The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 03, 1986, Page Page 12, Image 12
( Page 12 Daily Nebraskan FridaV' Oc,ober 3' 1985 Classif 0 (0 Qv7 7 led ROOMMATE MATURE FEMALE roommate needed to share large 2 bedroom apt. S155monlh plus 1 12 utilities Call 435-6578. FtESPONSIBLE PERSON to share very nice mobile home with 24 year old dental student, S220montti total. 475-7487. RESPONSIBLE MALE non-smoker to share 2 bdrm. apt. near East Campus 474-1478 "' RESPONSIBLE FEMALE non-smoker to share2 bedroom apt. near East Campus. 475-1797. ROOMMATE NEEDED. Apt close to East Campus, own bedroom, garage. S125 or S83 plus utilities. Call 477-5292 alter 5 pm. DEPENDABLE NON-SMOKING MALE. 12dep.S75. S100 includes everything. 467-4053 evenings. Furnished large 2 bedroom house, fireplace, appliances. 25th & South. S265 with utilities 4 deposit Prefer responsible Grad. Student. Jim 476 0026 after 6:30 pm. Available 1015 Shaunie(XO), Another year has passed us by, we've lived it fully watched it fly. new days of laughter, smiles & fun today the world, tomorrow the sun. We are so different, yet alike as shadow mixed with momma light and when, at last, we stand apart, together we will be in heart. Love, Shannon Rick W How long has it been since we told you . we love you. Is. 30:15 UNLCF Encouragement Crew Happy 20th! One more year to go. Let's do it up right! Boydie & the Chics Bill H . PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT Is a confidential helping hand. 483-2609 L O S TYPING SERVICE Quality typing, reasonable prices Experienced. 423-7166 WILL TYPE anything Wordprocessing, Reasonable rates. Fast service 488 8208. Mary, DATING SERVICE No cost to join, over 300 members The sure way to meet that right person. Call anytime, 477-1473 LOST Ring at Cather-Pound-Neihardt tennis courts. small reward ollered, 474-3869 or 472-9006. "FOUND: Pair of silver-frame glasses on bench near outdoor sculpture area. Call 472-0678 to claim. LOST: Black cat, tailless, medium-haiied female. Answers to Kel. Reward. 467-5693. GREEK AFFAIRS senator. Haoov 21st! Be ready for a fun-filled night. Not only will ou get trashed, but hopefully you'll lose your virginity! ave a gooa one; mtn a uaunc TYPEWRITERS - WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL SALES SERVICE BLOOM'S 323 N. 13th 474-4136 Darcyand Mike. Congratulations on your engagement L ove. The Gamma Phi's To the guy who doesn't like "poohie dogs". Happy Anniversary! I LOVE YOU! (Heh!) Love, Your S 0 LOST a FOUND Jill & Bruce. Congratulations on your engagement L .ove. The Gamma Phi's Phi Delta Theta, 8725 Miut unn seen th Wnnrirhnnner's sian lately? Better Tr:r.". . .m- . r. . ...... .. in late than never! LET'S PARTY!! rUUNU: Revs ai neig ai ism a n vdii launs ai Pi Beta Phi AnoieS (AOPi). , , Congratulations on becoming selected as an ASUN Love, Your ADPi Sisters D0 AS the Egyptians do buy a flower for your mummy! Chi-0 Mum Sales Oct. 3-11. ADPi Pledges ' YOU RE HOT! Congrats on your impressive AT0 Softball Victory. Eric and Steve (AT0 Softball Coaches): Hope you're hung-over the fact that we lost. You guys were 0rea,! . n , J . Love, Pi Phi Pledges Ann G. (ADPi). : Congratulations on being crowned Miss Nebraska City. We're proud of you. u . Love. Your ADPi Sisters " PHI DELTA THETA 0 PI BETA PH1 1 Pi Mu Softball Team Congrats on the win! Love. Your Sisters PERSONALS Mitch. Joel. Rich & Tom. Nymphomaniacs? 10 minutes or last 2 weeks' Honest To my Whodcliopetle. I hope you don t regret, those chimes of passion I'll never forget I open my eyes and see what we were and what we can be. we both know we want harmony. Mi Inevitable Andrea (AX:0) Take me now or leave me forever P S Wendell is still waiting for that phone call Fr.d SERVICES Hey C B 0 E 1 The Rays made 1 I love you very much. Thank God for Fiuit Loops! XXX. TomeyTutt Blonde in White. Sorry didn t notice you but would like to Gold Hoop and BB Rick- Happy Birthday one day late Wheie's the Party' LOSE WEIGHT New heibal nutrition program drugs, no exercise 100 guarantee. Call 472-0421. 7:00-11:00 pm Dude (Phi-Delt) Get ready to party with me at Phi Mu Riverboat. I'll bea great time K C. (Phi Mu) NEED TYPING DONE?' I CAN HELP' BARB 471-2714. 483-4242 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Paul-lnibear-Cavatmi-Savastano Have you checked your feet lately to see if they le shrinking? You're the first and oldest WORM I've ever known that has feet! Be ready to pa ty. and stay away from the coffee grounds. Gene Deb I have to say sorry cause this is late: I know it's small and not very great: But from the heart this comes straight: Happy Birthday to a Sis who is first-rate'! Love. Jeff Miss Vogue. I didn t sleep last night. Mr. Mouth RESEARCH PAPERS 15.278 available! Catalog S2 00 Research. 11322 Idaho H206XT. Los Angeles. 90025. TOLL-FREE HOT LINE: 800-351-0222. Ext. 33. VISAMC or COD. Quality. Dependable Typing Reasonable Rates 474-2150 RESUMES Wordprocessing Services and Professional Writing Consultants WORD GRAPHICS Suite 33 Gold's Galleria 476-WORD WORD PROCESSING SERVICE Glenda Hinz 475-2253 Dissertations, Theses. Term Papers. Etc. Quality Work. Reasonable Prices COPY SERVICE - Reductions & Enlargements Chi Phis You guys sounded great Monday! Love. The Phi Mus P S. Pat. thanks for the rose. I love you. Deb Happy B-Day. You re almost as tun as nachos! Have a great day! mi' lichelle P S. Wearing your birthday suit to bed tonight? Ha.Ha. Poopybutt. You make me go crazy, and I love you more than anything! Thanks for being mine! Love ya. Airhead Yo Stitches. Glad you got em out. Iodine chin! P S. WHOOA! P.P S. Gosh, you're cute! Bowling Buddie BONNIE'S WORD PROCESSING Fast, professional service. Term papers, resumes. 476-1635 Applications for THE ARTS AND SCIENCES STUDENT ADVISORY BOARD are now available at: your favorite residence halls, all traternities and sororities, and 1223 Oldtather. Get them today? Application are due Oct. 10, 1986 tAt ir LOSERS WANTED Lose up to 29 lbs., inches, cellulite in a month. No diet or exercise. Call Trish at 483-0479. SINGLE & PREGNANT Adoption is a caring alternative For confidential informa tion call Nebraska Children's Home 483-7879. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Joel FOUND: One (1) black comb. Has small insignia. Has 25 large teeth. 35 small teeth. Found Wednesday when it fell out of your pocket after U.F.! Call to identify. Les TYPING WORDPROCESSING Edge of Campus COMPUTER TYPE 1630 Que 476-TYPE 2 FOR I WHOLE PIZZA OFFER FREE PIZZA Buy one of our Large Whole Pizzas at our regular price and re ceive a Large Whole CHEESE Pizza FREE! MIX AND MATCH You can buy our famous, quality pizzas in two ways for your con venience: " SINGLE INGREDIENTS - Purchase a whole pizza with one topping. MIX AND MATCH COMBINA TION - MIX any combination of our aix varieties of toppings Sausage, Mushroom, Hamburger, Pepperoni, Cheese, or Combo by individual slice to MATCH your families indi vidual tastes. You can mix and match nine indi vidual slices per large whole Pie. TAKE OUT Phone orders accepted but not necessary. Our pieces of pizza are ready when you are. Come into the store and place your take-out order. present this coupon upon purchase h of a large whole pizza at j our regular price, and receive a B large whole cheese pizza FREE1 N I K N A R I I I H N 3s: GATEWAY MALL 6100 "O" STREET 464-3434 mnvnVv nvv Vj jsnvxVv? nnvnV jnnvnV -Closing Our I FOREVER! r ili:dMIbN .0") 1 mm W A V A J. moim. If.iihli lii;!liHfif)ii i.nlt- 1n Vi ...J ?J( 7 Each Z.0 3f 1 f . T 7. . r Wln(SLiLiI l(o)i r! S Hi! i - in j:f: rj Maw s1l 4 3 fi)fKo) -ft ' Ut'M: 'Vhuiho titoU'Jittzi " :-;.mt 'MHi. . , ii-:."M-i Sale positively onds SUNDAY OCT., 5 8:00 pm Miitli iiu.t) infill) (6) -ciii . OTi-mi, J 1