Thursday, October 30, 1986 Daily Nebraskan Page 1 1 i t i s r xH 1 i Y J I " "Isilloweeim Game Pa$e Part II. Find the Little Pictures Inside the Big Picture. Part III. Help the Axe Murderer Find the Soror ity Girl. 1. Find the nuclear missile. 2. Find the napping legislator. 3. Find the nipping legislator. 4. Find the graffiti 5. Find the group of fourth graders on a tour of the Capitol. 6. Find Bernlce Labedz screen ing pornographic religious films. 7. Find your wasted college dollar. 8. Find the State Capitol. Answers: 'GQUJULlfi D sdm euoiDqi 'zeeo 'QHJDq'o 'p Qdb jdoa pDQqejo; jeq qdnojqi yonis ueof o unu v Z Trivia answers: SDUJDii sew eqs 'ov VD8U7 pa ;o syunqo dig z True, not a very pleasant thought. You know that she'd get all her sisters together and they'd lock the axe murderer into one of those little cubicle rooms bedrooms and then they'd keep him up all night with long distance phone calls, juicy gossip and those crazy pillow fights. I'm sure he wouldn't be into it. So let's change the title of the maze to "Help the Axe Murderer Find the Fraternity Guy Dressed as a Woman. " Oh, I don't know what's wrong with me. I like the Greek system. I really do. It's just that I don't play Hacky Sack very well. 3 mm m ossdks a mm The hardest thinjj; about break- of 40 performances a month, there's read music, performing in the Army in into professional nm the opportunity for travel could be your big break. Write: not only across America, but possibly Chief, Army Bands Office, Fort T abroad. Benjamin Harrison, IN 46216-5005. music is well, break in into professional music. So if you're looking tor an oppor tunity to turn your musical talent into a full-time perform ing career, take a uood look at the Army. It's not all parades and John Philip Sousa. Army bands rock, i 1 1 wait: and hcxvjie as well as march. and they perform before concert au- uiences as wen as spectators. With an average r r 2w cm . v . IT I If . , 111 1 t - 1 Mi VI st important, you can Or call toll free 1-800-USA-ARMY. expect a nrst-rate pro fessional environment from your instructors, facilities and fellow k musicians. The Army ,'Ss has educational 'iis Y& programs that ''M, can help you tvTv PaY tor ott- ill ltv inv;rri lr- J if A r'on' n V V youqual- VJ ifv, een li':- Vr- f ' Mill . rennv Kit V 1) your tederallv-insured student loans. Ifvoucansiht-