The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 06, 1986, Page Page 19, Image 19
Thursday, November 6, 1986 Jordan to ride Bulls NBA from Page 18 How far can Michael Jordan cany the Chicago Bulls? Probably not into the playoffs, but it will be run to watch him try again. Orlando Wool ridge and Sidney Green are gone and Gene Banks is out with an injury, leaving the Bulls' frontcourt with powerful Charles Oakley and veteran Earl Cureton as the starting forwards. Rookie Brad Sellers could have a big impact here. Jordan will have additional backcourt help from Steve Colter, who was acquired from Portland to give the Bulls some quickness at the point. Indiana owns one of the league's stronger forward quartets but really has little else as it continues to dwell in the Central basement. Herb Williams, Clark Kellogg, Chuck Per son and Wayman Tisdale are cer tainly capable forwards, but guards Vern Fleming, Clint Richardson and John Long aren't highly thought of. Fleming is forced to play out of posi tion at point guard, otherwise he could be tough. But Long (a Pistons castoff) and Richardson (a 76ers castofT) are on their way out. Cen ters Steve Stipanovich and Stuart Gray are too slow to contribute. The Pacers best bet would be to put Williams at center (he is 610) and play with three forwards up front. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 471-25$$ STEREO SWAP SHOP Opening Nov. 3. Convert your unneeded stereo and l Vycini.y w. .laMmnir jmtiinmenl to cash ... ,..P....... -12-, s 27th 475-6698 , t ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER Smith Corona 2300. Great condition. 6 years old. $30 o. best otttr. 477-2203. 1 . TWO COLOR portable TVs. S55-S65. Stereo with AM-FM, 8-track t turntable S70. 464-5806. CONTACT LENSES. Name brand replacements and spares. Soft lenses from $19.95 each. Fast service nationwide. EYE CONTACT 1-800-255-2020 toll-tree. FOR SALE: 1 0klahoma student football ticket. 476-8048. KING SIZE WATERBE0. good condition, best offer over S100. 435-2983 evenings or 488-0229. Keep trying. GOLD'S GYM. I year membership. 435-3364. 112 FAH Z122 By GARY LARSON (1-7 Robby works his ant farm CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA ACROSS 1 Information 5 Certain horses 10 Things much desired 14 Prof's concoction 15 Spangle 16 Supporter 17 A small dog 20 County of Ireland 21 Golfing feat 22 Totem pole 23 Certain hardwood 25 Allows 27 Small, smooth coated dogs 34 Dine 35 Chiller 38 Coin realm 37 Greek river 39 Talbot, e.g. 42 Penn pronoun 43 setter, popular pet 45 Cat's sound 47 Kennel sound 48 Droopy-eared dogs 52 Pierre's girlfriend 53 European peak 54 rule (usually) 57 Loser to Ike 60 Dangles 64 Field dog 67 Duds 68 Brilliance 69 The Abomina ble Snowman 70 Small particle 71 Tucks away 72 Mongrel; cur DOWN 1 Pol. party 2 Fleming feat 3 Cab 4 Friends, in Lima 5 Arab garment 6 Coty or Descartes 7 Moslem commander 8 Hunting dog 9 Beamer 10 Buddy 11 Holly 12 Lanchesteror Maxwell 13 Org. of a sort 18 Mammal of tropical America 19 Back: Comb, form 24 N.Y.C. mayor 28 Winnow .27 Beast of burden 28 Kind of nerve 29 Prefix with classic 30 Outdo 31 Certain gasoline 32 Ostrichlike birds 33 Ooze 34 Levantine ketch 38" silly question ..." 49 Teachers' org. 41 Lisbon lady 44 Typical Wayne role 46 Author Cather 49 Hogbacks 50 Choose 51 Name giver of a sort 54 Movie dog 55 Name for a Dalmatian 58 Former southern constellation 58 Singer Guthrie 59 . . . ere Elba" 61 Stead 2 Baltic native 63 Crack; chink 65 Ideology 6S Halves of qts. Daily Nebraskan Turkeys to be awarded Page 19 Tmikey Tmi bj the dog rain The UNL men's, women's and co-rec Turkey Trot race will be run this Sun day at Oak Lake Park. No advance entries are required and , no maximum number of entries will be imposed. All participants will be given a place card as they cross the finish line. Finishers should complete the information on the front of the card and return it to the head finish judge before they leave the course. Co-rec teams must sign in as a team before running. The race will begin near the dog-run sign and end near the parking lot on the south side of the lake. The course on which the race will be run is rela tively flat and covers 2.2 miles. CantonPullman 300 Car speakers. 2 tweeters. 4 woofers and 2 cross-overs. S275 or best offer. Call 488-3065 after 10 pm. Never installed. 2 NEBRASKA-IOWA State tickets. 50-yard line. 467 1146. 5:00-7:00 pm. 1 rr3 U I 5 16 17 18 19 I10 I11 I12 13 75 15 Ti 17 " TeT " "is" 20 21 22 1 1 ...l-l,,,..! i LL. 23 24 25 26 j!27l28" 29 30 31 32 33 $T ' 35 ' " 36 37 38 " 39 40" TP 43 4TT 45 k-g mmm 51 53 sTUnsT" "-" 57 'sSlsS" "" 60 'eTlsel 64 65 66 67 j"63 " 69 75 1 Ti Tn I 1 1 i 1 ' I M 11 1 1 I 24 GENERAL ADMISSION Iowa State football tickets. Cheap! Call Jackie or Vicki at 474-9213. The times of the lowest four fin ishers per organization will be added to determine the team winner for the men's and women's portion of the event. The winner of the co-rec compe tition will be determined by adding the times of the two men and two women on each team. Frozen turkeys weighing 10 to 12 pounds each will be awarded to the winning men's, women's and co-rec teams. T-shirts will be awarded to the first place finisher in the men's and women's divisions and to the winning team in the co-rec division. Participants should be aware that AUT03 FOR CALC ' '58 CHEVY BELAIRE. 348 V-8. no rust, great runner. 475-0804. Pan. '73 OLDS CUTLASS, runs good, some rust. Best offer. 464-2033 after 5:00. DATSUN 210. 1979. AMFM stereocassette. Good Condition, $1.000. 475-5315. 1979 HONDA ACCORD LX. rebuilt engine, power steering, brakes, air. auto. Excellent condition. 797-5740 mornings & weekends. FOIH1EBJT EAST CAMPUS ready now! Super clean 2-bedroom. all appliances, central neat, laundry, parking. Priced right! Huntington Square, 466-8611, Joseph E. Kean Co. 474-1666. 1435 D: 1 bedroom, furnished or unfurnished, central air. off-street parking, laundry facilities, dishwasher. S250 plus electric. 435-8402. EFFICIENCIES for rent. 475-2937 Heat Paid. $175. 1345 H St. 1444 PEACH STREET NEW 2-Bedroom, all appliance, laundry, off-street parking. No pets or children. $325. 483-1065. WE HAVE A DEAL FOR YOU!! Rent an apartment at Willowhaven, sign a lease for November and receive a special discount OR sign a lease NO W and move in dead week (the week of Dec. 7) and you won't have to pay any rent until Jan. 1. Just think of all the money you will save! Colorado, Mexico. . .here you come, This is a limited offer so call NOW! WILLOWHAVEN APARTMENTS 1800 Knox 476-6200 JOSEPH E. KEAN CO. 474-1666 COMFORTABLE, attractive room. Share bathkitchen, off-street parking. $150 or 24 hours work in art gallery. 476-8497. AVAILABLE DECEMBER. Large 1-bedroom, appliances, all electric, free cable, laundry, parking, no pets. 1910 Knox. 477-7684 or 435-7770. 2 BEDROOM near East Campus. $300 plus utilities. Available immediately. 464-2547. HELP VABJTED DAILY NEBRASKAN PRODUCTION DEPT. EDITORIAL PASTE-UP Sunday through Thursday 6:30 p.m. until approx. 11:30 p.m. hours flexible. Must be dependable. Involves pasting up editorial aspects of daily newspaper. Knowledge of color and screen required. Schedule adheres to UNL academic schedule. Pay negotiable. Not required to be student for this position. Apply 8-5:30 p.m. to Katherine at the Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union to submit application. EOE EARN $5.00 - $8.00 AN HOUR For more information call 467-1044, 488-0333or 435-4235. Part-time work available. Looking for work but want to have time for study. We have positions available which offer you the guaranteed income of $500 month including Friday & Saturday nights off and great advancement opportunities. Call for interview. Gold Enterprises, 489-8739. PART-TIME SUPERVISOR This position requires a mature individual with good communication skills who can motivate newspaper carriers and work with parents and customers as a city carrier route supervisor. This is an excellent opportunity for a university student which requires being available by 2:30 pm. daily, 9:00 am. Saturdays and some Sunday mornings, working approximately 35 hours per week. Your own vehicle is required with mileage expenses paid. Applications will be accepted at trie Journal-Star Personnel Office, 926 "P" St. 8:00-4:00 daily through Friday, 11-7-86. mmm Gorans PITCHER COUPON i era n ri cn i ri czx PITCHER COUPON 1 MR 0 Bflfi D 1 W.C's Downtown -Exp.i23i86fl W.C's Downtown -ExP.i23i86f j PITCHER COUPON if PITCHER COUPON 0 SU8 d 'LOO D fl W.C's Downtown -ExP.i23i86n W.C's Downtown -exP. 1231 sej ln 1-3 es era 13 ta ra cn ta t-Ji ea ea tza tra ci tza ta ea tJ G- ?s is 1 tfiih 1 tr tatrt a a a a w . wild I Wl laiwiw lltf Hrie j tm'm i Ihlh 12" 1-rlo e ftm Mil n yAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW 11 0 m mm m m t tmm mmm twft mt fr iwr m CI t 00 m M rm fmm urt twl mmt 4 ji ji iifyi 0 474-6592 Jhi Stuitnf Sufflxl Sfca Offer good thru Nov. 12, 12S5 or whila quantities last Ct 9.99 Utissl) & fJaforal Cf. . . 7.19 Sahmkt (re. & light) 12 ft 2J9 Ci 5.49 there is a risk of injury in participation in intramural sports due to the inher ent nature of the activity. Individuals are encouraged to have a physical examination and obtain adequate health and accident insurance prior to the event. Last year's champions were Tom Harmon from Sigma Phi Epsilon in the men's division, Anne Geiger from San doz 7 in the women's division and Ken Clark , Geiger, Sharon Mahlman and Mark Wightman in the co-rec division. Anyone needing further information on the event should contact the OOce of Campus Recreation, 1 740 Vine St., at 472-3467. Join our "NANNY NETWORK" of over S00 placed by us in CT. NY, NJ and Boston 9-12 month commitment in exchange for exc. salary, room ft board, air transportation and benefits. All families presereened by us for YOU to choose from. MElPfNG HANDS P.O. Box 7K8. Wilton. CT 06697. (203) 834-1742. featured on hour magazine and the today show. TACO INN 13th & n Now accepting applications for part-time day help. Must be able to work lunch hour. Apply in person 2-4 p.m. PART-TIME COMPUTER OPERATOR Assist in running computer monitor and log events such as hardware failures or program bugs and service peripheral devices. Approximately 20 hoursweek. Hours and days will vary Monday-Friday. Some weekends will be required. Prior computer operation experience will receive top consideration. To schedule an appointment, please call Personnel Dept. 473-6224. FIRST FEDERAL LINCOLN 13th & "N" St. An Equal OpportunityAffirmative Action Employer TACO INN GATEWAY SHOPPING CENTER Now accepting applications for part-time day help. Must be able to work lunch hour. Apply in person 2-4 p.m. . mm TO PKETOS PUZZLE F LA TS 1A G R A r ASPsl D AN A E WOOR L0 utf ISTLE TSTO A U ra ch i c k"eTn s o u p jp TT" iLH D o I s A w Y EJr dTeTsTe r t"op e r s Jj J C) Rj7 N E E T A gI 1 Jiii iFilJc X s t l e Id 1 H2 f. JL IL Z L H K s Z 1 E T R EB L E "lW K' EStsJ TTo o se r t LAI IZ",-t e r n ys o uTp A N dfIi IsTh mTaulT oIvIeIni eIrUitIo Oo MERE NESt( JS a fS IS 1 jsTopS UP TO A CERTAIN POINT Cuba-dir. Alea-1984 I Sdenrs Non-Students A humerous look at the gap between the idea of equality of the sexes and how much of it "liberated" men will alow. Foreign Films (v. Fcrt, frisndiy umca on qustty ccpics ct cffsrdshb pricss. 13th & R 48th & Vina 475-2279 4C3-31E3