The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 16, 1987, Page Page 6, Image 6

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    Daily Nebraskan
Friday, January 16, 1987
Page 6
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Come on, baby, let's all do tine Twist with Ctoltolby Claecker
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Courtesy of Pershing
Nostalgia fans can do the Twist again this weekend when the
legendary Chubby Checker visits Pershing Auditorium. See
article for show times.
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By Stew Magnuson
Senior Reporter
Chubby Checker, the man who made
the Twist, the dance sensation that's
sweeping the nation. Chubby Checker,
the man who gyrated his hips and revo
lutionized dancing in the 1950s. Chubby
Checker, the man playing five perfor
mances at Pershing Auditorium this
weekend, has been called one of the
three major influences in rock 'n' roll
by Dick Clark, along with the Beatles
and Elvis Presley.
Concert Preview
Maybe the average college-age stu
dent doesn't realize the debt he or she
owes to Mr. Checker.
"Do you dance apart?" Checker asked
in a phone interview. "That's why the
Twist was different."
Before Checker covered Hank Bal
lard's little known B-side "The Twist,"
rock 'n' roll didn't have its own dance.
Everyone was still doing the Jitterbug,
Checker said.
"Just pretend you're grinding out
cigarette butts with each foot," Checker
once said on a TV show.
It was a liberating dance and some
thing physically healthy long before
anyone had heard of low-impact aero
bics. Go out and do the Twist on any
dance floor in Lincoln when a good,
rocking song is being played, and
chances are fellow dancers will join in.
But fans stopping in to see one of
Checker's five performances this week
end should expect more than just a
nostalgia show.
"If you're looking for the Chubby
Checker of 1960, go home," he said. I
sing the old songs of course, but there's
always a change in them. It's like a new
version of an old Cadillac."
Along with his big hits, "Popeye, the
Hitchhiker," "Pony Time," "Let's Twist
Again" and "Twistin' U.S.A.," Checker
will play new songs from his 1982 LP,
"Change Has Come," a work Checker
describes as a contemporary album.
"My music isn't stale," he said. "I've
been influenced by other music through
the years as well."
The highlight of Checker's show
won't be the music alone. Checker is
backed by a reportedly hot, five-piece
band, The Wildcats, and Checker him
self is a true performer and, of course, a
great dancer. He played 287 dates in
1986 alone, so his show should be sharp
and lively.
Chubby Checker and The Wildcats
are playing during the Second Annual
Metro New Car Expo at Pershing Aud
itorium. Skip the new cars and head to
the dance floor. Twist contests will be
held at all five performances: Friday at
8 p.m., Saturday at 3 and 8 p.m., and
Sunday at 2 and 4 p.m. Tickets will be
$3.75 for adults and $2.75 for kids ages
6 to 12. Kids five and under get in free.
"So come on, Baby, let's do the
71 om'A
Claudia Schmidt to perform at the East Union Saturday
By Charles Licurance
Sanior Reporter
Chudia Schmidt is perhaps the
ncct eclectic and versatile cf the in the Flying Fish sta
lls. Flyir.3 Fish is one of the fev?
rcsjcr folk libels in the nation,
recently specializing in socially
inspirational music that's especially
popular with feminists and those
interested in a holistic lifestyle..
Concert Preview
Schmidt, who will perform in the
Great Plains Room of the East
Union, has a unique voice. Her
music is more percussive and diver
sified than most modern socially
conscious music and is less prone to
both solipsistic blandness or over
generalization than other artists in
this sphere, such as Chris William
son or even Holly Near. In her choice
of cover material and originals
Schmidt is very aware of the value of
metaphor and humor, thus she
. eccpes lyrics that look better on
; p hcards in protest marches than on
a lyric sheet.
Schmidt has recorded four albums
.worth '.of material on Flying Fish,
zt.A each one is an improvement
, ever the last.
The sound on her first, self-titled
LP was more overtly folky with a
heiivy reliance on acoustic instru
mentation and "important issues."
Her latest LP, "Out of the Dark," is
r.cre percussive and textured than
&ny of her past LPs. Her choice cf
cover material is just odd enough to
make the whole album unpredicta
ble, a musically stripped-down ver
sion of the chestnut "Sky Lark" and,
as a strange aside, the metaphor
laden "San Diego Serenade" by Tom
Waits. Although finer recordings cf
each of these songs exist, Schmidt's
humble, wisely under-produced ver
sions have their own understated
Schmidt's choices of covers aren't
Courtesy of Fleming and Associates
Singer Clsuciia Cchntidt
the only chances she takes on the
album. She manages to make re
spectable forays into (very white)
scat singing, lounge jazz and even
free-form poetry readings to music.
"Hip to Be Homeless" is a string-bass-heavy
satire of the Reagan-era
attitude toward this nation's home
less in the same musical vein as
Rickie Lee Jones' "Slow Train to
Peking." The most noticeable star
on Schmidt's latest is Dan Dance,
whose piano pieces are simple but
warmly affective.
Schmidt's ability to transcend
New Age platitudes should make
her show enjoyable for a broad
audience, not just for feminists and
liberals. With four albums and
inumerable live performances under
her belt, Schmidt's show Saturday
night should be sharp and pro
fessional. The performance will begin at 8
p.m. and is being sponsored by the
UNL Women's Resource Center's
Women's Words and Music Commit
tee. Tickets are $6 for students,
seniors and children under 12; $7
for the general public.
Tickets are available at both
Entertainment Shorts
O The figure-drawing sessions held
in the art department every year will
begin this semester next Wednesday.
As usual, they will be held in Richards
Hall 225 at 7 p.m.
Cost will depend on attendance, but
it will probably be $20 per person for 10
sessions, or $2 for a single session.
Drawing will begin the first night,
but even if you can't draw then, come
anyway and bring your money so the
department will know you wish to take
the course.
If you have any questions, please
contact the UNL art department before
O Saturday 13 Nightmares will play
at the Cather-Pound-Neihardt Pub.
Opening will be the all-new band New
Brass Guns, featuring Lori Allison and
Brian Barber, formerly of the Go-Bats.
The show starts at 7:30 p.m. It's free,
and all ages are welcome.