. A XilDbLrdli Li January 15, 1987 J" University of Nebraska-Lincoln Vol. 86 No. 81 J " 1 f;fV ! 4 v. ,: i i Richard WrightDaily Nebraskan Scliedule shuffle The Union Ballroom wss a blur of activity as dropadd started Tuesday. These students were working on their schedules at about 10:33 a.m. Tuesday. ill wounldl Ibeiteffitfc faculty's families By Michael Hooper Senior Reporter Kids may get free tuition ; A bill that would let children of uni l versity faculty and staff members take up to 15 hours of class each semester j for free has problems with fairness and :; finances that must be resolved before n rvn OU NEBRASKA J i a EGISLATURE the bill should become law, according to two. university officials. The bill, LB157, introduced by Lin coln Sen. Jim McFarland last week in the Legislature, would require the NU Board of Regents to establish a pro gram providing tuition-free attendance; for children of professors, coaches and administrators who have been employed full time by the university for at least five years. Regent Kermit Hansen and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Robert Furgason agreed that the bill could be unfair to faculty and staff who have no children. In addition, they agreed that the funding that would be lost by the bill should be compensated. "Currently, it would reduce income, which complicates a financial problem that is exceedingly difficult to begin with," Furgason said in reference to the millions of dollars cut from state appropriations to NU over the last sev eral years. "The budget has been cut and cut and cut, so there needs to be some compensation," Furgason said Wed nesday. McFarland was more optimistic about the bill, which would give tuition-free attendance for not more than four con secutive years. He said the bill would encourage top-quality professors and staff to stay with the university, since their child ren would get free tuition. It would also attract top-quality pro fessors to the university and encourage the children of university staff to get their education at NU, McFarland said. "I believe it's a good practice because it develops a sense of loyalty to an institution," McFarland said Tuesday. Given the fact that the university has suffered many budget cuts recently and that higher education appears to be in decline at the university, McFar land said, this bill would encourage good professors to stay and maintain the quality of education. Because he had not read the bill and was hearing of it for the first time, Hansen said: "Under the circumstan ces, I don't believe we could afford it right now." He said, however, he'd be glad to explore the bill. Furgason applauded McFarland's sensitivity to the need for fringe bene fits for faculty and staff at NU. "Fringe benefits have eroded over the last several years," Furgason said. "Things to improve those benefits are good. We applaud his efforts to look at these." Hansen said if the Legislature passes the bill the NU Board of Regents would be required to implement it. McFarland said the bill is currently in conceptual form and may be revised. Larue Wunderlich, clerk of the Edu cation Committee, said LB157 probably will be discussed Jan. 26 at a commit tee hearing in the State Capitol. Most don't use protection 70 of By Lee Rood Staff Reporter Beth, a 20-year-old University of Nebraska-Lincoln student, had sex for the first time this year. "Waiting until I was ready and waiting for the right person made the whole experience special," Beth said. But most people no longer wait even until their 17th birthday to become sexually active. In fact, many have sex too soon and aren't bothering to use contraceptives, experts say. According to a nationwide poll, almost 80 percent of America's 17-year-olds are having sex, and only one third of those sexually active teens use birth control. The poll, conducted by Louis Harris and Associates and released by the Planned Parenthood Association, re vealed that 57 percent of the teens are already sexually active and most of them do not use contraceptives because sex is often unplanned. Those teens answering questions in the Planned Parenthood poll said the main reason they don't use birth control consistently is because "it just happens." According to Tim Moran, community relations director for Planned Parent hood in Lincoln, many teens have sex because "in American culture, it's OK to be swept away ... its romantic . . ." But romanticism should leave rocm for contraception, Moran said. Moran said he believes that the poll reflects the general attitudes of Lincoln as well as those of teens. He blames the problem of early sexual activity on ignorance and misconceptions about sex. "Teenagers just don't equate preg nancy with sexual intercourse," he said. Rae-Hope Putney, director of the teen mother center at the YWCA, said she believes teens are becoming pregnant because the shame of being pregnant has disappeared. These days Putney says people are saying, "What's so- big about being pregnant?" "They don't realize you need time to Bmurgers Franchise may help boost union's budget By Colleen Kenney Staff Reporter The addition of a Burger King or Hardee's franchise in the Union Square of the Nebraska Union could supple ment the budget for the Nebraska and East Unions and Commonplace. The budget has shown its all-time largest deficit for food services in its 1987-88 budget proposal for the fiscal year that begins July 1 and ends June 30, 1988. Union Director Daryl Swanson said at the Union Board meeting Tuesday night that the projected $66,725 deficit for next year for the union's food servi ces which falls under the "income producing" category could be turned around by the franchise. A profitable franchise in place of Union Square's fast-food stand also would help reduce student fees that now must subsidize the food service losses, Swanson said. The student-fee support for the food services then could be diverted to support and strengthen the union's non-income-producing programs, such as Campus Activities and Programs, administra tion and operations. "We just can't compete with the pri vate sector," Swanson said. He said the income-producing description of the food services has been a "ralsnomer," noting the five-year trend of increasing deficits. The food services' budgeted loss is $38,130 for 1986-87. Swanson said a main reason for the losses is that union food-service em ployees fall under university-employee status and are entitled to a benefit package. Under the University Classifi cation System, they must be provided with an hourly wage, group insurance, retirement benefits, paid sick leave, vacation and workman's compensation. "People in the public sector would look at us and say we're crazy for doing this," Swanson said. A franchise would not have to follow the university's employee system. Although the Union Square stand will be replaced by the franchise, the Harvest Room is the biggest money loser for the union, Swanson said. But the decision was made among fast-food franchises, Swanson said, because of their variety and profitability. The franchise choice will be an nounced in a few weeks, Swanson said. The Board of Regents then must approve the plan before the space will be leased officially, he said. Union Board members approved the tentative budget, which will go before the Committee for Fees Allocations Jan. 22. 7-year-olds have sex, po says prepare yourself mentally and emotion ally to have a baby," she said. Putney said sexually active people should realize that birth control is not always 100 percent effective. She often tells young women to have their partners use condoms even if they are on the pill. The survey also showed that teens become sexually active at a younger age if they come from a low income family, have low grades or do not go to school. These teens are also least likely to use contraceptives.