The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 03, 1986, Page Page 8, Image 8

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Daily Nobrnsknn
Wednesday, December 3, 1986
Ooh La! La!
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by Georges Fcydcau
December 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, II,
12, 13, 1986 at 8 I'M
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Doug CarrollDaily Nebraskan
Nebraska's Angie Miller and Amy Stephens apply heavy defense to Iowa's Tricla Blair. The
Huskers held Iowa to 33 second-half points after being down at halftime to win the game.
Hot shooting leads Huskers
hiiqkfrc; from Panp 7 'ie "users tok the lead for ?ood "We had some encouraging words
nuarxtno irom rage wh?n Angj(? Mnler tjpped jn her mn B(i( k at ha,ftiine Ivy sai(,
Beck said in the second half the , shot. "But coach's halftime talk really tired
Huskers shot great. They made 19 out Ivy said that in the second half every- us up and we knew we could get hack
of their 30 shots for a C3.3 shooting thing started to flow after being flat in Tn the game if we jus! played good
percentage. With 7:42 left in the game the first half. defense and offense."
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Richard WrightDaily Nebraskan
l-back Keith Jones was one of four Cornhuskers named to the 1986 United Press
n"rX' ,(ensive tack,e Tom Welter defensL end
tp?m SnnS?22 2 nn? ' 9Ua,d anny Noonan were the otner Husks named to the
team. Noonan was a unanimous selection.