PageS 1 'J ,w if' x J? j:'i:i:'':'';'Ss'i '5 8 &MD l (Hi lsia: .n. n r o o O Daily Nebraskan Tuesday, November 11 .if , ' -1 . ?! V. !.-. 'WO X X ' s msMd tfteg p o mm? Yes, we want to provide our members with cost-efficient health care. But we know that only quality health care is cost-efficient. So we make sure you have your choice from a long list of excellent primary care physicians. And you receive personal, ongoing care just as you always have: In a private office or clinic, from your chosen physician. HMO Nebraska offers you all the bene fits you would expect from a quality HMO: No claim forms to file, no deductible amounts to meet, minimal co-pay amounts on prescriptions, and office visits that are covered by your monthly payment. What's more, HMO Nebraska can offer you benefits the others can't: The peace of mind that comes from knowing that we're a subsidiary of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska, a company whose record of good service goes back nearly 50 years; that we're homegrown, with the experi ence to do it right; that we're here to stay. And there's additional peace of mind when you're away from home, because HMO Nebraska belongs to the HMO U.S.A. network, which offers emergency care to HMO Nebraska members when they travel. Quality care; less hassle; more peace of mind: Three good reasons to pick HMO Nebraska during Open Enrollment. As a University of Nebraska employee, you have received information on HMO Nebraska in the mail. We hope you will give it your careful consideration. If you have questions about the information, or about the sign-up materials, please caJI us at 800-228-9200, 24 hours a day during November. AGREAT NEW IDEA. ir JLivy A federally qualified subsidiary of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska. FROM AN OLDFRIEND. Bins Cross EU3 Shield of Nebraska nil pi Cm m mm Umt hum,