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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1986)
Wednesday, November 12, 1938 Water polo Although Nebraska's water-polo club isn't a varsity sport, Coach Mike Morosin will make it a Top 20 team if he has his way. "If a little money was put Into the project, Nebraska could have a nation ally recognized program," Morosin said. "If we had a $5,000 budget, we could draw the people. You don't need much, just a pair of swim trunks, a hat, a ball and a couple goals. "We certainly have the talent on campus for this kind of a team." Nebraska's water-polo club won two of three matches with a team from Ray town, Mo., last weekend. Morosin said he was pleased with his team's perfor mance against what he said was "a very good" Raytown club. "Both teams played very well," he CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 $2 75 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Ten words included. $2.25 minimum charge per day on individual student and student organization ads. $.75 billing charge on noncommercial ads. All personal ads must be prepaid. NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. FOUND ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 1 p.m. day before publication (Monday through Friday). The Daily Nebraskan will not knowingly accept help wanted ads from businesses that are not equal oppor tunity employers. VISA MASTERCARD FOIISALE IMPORT AUTO SALVAGE Low prices on all foreign parts. 466-8395 4945 N. 56th MADEMOISELLE private membership. Good through September 1992. Call 475-5888days and 467-3514 evenings. ONE FEMALE Oklahoma ticket. Best Offer, call after 5. 421-1700. STEREO SWAP SHOP OPENING NOV. 3. Convert your unneeded stereo and electronic equipment to cash! 121 S. 27th 435-1442 COMPLETE 35mm S LR. Camera Kit. Fujica 705w, wide angle, zoom, and portrait lenses. Flash, filters, and bag. Ready to use. Good condition. Call 475-9294 after 7:00 PM. COLOR PORTABLE T.V.'s $45 A $55. 464-5806. . ... FOR SALE: TWO G.A. NU-0U football tickets. Call 477-3609. Anyone, How can you get a "blackshirt" wave towel, just like the Defense wears? Call 472-8428. Cheer the Huskers toward Miami! AJ A Y Fitness System power-pak 2000. New - must sell. 477-4256. GOLD JEWELRY OUTLET Over 5.000 different items Examples: $100 bracelet - your cost $25 $200 ring - your cost $50 $360 necklace your cost S90 Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. 488-9155 Open days TICKETS AVAILABLE!! Kansas vs. NE. Call 475-5111. World's Smallest Coupon DO NOT CLIP 10 Tanning Sessions S34.95 11th FREE GOLDEN TAN 3230 S. 13th St. Open 8:00-8:00 M-F; Sat. 8:00-2:00 By Appointment 421-3533 AUTOS FOI1 SALE MUST SELL this week. 1982 OldsmobileToronado, very nice, loaded. Retail $7.500 or make offer. Phone 423-3409. 76 - 280Z, 2 plus 2, excellent condition. Must sell. 489-3922. 79 DATSUN 210, AM FM stereo cassette. Good condition. S950. 475-5315. FOUHENT cs i campus reaoy now; super ciean t-ueuiuuni. ral all appliances, centneat, laundry, parking. Priced right! Huntington Square. 466-861 1 . Joseph Kean Co.474-1666. 1435 D: 1-BE0R00M. furnished or unfurnished, central air. ofl-street parking, laundry facilities, dishwasher. S250 plus electric. 435-8402. - WE HAVE A DEAL FOR YOU!! RENT AN apartment at Willowhave, sign a lease for November and receive a special discount OR sign a lease NO W and move in dead week (the week of Dec. 7) and you won't have to pay any rent until Jan. 1. Just think of all the money you will save! Colorado. Mexico. . .here you come, right? This is a limited offer so call NOW! WILLOWHAVEN APARTMENTS 181X1 Knox 476-6200 JOSEPH E. KEAN CO. 474- 1666 . -. AVAILABLE DECEMBER. Large 1-bedroom. appliances, all electric, free cable, laundry, parking, no pets. 1910 Knox. 477-7684 or 435-7770. 2-BEDR00M near East Campus. S3G0 plus utilities. Available immediately. 464-2547. ' 640 South 20th WITHIN WALKING & biking to UNL. Megasized one bedroom at S260. Loads of closet space. Spacious 2 bedroom from S275. Laundry. 475-726Z, 477-8347. EAST CAMPUS NEWLY REDECORATED 1-bedroom a block from campus in brick 12-plex. laundry facilities and off-street parking. Call Mega 475-8407 Monday-Friday. NEAR UNIVERSITY. 2-bedroom. appliances, carpet. 476-7774. . CLEAN 3-bedroom. 19th & Sumner. Parking, bus. S300. 475- 6669. 145 N. 22nd 1-2 BEDROOM near UNL. $250 plus electric. Heat paid. "tao-fUJ or A80-id4. KELP VATJTEB deb wins said. "Our team played well and showed good teamwork." In the first game, Nebraska defeated Raytown 8-4. According to Morosin, Nebraska scored its goals in 26 shots, while Raytown scored theirs in 19. "There was no one person who came away to win the game," Morosin said. "Everybody performed well as a team." Morosin added that Nebraska goalie Alan Michaels performed "exception ally well." In the second game, Nebraska's club put in players who didn't play in the first game and won 10-4. In the third game Raytown defeated Nebraska 10-7. The third game was played by high-school-age players on each team. Morosin said Nebraska's team in the third game consisted mostly of sopho assiffied 47 TACO INN GATEWAY SHOPPING CENTER Now accepting applications for part-time day help. Must be able to work lunch hour. Apply in person 2-4 pm. WANTED: School representative for collegiate sporting company. Great pay. Call collect 1-813-346-2009. AMIGO'S 14th "Q" If you are an aggressive customer-oriented person. Amigo's has an excellent part-time job for you. We olfer competitive pay, flexible scheduling and a positive working environment for productive performance. Apply now at Amigo's 14th & "Q", 8:00-5:00 pm., Monday-Saturday. Students Great part-time job. Up to 20 hours per week. We are a non-profit organization that needs ?honers immediately. We work evening hours. Sunday hursday. 5-9 pm. Calls will only be accepted 5:30-7:00 ' fm.. uesday-Thursday. Ask for Eric. Call 475-2122. DAILY NEBRASKAN PRODUCTION DEPT. EDITORIAL PASTE-UP Sunday through Thursday 6:30 pm. until approx. 11:30 p.m. hours flexible. Must be dependable. Involves pasting up editorial aspects of daily newspaper. Knowledge of color and screens required. Schedule adheres to UNL academic schedule. Pay negotiable. Not required to be student for this position. Apply 8-5:30 p.m. to Katherine at the Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union to submit application. EOE ' PLASMA DONORS Earn up to $30 a week or $120 a month. First donation S10. second donation in the same calendar week (Monday-Saturday) $20. New donors bring in this ad for a $5 bonus on the first donation. If you haven't donated in over two months you receive a $5 bonus. University Plasma Assoc. Bioscience of Nebraska, 1442 "0" St. 475-8645. VANTED NEED 9 TICKETS to Oklahoma Game. Call 435-1034. DESPERATELY NEED TWO tickets together 0U vs. NU. 435-6769 Melodie, keep trying. NEED 5 GA tickets to the Oklahoma game. Call476-0242. WANTED: - 2 Oklahoma tickets together. Call Collect 1-292-2982. NEED: 4 male tickets to 0U game. 435-2809, leave message. ADOPTION We are a happily married professional couple with strong family values longing to adopt newborn. Lots of love beautiful home and bright future guaranteed. Completely legal. Please call collect Chris 4 Paul 212-927-6997. RO0EIT.IATE8 FEMALE - Responsible. Reasonable rent. Own room. Call 473-2268466-5071. N0N TRADITIONAL STUDENT seeks female to share home in Northwest Lincoln. More privacy than rnqst. S170month plus 12 utilities. 474-7903 or 476-5282. MALE, NON-SMOKING Roommate beginning Jan. 1. $140 plus 12 electric. 474 7272. -- - FEMALE RESPONSIBLE, ror nice 2-bedroom apartment close to campus. Fireplace, AC, parking. $167.50 plus utilities. 464-3704. RESPONSIBLE, CLEAN, quiet female to share 12 of 2-story duplex. $125 per month plus utilities and deposit. 475-0947. FEMALE ROOMMATE. 2-bedroom apt. $145 plus 12 utilities. 477-2831 after 6:00. Meeting tonight at 7:00 pm. in the Union. Well be arranging rides tor our trip to tour the pharmacy school in Omaha. New members welcome. " What's the STATE OF YOUR HEART? ' Find out on Nov. 13!! - - Students: The Information Center is now accepting your suggestions for the 1987 SENIOR CLASS GIFT. Your ideas for a gift greatly appreciated. Please turn in suggestions before November 18. Looking for. . .an excuse not to study, a cheap date, or iUS' 3 B0BALLRMM BLITZ -DANCE LESSONS 8-10 tonight in the Union. Free with Student I.D. Grab a partner don't miss it! LEARN TO THINK ON YOUR FEETtl BALL ROOM DANCE LESSONS 8-10 pm. City Union Ballroom FREE-students. non-students $2 UPC ArtsFree University NU TIMING TEAM Meeting today 4:30 in Union. Bring dues. If can't attend. call Kylie, 474-4129. . . . . . Daily Nebraskan 2 out of 3 mores while Raytown played Juniors and seniors. , . , "Raytown scored five or six goals in the first period," Morosin said, "but after we got our kids settled down, they (Nebraska) played much better." Morosin said he'd like to see Nebraska start a swim club sometime in the near future. . "We could have a hell of a swimming club here at Nebraska with the talent we've got on campus," Morosin said. Morosin said such a club could be made up of former Cornhusker swimmers whose eligibility has been exhausted. "Swimmers have four years of eligi bility," Morosin said, "but lots of them are around for two or three more years of school." STUDENT DENTAL WIVES CRAFTS BOUTIQUE AND BAKE SALE DENTAL COLLEGE LOBBY 40th & H0LDREGE THURS. NOV. 13 7:00 - 9:00 P.M. The UNL Culture Center is currently taking applications for Culture Center Supervisor. Applications may be obtained at the CAP Office, Rm. 200 City Union or Rm. 300 East Union and at the Culture Center. 333 N. 14th. Deadline for applications is Nov. 21. 1986. PRE P.T. CLUB Wednesday, 7:00, UHC Conference Room. GET PSYCHED! Video Dance November 19 in the Union Ballroom. Admission: Students - $1.00 or free with a canned good. Non-Students $2.00 or $1.00 with a canned good. Food donated to the Lincoln Food Bank. Sponsored oy the UPC Video Committee. CAP OFFICE OPEN TONIGHT Until 8:00 pm. Register events. Get information. Pick up or leave off materials. 200 Nebraska Union. 472-2454. Gamma Phi Beta-Delta Upsilon 1986 Bike Hike Proceeds to benefit Youth Service Systems For more info. 476-3587 or 475-9929. THE BOSS IS HERE and on sale. Dirt Cheap Records 217 N. 11th St. PBL Members: Meeting November 13th in 413 Nebraska Hall at 5:00 pm. Bring checkbook for dues & snacks for party. UNL WILDLIFE CLUB Meeting today 7:30pm. The speaker will be Al Trout from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service at Kearney. Refreshments will be served before the meeting (7:00-7:30). AT0 LITTLE SISTERS Find out who your little brother is Thursday night, 8:30. STEREO SWAP SHOP Opening Nov. 3. Convert your unneeded stereo and electronic equipment to cash! 121 S. 27th 435-1442 ROAD RALLY Sunday, November 16th, 14th & Avery. Registration starts at 12:30: starting time at 1:30. Don't miss the fun" Sponsored by the UNL MARKETING CLUB and PEPSI. Look for the fliers around campus! iIj fad c: 1 1 5 -1 ! v 1" - (p p 0l CAMPUS RED CROSS Pre-bloodmobile pizza party Thursday. Nov. 13. Meet at Union at 4:30 pm. to hang signs. Pizza afterwards. " Come snow, come shine Bikin' with DU is fine! Looking forward to this weekend! The Gamma Phi's PRE DENTAL CLUB At our next meeting, we will be taking impressions and making mouth pieces. Date: Wednesday. Nov. 12 Time: 6:30 pm. Place: College of Dentistry Call an officer if you need a ride. UPC VIDEO COMMITTEE Win an IR0C-Z! Details at the Campus Network display in the main lounge of the Union. Check it out & win! FMA Meeting Wed.. November 12 at 6:00 in the Union. PRE VET CLUS Meeting: Wednesday, Nov. 12. 7:00 pm. 145 VBS Building. Representatives from the University of Missouri - Columbia Veterinary College will be here. Please pick up some raffle tickets. Announcing the newest additions to the Daily Nebraskan Advertising Staff: Sara Abler Suzanne Antinoro Bob Bates Paul Birkel Jan Esteraich CONGRATULATIONS!! STUDENT REPRESENTATION ON THE FOLLOWING UNIVERSITY-WIDE COMMITTES GRADING COMMITTEE GRADUATE STATUS COMPUTATIONAL SERVICES AND FACILITIES APPLICATIONS AND A DESCRIPTION OF EACH OF THESE COMMITTEES IS AVAILABLE AT 115 NEBRASKA UNION DEADLINE NOVEMBER 25th ATO LITTLE SISTER RUSH Informational meeting tonight, 7:00. ATO house basement. ATTENTION STUDENTS COMMITTEE FOR FEES ALLOCATIONS OFF-CAMPUS REPRESENATION ANALYZE THE BUDGETS OF FUND A AND FUND B FEE USERS APPLICATIONS INFORMATION ABOUT THE TIMELINE OF THE COMMITTEE ARE AVAILABLE IN 115 NEBRASKA UNION DEADLINE NOVEMBER 25th k it k MARKETING CLUB Thursday. Nov. 13, at 6 pm. in the Union. Bill Bywater of Banker's Advertising Co. in Iowa City will be speaking. This is a specialty advertising company. Samples of the company's work will be available. ir it By GARY LARSON 4 UnMrW Prvst Syndtcaw li-12. t Pago 1 1 7 s - r. ' i:-m-.:! r J iv - '.a t- ; - 3 f c : ' xi- i ; FREE ASUN NEWSLETTERS UNL BUZZ BOOKS are available at the Information Center in the Southwest corner of the Nebraska Union. PREFESSIONAL STUDENTS LAWDENTAL REPRESENTATION ON STUDENT GOVERNMENT INFORMATION AND APPLICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE 115 NEBRASKA UNION DEADLINE NOVEMBER 14th YOUR COMPLEXION MEN & WOMEN . Do you have blemishes you wish weren't there? Do you have lines you wish weren't there? Would you like to enhance and improve the quality of your skin at an economical price? Call us at PEP-PERT COMPANY. We know we can help you!! Money back guarantee. 467-4891 AlcohoUct Anonymous Campus Group Meets: Monday & Thursday 1:30 pm. Nebraska Union Check Schedule for Rm. UPC PUBLICITY COMMITTEE Chair position open. Apply in room 200, City Union. Deadline Nov. 21. FRESH TUEICEYS $1.101. Sponsored by the Animal Science Grad Student Assoc. to order call: 472-64 Orders taken thru Friday, November 14 Hey Big Red Fans NU vs. KU What's Happening In Lawrence, Kansas? Fri. Night: Red Beer ONLY 75f Bloody Marys ONLY $1.00 Sat. Pre- Game: Lunch Special ONLY $4.95 Begins at 10:30 Sat. Post Game: Celebration & Dinner Begins at 5:00 p.m. Sun. Morning: Brunch 9:30 a.m.