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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1986)
Monday, November 3, 1986 Daily Nebraskan Page 15 Classified 47 fp (0 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 $2 "5 minimum charge per day on commercial ads, Ten words included. "2 ;5 minimum charqe per day on individual student jnd "ucent organisation ads. $ ;S tiling charqe on noncommercial ads. All personal aus must be prepaid. NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. 0 RE?PONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORHECT INSERTION. SOUND acs may be submitted tree of charge. DEADLINE' 1 p.m. cay fcetore publication (Monday through Friday The Daily Nebraskan will not knowingly accept help a'nted ads trom businesses tnat are not equal oppor tunity employers. 19-Inch color W, $55 & $65, 464-5806. New. never-usedSiNGER"sewinq machine. Great for repairs & beginning sewers 435-4271 stereoVwapThop opening Nov 3 Convert your unneeded stereo and electronic equipment to cash' 121 S 27th 475-6698 Vif A MASTERCARD FOR SALE ESTABLISHED GROCERY store for sale all fixtures. v,,'.ii lemsters. complete meat market, freezers and -ci'iers Retiring uftet 32 years, in Wymote. NE. Call 402-645-3844. CZ39' ROYAL typewriters: tor S159Due tcTscnooi fcuVoet cuts Western distributor offers brand new e;,.ctnc wtlh full 88 character keyboard Plus Royal s . amazing error out' internal correction' 5 yr. warranty, "heck credit wrt COD or lavawav for CrwMrPds' riee delivery' 1- 14 54-4425 J-7 14-645-6532 anytime' HALF PHiCE' F ashing arrow signs $289' LiqhteU non now f 274' Unlighted $249' Free letters1 Warranty Less -mm f 1 00 daily to operate See locally. Factory 1-800-t.U-Ci63, unvlimc HAVE YOU user! Hydrotex. Royal, TRC products'' Let us exuidip our Tuf -film nils and lubricants Save 30"u. lul lilies Red Cloud. NE 913-745-2787.jollect ,! EEL BUILDINGS - Miracle Span factory ovets'ock Pne tune otter huge savings on materials in stock 2-25 X --,0 1-40 X 48 2-46 X 70 f-55 X 120 Immediate or 1987 cpiivery Call 1-800-362-3145. ext. 168 !ek Have your blood pressor WE'RE FIGHTING FOR YOUR LIFE American Heart Association Nebraska Affiliate BLdsr.i county FOR SALE: tO slock cows btea Simmental Also 44 Hoistem short bred heifers brut! Angus Also 44 'elevator ie3 Reasonably priced. 402-893-4781, Orchard. NE. . For Sale. Madeamiseile Memberlnipcair474"7581 CONTACT LENSES. Nari?enrand rlacementsand pares &ott lenses from S19 95 eacn Fast service !l0n'fll!YE C0NLACT 1 -800-255-2020toll-f ree. EL BUILDINGS. Must seTftwo i't'fiet tTL7iirJingl1-40"C 50 1-50X80 Low cost per busneinra.nstoiage Excellent 'or shnos and machinety One wee" df.liverv Call 308-382-5422 "' 1435 0: 1 bedroom, furnished or unfurnished, central air. ott-street parking, laundry facilities, dishwasher. S250 plus electric. 435-8402 HUSKER HALL Smqle and double rooms available in comfortable student owned co-op T V, lounge and study areas Hot prepared meals included. Enioy our fnendly. collegiate environ ment. Call Mark at43b-8936 EFFICIENCIES' torrent"He"aT Paid S1751345 HsT 475-2937 CLOSE TO CAMPUS NlwTr2"bed7olmv all' elect nc Tree cable laundry, parking no pets. S330 621 N 25th St 47-7684. 1444 PEACH STREET NEW 2 Bedroom, all appliance, laundry, oil-street par king. No pets or children. S325 483-1065 'WORT AUTO SALVAGE low prices on al foieiqn pans. 4b6-8395 4445 N 56th. HIHING NOW C o nsTr uc tr'o nl I "phases dnveTs" machinists welders electricians mechanics, airlines Some entry level positions iuo to S32 60hr Transcontinental Job Search 308-382-3700 Fee "COMPLETELY RtMOOELEO bar tor sale" inpr omess fve county seat town Owner tn retire Ideal buy tor aogiessive coupie Phone 402-372 3221 or 402-372-2279 ask for Shorty AUTOS FOR SALE 58 CHEVY BELAIHE, 348 V 8. no rust, great runner 475 0804 Dan 76 DODGE CORNET. 4-door -V8 Aulo Cruise Control Weil maintained. New tadrals 64.000 miles. SHOO 466-4544 Evenings FORREOT EAST CAMPUS ready now! Super clean 2-bedroom. all appliances, central neat, laundry, parking. Priced right! Huntington Sguare. 466-8611. Joseph E. Kean Co. 44-1666. Comfortable living Willowhsvtn apartments. Nice, clean apts.. all appliances, earth tones, magnificant grounds. FP. 2-bedroom. 1 bath. S339 and up. 2-bedroom, 2 bath. S399 and up. 1800 Knox. 476-6200 or Joseph E. Co., 474-1666. 19th & J 2 Bedroom unfurnished. Newer, appliances, parking, cable paid. S292. 477-1878. BASEMENT APT.. 3-bedroom. all utilities paid. Dish washer. cable, washerdryer. S375 plus deposit. No smokers. 809 S. 36th. 435-2208 CLOSE TO CAMPUS. 3-bedroon, AC. WD. full basement S550 per month, Contact Don. 483-6141 after 7 pin we'have XdealIoryou1'1 " Rent an apartment at Willowhaven sign a lease for November and receive a special discount OR sign a lease NUW and move in dead week (the week ol Dec 'i and vou won t have to pay anv rent until Jan. 1 Just think of all the money you will save' Colorado, Mexico here you come, right'' This is a limited otfer so call NOW' WILLOWHAVEN APARTMENTS 18110 Knnx 46-6200 JOSEPH E KEAN CO. 474-1666 0 0 M F 0 R T A B L E "a 1 1 1 a"ct i v e"r otv S h a7e"ba t rT7 kiTc ri enT off-street parking $150 or 24 houis woik in ait gallery 46 8497 HELP WANTED TRAVEL FIELD Oppoitunity Gain valuable marketing experience while earinnq money Campus representative needed immediately lor spring break trip to Florida. Call Campus Marketing at 1-800-282 6221. Tt you are an ambitious, customer-oriented person" Runza Drive-In has the perlect opportunity for you We otter a competitive starting salary, flexible scheduling, a positive work environment, chances for rapid advancement. Apply at 33id & Pionesrs Runa Drive-In alter 2 00 Hours available: Monday-Friday. 11 00-3 00. PART-TIME SUPEWSOR This position requires a mature individual with good communication skills who can motivate newspaper carriers and work with parents and customers as a city carrier route supervisor. This is an excellent opportunity for a university student which requires being available by 2:30 pm. daily. 9:00 am. Saturdays and some Sunday mornings, working approzimately 35 hours per week. Your own vehicle is required with mileage expenses paid. Applications will be accepted at the Journal-Star Personnel Office, 926 "P" St. 8:00-4:00 daily through Friday. 11-7-86. National company needs student rep. for marketing protect. Unlimited earnings potential Call 1-800-932-0528. NANNIES NEEDED l( you're thinking of being a. nanny, let our licensed agency find the best family for. you! Start anytime 9-12 months stay Airfare, tee paid by family Join the hundreds ot Mid-Western nannies already enjoying a (un filled year on the East Coast . NANNY CARE INC. 93 Holmes Ave Darren CT 06820 i203 327-9033 IMMEDIATE OPENING lor lull-lime MeTfical Records Technician with transcription, coding and OA experience. ART piefeired Competitive salary and benefits Dundy County Hospital. P 0 Box 626. Benkelman NE 69021. 308-423-2204 LOOKING FOR THE PERFECT Part-time job' We are looking lor part-time Telemaiketing Sales Representatives. Because ot our continued growth and committment to our Clients, we are presently recruiting additional TSR stor part-time evening and Saturday day hours, S6 00 HOUR GUARANTEED (alter tiaminqi Wats Markelinq Outbound An affiliate ot American fcnuress. repiesents maior companies tor the purpose ot SELLING their products and services over the phone CALL 474-7171 between 8 am 5 pm Mon. Frt Wats Maiketmg Outbound 1033 0 St. Suite 25 1112 FAQ CIZ2 By GARY LARSON V-TfT "TfT ifjfrjr Matk Jr.ety UtYin avulsions Chemistry conniptions PKysics floundering crrr-ii i Alood sKop apafVy ll-S Classroom afflictions (trm pip. my folks mmmmmre. I r 6ASILY UP56T. rrvJi'i intf 600FY M!P YOU J bOOFY I w KfiHPYov,m ft BOW Tib, IN OMR. worn, fi 9om OF 60PZUA- beome will TYeeoFpm &mr , lessee ms.omoLA. ioffzr These BLOSSOMS FCR YOUR 0Le55!M JH.. " no. iwxM,Accepr 7Heseetcs5CMS...eRS MA'AM... tmsA&essw OF 5CtS 0W65OMS..: 1, ) 7777 accept wete BLOSSOMS AS A mssm pm we B07WMOFMY BLOOMeRS." 9 OPUS, WIS MM.t0, a my- 0;$ yMh stems rm Borne EM WANTED Art instructor, 1 hour per week for children s class. 477-5855 WANTED FORMER MEMBERS ol JAGG seek serious vocalist. Must have guitar or keyboard capabilities Call Jim at 488-4323 NEED 7 studentGA tickets to the Oklahoma game Good money1 Call 435-7971 LOSERS WANTED Need"'5ll)TtiwTiqhTopTe'toTrv new herbal based weight control program as seen on T V No drugs, no exercise Call Aime, 303-744-6831 LOSERS WANTED Need 57 pebpletoir7iiociorTppioveii heibal-based weight contiol program as seen on T V No diugs. no exercise. Call Jull. 303-289-6205 ANNOUNCEMENTS LPC NOTICE OF SALE Of unclaimed bicycles and misc properly. Nov 8 10 00 am 410 West P St Hy the Pmperty Division No checks accepted Put your best loot forwaid' IT'S A BALLROOM BLITZ. rR(E Dance lessons i with student I D I November 5 S 12 8 00 10 00 pm City Union UPC Sponsored Division of University Housing STUDENT ASSISTANT POSITION FOR SPRING SEMESTER 1937 There are a limited number of openings for Men and Women SA positions for Spring Semester, 1837. Students wishing to apply must have a 2.0 accum., and must be at least Sophomore standing as of January 1 987. Applications will be available at 1 1 02 Seaton Hall between 8 a.m.-noon and 1 p.m.-5p.m. If you already have an application on file, please check on the status of your file. Please call Jackie at 472-3885 (8:00-noon) at 472-3885 with any questions. AAEEO Aim J,ii rfri4ti rtfivni fVTTEMTIOn DSN ICLASS OF 1SQ7. The Air Force has a special pro i gram for 1 987 BSNs. If selected, you can enter active duty soon after graduation without waiting ' for the results ot your State Boards. To qualify, you must have an overall B" average. After commis j sioning, you'll attend a five-month internship at a major Air Force medical facility. It's an excellent way to prepare for the wide range of experiences you'll have serving r: your country as an Air Force nurse J officer. For more information, call I TSgt Kenneth M. Miller I (402)556-0715 m :w SOME OFTHE BEST THINGS IN LIFE f ARE STILL FREE! ! FREE UNIVERSITY Non-Credit Mini-Course November 12-23 JOB HUNTING STRATEGIES HAIRC0L0RING and STYLING TIME MANAGEMENT BICYCLE REPAIR LIFE IN THE MIDDLE AGES STRESS MANAGEMENT TAR0T READING BALLOONING J. REGISTER fOr CLASSES: October 29-3 1 and November 3-4 at booth in Nebraska City Union Lobby or Room 200. Nebraska Union by November s 3 J ,1 1 A