Monday, November 3, 1986 Daily NebYaskan M syor issues include personalities, taxation GOVERNOR from Page 1 has the momentum and has had it for several weeks. Unless something hap pens between now and next Tuesday, she will probably win in a squeaker." "I think originally that Helen suf fered by a negative reaction to her tax proposal, which Kay Orr exploited ef fectively, Cavanaugh said. "But I think that issue wore itself out, probably two weeks ago, and the controlling issue now has been, I think, a sense that Helen Boosalis is more experienced, knowledgeable and more vigorous. So it is not so much an issues race as a comparison of the personal quality of the candidates." Thone, a former con gressman and former governor, said Orr would do well in urban areas and enjoy great success in rural Nebraska. "I think Kay Orr will do well in greater Nebraska," Thone said. "She won't do as well in Lincoln, but she is going to do well in Omaha. You add all that up and it is a Republican victory." "As far as general issues are con cerned, there is taxation," Thone said. "Helen Boosalis is perceived to be a taxer, mostly because of her stand on LB662." The measure faces a referen dum vote on election. It is a controver sial school district consolidation bill that includes a 1 percentage point increase in then state sales tax. Boosa lis favors the measure, Orr opposes it. "Her record as mayor of Lincoln is certainly one of the issues, but I don't know that that has come through to the average voter; Helen's record as mayor is there," Thone said. "Economic de velopment is a political lightning rod. I think there is a perception that Kay Orr can do a better job and that is why she has the endorsement of so many busi ness groups. This is the first time in its history that the Nebraska Association of Commerce and Industry has endorsed a candidate for governor and they endorsed Kay Orr." Former Lt. Gov. Gerald VVhelan of Hastings, a Democrat, lost a bid for the governorship to Thone. "It is extremely close," Whelan said. "If Helen can get Omaha off dead cen ter, she will win." He said Boosalis would do well in central Nebraska because of her high visibility as mayor of Lincoln and as head of the state Department on Aging. Whelan said personalities have played a major role recently. He argued that Orr has been hurt by what he called negative campaign ads that contend Boosalis supports a tax increase. Boo salis contends tha the higher sales tax would ultimately provide property tax relief, and therefore the higher sales tax levy doesn't really represent higher taxes. Whelan says the real issue isn't taxes, but leadership. Former U.S. Sen. Carl Curtis says the race will provide "a clear victory" for Orr. Curtis said the dominant issue is taxes. "I think Helen Boosalis, in her spon soring of an increase in the sales tax (referring to LB662) has hurt herself." Curtis said Democratic criticism of Reagan administration farm policies has failed to influence voters. "I don't think the Democrats have convinced anybody that if they have the governor's seat, the farmer will have restored prosperity," Curtis said. He said the two women will run a close race in Omaha and Lincoln. He said Orr will carry rural Nebraska by a decided margin because of her opposition to LB662 and her strong anti-abortion position. D D D to V v. " S V V k x .. x t 8 Small 10" Pizza 99 a a a a a Q h One item only 30 Minute Del For all those schedules that just don't mesh . . . let UNL independent study help. Day and night testing hours; syllabi available for examination before you sign up. Visit room 269, Nebraska Center, 33rd and Holdrege, or call 472-1926 for information. ISO UNL is a non-discriminatory institution - - s Campus I l I p ile ox uo i f 1 1 b f I o il Irf Hv Page 3 1 I J ! n r I 1 r Lf i I I I UULJ Ll LJ" Taco. Out for savings ou out sp3cialof-th2-daui! MONDAY Deluxe Salad and Medium Drink TUESDAY Deluxe Burrito and Medium Drink li THURSDAY Any Combination Plate or Deluxe Nachos and Medium Drink ii j e I r FRIDAY L- i i' !j rr ) Combination Enchilada &)Z and Medium Drink WEDNESDAY Mix or Match Taco, Tostada or Bean Burrito SATURDAY Hardshell Tacos or Bean Burritos Only o 1l Lru irir-urinr-im( ir i i Vl ii n 0 o n iv I l;lr3? 5tm. IE i i . ..r,...iA . V H Comes Complete llipitl wmm 51 U I YES please send me. XSL Phaser Command(s)" at $49.95 for one, $89.95 for two and $45.00 for each additional unit. Please include $3.50 per unit for shipping, handling, and insurance (NY residents add 8 sales tax. Illinois residents add 7 sales tax.). Send check or money order to: Upstairs 1107 Broadway, Suite 8C3 New York, NY 10010 Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. NAME SCHOOL ADDRESS CITY , STATE I prefer to pay by: Visa MasterCard Cad No. ZIP CODE Amer. Express Signature Exp. Date