The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 04, 1986, Page Page 9, Image 9

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    Thursday, December 4, 1986
Daily Nebraskan
Page 9
Glassy Eye
Bv Dave
The Glassy Eye is pleased to welcome the
return of the USA Network's Commander
USA, a true champion of bad Mexican, vam
pire and wrestling films. When college foot
ball winds down, the Commander returns on
Saturday mornings with his "groovy movies."
Believe me, folks, when it's minus 30 on a
frigid Nebraska morning, it's a real joy to be
able to see "Samson vs. the Vampire Women."
Saturday, 11 a.m. USA, ch. 17
"Vampire Men of the Lost Planet"
(1970) John Carradine
Famous hack director Al Adamson usually
rounds up a couple of elderly actors who had
seen better days, shoots 30 minutes of film,
and then tacks on footage he stole from two or
three other movies to make a triple-whammy
bad horror film. Occasionally he'll make a
total piece of crap all by himself!
In this flick, "Al the Terrible" cobs footage
from the Philippines featuring a planet of
hideous, fanged vampires. John Carradine,
who has been in more rotten horror films than
any man alive, plays a scientist who discovers
the vampire men and then stumbles around
his laboratory (represented by a big reel-to-reel
tape deck) trying to figure out what film
he's in. Director Adamson couldn't decide
what to call the film, so he came up with eight
or nine titles like "Horror of the Blood Mons
ters" and "Horror Creatures of the Prehis
toric Planet." It's narrated by Brother Theo
dore, the famous insane guy who always
appears on "Late Night" and screams at
David Letterman.
Shaky camera work, shoddy sets, ridicu
lous dialogue and a general feeling of confu
sion. I can't wait to see it.
Other classic Al Adamson films: "Blood of
Ghastly Horror," "Dracula vs. Frankenstein,"
"Satan's Sadists" and "Blood of Dracula's
Castle." Comb Lincoln's video stores for the
Adamson classic "The Female Bunch," whe
rein militant feminists live on their own
ranch and stab men with pitchforks.
In their least feminist moments they take
off their clothes and roll around on the floor
of a seedy Mexican bar.
Saturday, 7 p.m. VVTBS, ch. 4
"The Fighting Seabees" (1944) John
Way ne, Susa n Hay wa rd
I'll probably get pummeled for saying this,
but let's face facts; John Wayne couldn't act
his way out of a paper saloon. His acting
technique was abstract at best, as he once
told the brilliant journalist Barbara Walters:
"I don't act, I react" Scientists, philo
sophers and drama teachers are working
around the clock to figure out what the Duke
meant by that.
Ted Turner, when he isn't too busy dese
crating old films with colorization, likes to
show patriotic family films like this where
lots of people get machine-gunned. In this,
hear the Duke utter immortal racism like
"Tojo's bug-eyed monkeys" and "those Japs
may be a stubborn race, but . . .." All in all,
it's action-packed "wardom," which reflects
the times. It also stars famous racist William
Frawley (Fred Mertz on "I Love Lucy")
Saturday, 1 a.m. USA, ch. 17
"Reefer Madness ' ' (1 938) Dave 0 'Brien
If you're one of the two or three people in
America who haven't seen this, watch it,
because it is a very funny film. It's also rather
overplayed on cable stations.
Bill is a "fine, upstanding young American
boy" until he starts smoking dope. Soon he
becomes promiscuous and loses all interest
in tennis. Bill's school principal is concerned,
stating that Bill swung at a tennis ball and
"missed it by as much as three or four feet." If
that wasn't bad enough, during a lecture on
Shakespeare "he broke into a fit of hysterical
laughter." Dave O'Brien is a standout as
Ralph the marijuana addict with black mas
cara around his eyes: "Bring me more reefers!"
Sunday, 11:55 p.m. Showtime, ch. 27
"Ninja Wars" (19S4) Henry Sanada
Our hero Jotarro is sad because his love,
Kajabeebee, has been abducted by devil
monks who abstract her tears and boil them
in the famed "spider tea kett le." After bloody
Monkheads fly and teahouses burn, Jotarro
the Ninja is saved by the playful mystic Kojon
Kojee, who starts to wax philosophical: "He
who walks through fire for love of women and
spider tea kettle will become bitchin' Ninja."
Or something like that.
other films:
"Modern Times" (1936) Chaplin 's last
silent film (Sat. 10 a.m.)
"Spirits of Bruce Li " (1978) Ancient
Chinese parable: "He who misspell
fa mous m a rt ial-a rts sta rt 's n a m e t rick
gullible theater patrons and reap big
profits " (Sat. 1 p.m.)
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