The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 03, 1986, Page Page 14, Image 14

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    Page 14
Daily Nebraskan
Monday, November 3, 1986
Desperately need a haircut but don't have the
time to fight Lincoln's parking and traffic to
find a barber or hairstylist?
The Queen off Cheese- Chic
Digital Sex's Maureen Evans-Hansen inspired by trash
A. IhzShsnrgz
is on campus for your easy
access. It's in the Nebraska Union, Lower
Level, by the Rec. Room for all your Hairstyling
and Barber needs.
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"It is only shallow people wfw
do not judge others by appearan
ces. The mystery of the world is
the visible, not the invisible. "
Oscar Wilde.
Friday was Halloween, and that meant
it was time to dress up in a costume
with a sense of the outre. But the next
day we wiped off the makeup, tore off
the whimsical threads and became our
basic boring selves once again. But one
woman in Nebraska did not.
w? Scott
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Good thru Nov. 9, 1986
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And leave the driving to us. 940 P St.
C 1984 Greyhound Lines, Inc.
Maureen Evans-Hansen, keyboardist
for the Omaha band Digital Sex and a
model for Creighton University art
Evans-Hansen is the Queen of Hal
loween all year long. This modelar
tistmusician has a wardrobe that eas
ily rivals Liberace's, but she doesn't
find her garb in high-class, haughty
stores. She either alters clothes from
thrift stores or makes them herself
with her arsenal of tie-die equipment
and novelties.
To Evans-Hansen, kitsch is virtue.
She lives for it, creates it and incorpo
rates it into her stage act, her modeling
and her art.
Her love for flambuoyance was
inspired by a man she met in a thrift
"I was junking with my husband
Dave at a thrift store and we met this
guy who wanted to wrestle him for a
leopard-skin bathrobe," she said. "He
invited us back to his house, which was
decorated with crepe-paper palm trees
and polka-dot mushroom wall plaques."
Tom introduced her to kitsch and
she's been a loyal follower of it ever
since, she said.
"Tom inspired me and I started
doing kitschy pieces of artwork," she
said. "I did a mosaic of the Madonna
(not that one) and child . . . only baby
Jesus had a yellow smiley face. I called
it 'nostra Mater et Caput Felix,' which
translates into Latin as 'Our Mother
and the Happy Head.' "
She said she drew copies of it on
invitations for a St. Stephens Day party,
commemorating the first saint ever to
achieve martyrdom by being stoned.
The plight of the roach
Later on, she started a jewelry busi
ness called Kitsch Co. that specialized
in lobster earrings and tennis-player
pins. She once made a pin with a
Madagascar Hissing cockroach for a
friend. "I lacquered the rare roach for
the guy because his cruel sister killed
the poor bug with a shot of Raid," she
That level of ostentation and reck-
o Longtime Journal-Star Sports
Co-owner Ginny's Candy Jar
Active in civic affairs
Awarded the Purple Heart and
Bronze Star during Infantry
action in WWII
20 years resident of District 28
Will work full time for District
! i l r:,.. Paid for by People for Parker Committee, James F.
VI rOll and WITG Uinny Nissen, Treasurer, P.O. Box 5306. Lincoln, NE 68505
t :
J ' '
I :
, - .1 .imn.-.i-.nii.n.iir-..rir -.-it IIITi inlWI i t. ..r,r,i.
Courtesy of Lumir Studios of Omaha
Digital Sex keyboardist Evans-Hansen: Is she big game, boys
and girls?
less wit is imbued in her daily life. In
the course of a week, Evans-Hansen can
be seen walking the streets of Omaha's
Old Market sporting a multitude of lud
icrous looks. When she wants to look
ugly and ward off leering men, she puts
on her "Jewish Housewife" outfit, which
consists of a plethora of polyester, a
nylon scarf and orange lipstick. When
she wants to look sexy, she puts on her
Frederick's of Hollywood "hussy pants"
that are cut on the sides all the way up
to the waist, allowing lots of skin and
sleaze to show. She also likes to dress
up in elegant brocade jumpsuits bor
dered with mink. Along with this she
adds fedora hats, "Mod Squad" sun
glasses, and "biker bimbo" belts.
And she wears all of these creations
without spending a fortune.
"Having a lot of money doesn't
necessarily give you a sense of good
taste," she said. "Just look at Mary
Tasteful tourism
Evans-Hansen is the ultimate cheese-o
queen because she really does have a
sense of good taste. She knows what's
tacky and what's truly decorous. The
hula dancing she does on stage during
band gigs proves that she's both grace
ful and classy. How does it prove such a
fact, you ask? Because hula dancing
comes from that haven of high-class
tourism, Hawaii.
"I love Hawaii," she said. "They've
got palm trees there, and palm trees
are really classy especially if they're
made into souvenir ashtrays."
Evans-Hansen's wacky fashions are
inspired by the inherent bad taste of
everyday life, she said.
"Kitsch is everywhere," she ex
plained. "Especially at Christmas time."
Maxine and artsy-fartsy fame
Kitsch is also everywhere in her
apartment, which is filled with such
trash as "The Happy Bicuspid Tooth
Nightlight," a "Kit-Kat" clock and
"Maxine, The Saint of Bad Taste." Max
ine is a wigorm covered with fuschia
velvet, a lime-green monster-fur Mohawk,
purple "punk go-go girl" sunglasses
and confetti.
All of these creations are fun, but
they actually pertain to her now bur
geoning career. Her oddball persona is
helping her band acquire recognition.
Recently, they went to the top of the
charts in France and somehow made
the elusive pages of Interview magazine.
Evans-Hansen said she is pleased
with her semi-fame and she plans to
pursue her music career further.
But will this self-proclaimed "artsy
fartsy tart" truly make it in the world of
One thing that is certain is that she
would like to fulfill her lifetime fantasy
of having a band called "Ultramarine
Blue and the All-Boy Orchestra."
CD released
If she does, she will have come a long
way from her days of living in a Fremont
trailer park next to a bowling alley.
This week Digital Sex will release their
CD "Essence and Charm" on the French
label Sordide Sentimentale. If the CD
is a hit, Evans-Hansen and cohorts will
get the recognition they deserve.
Until that time, she plans to con
tinue working with the band, modeling
for art classes at Creighton and being
Harrah is a UNL junior Eng
lish and speech communication
major and the Daily Nebraskan
arts and entertainment editor.
ovembes Specials
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