The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 23, 1986, Page Page 10, Image 10
Thursday, October 23, 1986 Page 10 Daily Nebraskan to I I .4 m - jf Lincoln Sertoma Club Presents "THE RIDE OF TERROR" ; Beginning Friday, October 24 thru Halloween night. "The Ride of Terror" thru the haunted forest on a Hay Rack Begins at 7:00 pm nightly. The Acreage is located at 26th and Saltillo Road, 5 miles south of Highway 2 on 14th, 27th or 50th. For Reservations call 423-6138. Ask for the Head Witch . . . groups welcome. SPOOK FOOD AVAILABLE TONIGHT 25 Draws 'Til Midnight NO COVER Vr Love Those Legs Contest at 11 p.m. s50 to Winner No Strings, No Catches, No Requirements, No Fine Print - JUST THE BEST BAR VALUE IN LINCOLN! ! ! We Rock Lincoln! J i 1 1 .i VI i a unique opportunity for Agriculturalists w 3 g A J ' 5"N f 0 1 ? 7jvJ """ ' For you and the world itself. You can put your AGRI CULTURE DEGREE or FARMING EXPERIENCE to work at a challenging, demandingand unique oppor tunity. You'll be meeting new people, learning a new lar;uage, experiencing a new culture and gaining a wi'.jle new outlook on your future career or retire ment And while you are building your future you'll help people in developing countries by sharing your skills in crop or livestock production, bookkeeping, soil management, equipment care, agribusiness or other capabilities necessary for food production. The financial rewards may not be great, but as a Peace Corps volunteer, your opportunity for growth is certain. Placement Center Interviews: 230 Nebraska Union Thurs. & Fri., Oct. 30 & 31 Sign up now for an interview. (Visit our booth at the Ag. Careers Day-Oct. 29thEast Union). id Cn) I n n Worst!: ii LinncoM Magnuson Worst Jukebox in Lincoln: Stormle's Jukebox has a few good songs, but they haven't been changed in years. Worst New Hand In Lincoln: Sidekick. Chosen for their pathetic attempts to be like the Finnstcs. How could a band pick a worse group to emulate? But don't despair, Sidekick, you've won the "Best Hairdo" and "Most Creative Use of Dippity-Do in Lincoln" as well. Worst Pinball Machine in Lin coln: Speak Easy, found at 0'Rourke's Lounge, 121 N. 14th St., featuring "Adda-ball." When the roulette wheel spins, the tiny silver ball might stop on the "Add a-ball" slot. But more often it stops on the "Subtract-a-ball" slot. You conceivably can play one ball for a quarter. Anton call to home on hold; at the same time, my mother at home received a call, thus putting me in a holding pattern. I know that the Call Waiting innovation Is limited as far as the amount of time one can suspend another party, but what would've happened If the parties Interrupting my conversation with my mother were interrupted by another party with Call Waiting? Once again the possibilities are endless well, kind of. Worst Fad: Trying to out-dress the kid at the counter of a local record store Is push ing It a bit. You see girls and boys walk in with their paisley skateboards, their tie-dye sweat shirts, and those cute little Birkenstock earth shoes. I hate all of those things. Paisley went out with Nixon, tie-dye is cool that is, if you used to be a heavy-metal ninja and now listen to surf music, but these Birkenstocks ... if I wanted to walk on the Earth, I'd just take off my shoes. Worst Sports on TV: I hate seeing the Iowa Girls Basket ball Championships on Nebraska TV. One-man luge is bad, too. So is chess. Jones Average or something. It blinks, so you expect the time to come up eventually. I wandered around a whole day thinking the weather was going to plummet 25 degrees and that I was 13 hours late for class. There's a big clock on the Roper and Sons funeral home sign right on 0 Street. Right by the mortuary. I'm least likely to want to know the time when I'm passing a mortuary. To me this clock Is a heinous cruelty to all motor ists. Not to mention insensitive. Runner-up: Apparently the clock that stands above the Clocktowcr Shopping Plaza has no hands and hasn't worked since day one. False advertising? Worst Reason to Remember Lin coin: Charles Starkweather. Worst Park: Airpark and Rampark. I'm always disappointed when I go to these two parks. At the first, you're forced to pic nic on the runway. The second may have the best slide in town, but they don't keep it nearly slick enough. Worst Message Left on an Ans wering Machine: "Your test results are positive, please call me immediately." Worst Generic Item: The generic dog. Worst New Invention: These new hydraulic trash cans have me sweating at the nape. Trash cans, found in restaurants, that have sensi touch hydraulic lids what will they think of next? What's the purpose of these clever new devices? Where were these things test-marketed? When will they be available for the home? My mom would love one, I'm sure of it. I'd like to reverse the polarity on one and watch someone's arm get chopped off. Worst New Phone Expense: Call Waiting is an interesting con cept. I recently called home and had a call come in and was forced to put my Lieurance McMurtry Worst State Fair Booth or Dis play: Inside the live native Nebraskan fish hut, Miss Nebraska will tell you about a trout-breeding station in upstate Ne braska, every hour on the hour. Should only take you half an hour to get a good look at all the fish, though. There's also a booth that sells Ital ian food. It specializes in a sandwich called the "Guinea Grinder." Probably run by the KKK. Worst Public Clock: First Federal Lincoln (the north side) has one of those things dangling from its awning that looks like a bank clock. Many an afternoon I've spent waiting for the thing to show the time. Instead it shows an incomprehensible series of numbers known as the Dow Worst Place to See Drifters, Ser ial Killers, and Escapees: Mid-south area, down Normal Boule vard. Houses all look like castles, com plete with two-limo garages. Worst Place In Lincoln to Get Hit by a Car: C'mon, what are you, morbid? Worst Bar to Get Picked Up In: P.O. Pear's The grandaddy of 'em all, as far as pickup bars go, but eve ryone just stands around scowling like they want to pick your pockets or they think you wrecked their car. Except, of course, for the few silly white folks who haphazardly try to dance. (Heloise's Helpful Hint of the week If you don't like the song, DONT dance, no matter how good she looks or how drunk you are. You still won't look "cool," but you won't look near so damn silly.) The Crazy Shoe Sale HUSKER SHOES OUR GUARANTEE: If you can find another pair of shoes of similar quality and style for a better price, we will give you a pair of ours free. ONLY$ us tax tS density hard insert sole O injury preventive heel stabilizer 0 Cappaudix durable outsola Date: Oct. 24; 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Oct. 25; 8 a.m. -5 p.m. Place: Hilton Inn 141 N. 9th St. 475-4011 FOR MAILORDER ONLY Name:, Address:, School:. .Size mens:. Womens:. Please send $23.95 (handling & tax included) to: I C.P.P. Inc.. P.O. Box 12446. Overland Perk, KS 6S212j