseph E. Kean Co. 474-1666 UNFURNISHED 3-bedroom apartment, washer, dryer, air conditioner; 3114 Starr, $395 plus utilities and deposit. Phone 472-1836 (work) or 464-1867 (home). COMFORTS OF HOME WITHOUT THE RELATIVES ifs-'i. a. ,tiiv i in iijv r m i , Wee- 322 SOUTH m STREET, UNCOIJT, NE 68508 476-8551 ACROSS 1 Munster- province county 6 Kind of can or man 9 Anatomical ducts 13 Tanker 14 Bot. orchem. 15 Fall beverage 16 Historic Irish seaport 18 Fatuous 19 Wee, to Burns 20 Dynamics preceder ' 21 Original word form 22 Finis 23 Irish president: 1959-73 25 Desert 29 Sparks or Rorem 39 V.I.P.'scar 31 Uproar 33 Irish patriot: 1778-1803 38 Eire capital 41 Shillongwas once its capital 42 Agitate 43 Art Deco designer 44 Finial 48 Of a genus species system 48 Irish clover 53 Five and ten: Abbr. 54 Wheat or rice 55 Foray 57 Violinist Bull 3 Of certain water plants 61 Connacht- province county 63 Light-colored 64 Hill dweller 65 Irish seaport Edited by EUGENE T 66 Gels 11 67 Earth: Comb, form 12 68 Praise DOWN 1 Intimidates 2 Author 0' Flaherty 3 Ski resort in Utah 4 Caddo Indian 5 Chore for Junior 6 Hebrew lyre 7 Young haddock 8 Concealed 9 Industrial plastic 10 What there is "nothing like" 15 17 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 32 34 35 . MALESKA Mister, in Oaxaca Sphere of conflict A. J. Cronin novel, with "The" Sardou play Mother of Cain Gay Necessitate Longa, birthplace of Remus Bent Author Kingsley Kind of acid or oxide Taunting exclamation Manners Foal's dam 3S Miss Kett 37 Now's companion 39 Isle (Ireland) 40 Hospital part 45 Warsaw is its cap. 47 Knotty 48 Strikebreakers 49 Golden-ram rider 50 Jargon 51 Ways' companion 52 Oslo money 56 In re 57 Neglect 58 Trademark 59 Chemical compound 61 Tatter 62 Twice DXXX 1 2 5 p i t J6 p 3 F 9 10 11 12 13 114 1 15" ' Ti TP Ti 75 "20 21"" " j 22 23 24 2TT2T" if 281 29 30 31 32 " 33 34"! 3536n37r' 3g 40 42 - 43 -44 45" ;46 47 ; .r . . J J LJU 43 j 49 SO 51 52 I 53 L I 63 64 65 661 1 i 1 mi r 1 1 1 435-6683 CONTEMPO LINCOLN 2-bedroom mobile homes, $235 & up 3601 N. 1st HELP VAjOTED KIMBALL HALL Performing Arts Series usher sign-up, Thursday, January 15th, 1-5:00 p.m. and Friday, January 16th. 9.00 a.m.-1.00 p.m. in Kimball Hall lobby. SCHLOTZSKYS the nation's leading gourmet sandwich shop is seeking energetic, fast-paced individuals for part-time lunch and evening positions. Advance to above average pay quickly. Apply in person at 12th & P weekdays, 2-4:00 p.m. EOE. PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNICIAN position available. 20-30 hoursweek. Black & white darkroom experience neces sary. Apply in person. No phone calls. Barry's Photo Lab, Edgewood Center, 5508 South 56th. HELP MOVE AMERICA. Highest pay around. We train you, start now. Drive that big truck. We have financing, employment service. Call 402-489-4367. Tell your friends. TACO JOHN'S is now hiring part-time help, both day and night time hours available. Apply a! 831 No. 48th Street.Wonday-Friday, 2:00-5:00 p.m. " PART-TIME BABYSITTER for 3 needed. Needs own transportation. 421-1800. 475-2302. AMIGO'S 14th &Que 'Great Work Environment Competitive Pay Flexible Schedule '50 Meal Discount Amigo's is seeking aggressive, dynamic person to work part-lime or full time Must have strong cussomer orienta tion and ability to initiate quick, positive relations with oiher people Apply now at Amigo's, 14th & Que, Monday- Saturda y, 8 00-5 00. JAN DRAKE'S Garden Cale is taking applications for the following positions: food prep, hostess, cashier, and wailery. Apply at 131 S. 13th between 9 & 11 and 1.30-3:00. OUTDOOR TRIP PROGRAM STAFF Position ooen beainmna February 2. 1987 for 2 UNL students (prefer treshman, sophomore, or beginning jiaauate siuaent) to work in lampus rtecreauon outooor rio program and eouioment rental. Applicants must possess or be willing to learn outdoor adventure skills and leadership ability, bend letter ol application ana resume to Mark Ebel, Assistant Director. Office of Campus Recreation, 1740 Vine Street, Lincoln, NE 68588-0601 by January 28, 1987. WANTED WAITERY, daytime dining and evening ban quet. Apply in person 10-11:00 a.m. and 1-3:00 p.m. at Hillcrest Country Club. IDEAL JOB FOR STUDENTS Cruise the fast food lanes with us. Must have own car, proof of insurance, and good driving record. Good communication skills a must. Evening and weekends very flexible. $4 00 per hour plus tips and commission. Calf Jay at Goldentoes, 477-8888. PART-TIME OFFICE POSITION Must love people, creative, interests in marketing and sales. Basic clerical skills. Send resume or letter of qualifications to Allied Tours, 720 East Norfolk Ave., Norfolk, NE 68701. ARTIST Wanted for free-lance fashion illustrations for advertis ing. Please send sample to: Cheryl's Fashions, 5930 Cornhusker Hwy. Lincoln, NE 68507. VACATION GUIDE If you love unlimited talking with travelers In Nebraska, are incredibly persuasive: jolly about Nebraska's weather and able to handle difficult situations with a touch of class, this job is for you. The Division of Travel and Tourism is looking for 34 Vacation Guides to work at the Interstate 80 rest areas. Summer work would be from May 25-Aug. 15. 1987 with a 10-day familiarization tour May 9-21. Apply: 1st floor. 301 Centennial Mall South, Lincoln, NE 66509; (402) 472-2075 OR any Nebraska Job Service Office. All applications and supplemental ques tionnaires must be received on or before Jan. 30, 1987 to be considered. State Department of Personnel EOE MFH COULD YOU BE A BOSTON NANNY? Are you a loving, nurturing person who enjoys spending time with children? Live in lovely, suburban neighbor hoods, enjoy excellent salaries, benefits, your own living quarters and limited working hours. Your round-trip transportation is provided. One year commitment neces sary. Call or write: Mrs. Fisch, Childcare Placement Service, Inc. (CCPS), 149 Buckminster Rd., Brookline, MA 02146 (617) 566-6294. WOMEN Don't Talk, Don't Trust, Don't Feel. You may have learned these rules in a family where alcohol was a problem. These rules can be broken. Adult Children ol Alcoholics Group beginning Monday, 12687. Contact The Peer Counseling Supervisor, Women's Resource Center, NU, Rm. 117,472-2597 WOMEN Drinking problems in your family' Need help sorting it out? Adult Children of Alcoholics Group beginning Mon day 12687. Contact the Peer Counseling Center. NU .Room 117. 472-2597. UNL RUGBY Conditioning begins Tuesday, January 20 at 5:00 R m. Meet at Mushroom Gardens. New players and .0.8 s welcome. WOMEN Adult Children of Alcoholics Group beginning Monday 12687. Contact the Peer Counseling Supervisor, Women's Resource Center, NU Rm. 117. 472-2597. RESEARCH PAPERS. 15.278 Available! Catalog $2 00. Research, 11322 Idaho, 206XT, Los Angeles 90025 TOLL FREE HOT LINE; 800-351-0222. Ext. 33. VISAMC or COD. GREGMAT review course, call 435-7671 or 467-4718. TRIVIA CONTEST The Nebraska East Union is now 10 years old and we are celebrating! Find the answers to both trivia questions in the paper each day this week and win aprize! Turn in all your answers at the East Union, room 300 by 5:00 p.m. Friday. The person answering the most questions correct will win thegrand prize! In case of a tie, a drawing will be held. UNL FACULTY.STA FF, STUD ENTSI FRIDAY GATHERING TIME 3:30-5:30 PM Every Friday St. Mark's Episcopal Church 1309 ,rR" Street . Fellowship Refreshments ALL Walcom THE RAINMAKERS in concert NE Union Centennial Room. 8 p.m. January 23. Tickets available at both unions, Pickles & Dirt Cheap. Sponsored by: UPC CONCERTS & COFFEEHOUSES WAB3TED PLASMA DONORS Earn up to $30 a week or $120 a month. First donation $10, second donation in the same calendar week (Monday-Saturday) $20. New donors bring in this ad for a $2 bonus on the first donation, university Plasma Associated Bioscience of Nebraska, 1442 "O St. 475-8645. INTERESTED IN MEN'S FAST-PITCH SOFTBALL? Pitcher and players needed. 423-8429 or 421-3109 after 5 p.m. DRAFTING TABLE, reasonable offer. 474-4120. Holli. DISCIPLES UNITED METHODISTS PRESBYTERIANS U.C.C.'S Anybody Isel SUNDAYS AT CORNERSTONE 10:00 AM Bible Study 10:30 AM Fellowship Hour 11:00 AM Sunday Worship All UNL students, faculty and staff are invited and welcome to share in this community of inquiry, fellowship, celebration, and growth in Jesus Christ. BEAUTY OF BAJA BECKONS! SPRING BREAK '87 i I I. i 1 lit 1 I 1 I J L I I mum asffv k m. v"-. "ife,-,, -7"' ----'---, -. .. : , .'"?.T,,.-..---.''r" ' ': It's just the Twofer Special at Godfather's Pizza. A new break through that guarantees almost total recovery from Double Pizza Emergencies. For a very limited time, you can get two specially made God father's Pizza's for a very special, low price. The Super Pepperoni, topped with loads of pepperoni and The Four Topper, with onions, green peppers, beef, and pepperoni. Or purchase them separately for Double your chances of total recovery today, with The Twofer Special at Godfather's Pizza. Hurry, offer ends soon. mil J. 43th & Vine 466-8264 12th & Q 474-6000 48th & Hwy. 2 4834129