The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 03, 1986, Page Page 11, Image 11
Friday, October 3,1986 Daily Nebraskan Page 1 1 Classified 472 3000 GOVfANMI NT. J(WS list S16 040 SG9 230yt Now Hiring Call 805 68 6000 fxl H ,16 GOVf HNMINT HOMtS from SI UJ Hep. in)" lifmnquent (.npiopmly Repossessions Call 805 68 6000 Ext CH 90,16 loi current ifpo list Nui. 59 color I V S65"4 5806 PVfkSFAS JORS Summer vein iou"ii finm.e S Amenta Australia Asia All fields S'KK) S.'iMiO mo Sightseeing Frennto WiitelJC PO Bo 62 Nt 1 Corona OVlMai CA 92625 AUTOS FOR SALE FOR SALE 1973 Chevrolet Caprice school car Runs good S400 421-2991 anytime " 73 VW SQUAREBACOO MlflilevlrclindThon' SI 600 466 455 73 VW SUPER Beetle 29 000 on rebuilt engine 489 4402 alter 5 30 " 1974 4 door Sedan, runs good, good Transportation, reasonable 476 9042. " 8? Rf NAULT if CAR 4 Or AC 28 000 miles SI 900 1980VW Dasher wagon. AC. $1,200 475 8433 Fred (days) 01489 1600 PINTO F0R01979, 46 000"miles good condition, best otter CaJI47J925 Canyon buy Jeeps Cars. 4 X 4 1 sned in drug raids lor under SIOO" Call lor lacts today 602 837-3401. ext S930 FOI1 RENT Till vnn c:22 By GARY LARSON &11M UnivfiM PrtK yr. I J- 3 f Suddenly, tho living room was fioodsd wih light and the angry sounds of an engine being revved And everyone knew the cat was back. CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA ACROSS 1 Provender for Dobbin 5 Solicits 9 Discomfited 14 Severn feeder 15 Word with board or joint 16 India's Jawaharlal 17 Old gambling game 18 Opponent of Caesar 19 Coffin's" Calendar": 1949 20 New England snow resort 23 Halfhearted 24 Kind of rrn:: 25 Much-used article 28 Loch of note 31 Watercourse 33 By chance, to a bard 37 Beast of burden 39 Thine, to Helene 40 La Salle and Hudson 41 Allot 42 Record-breaking miler 44 Consumer advocate 45 Obvious 46 Nursemaid's words, often 48 Monterrey Mrs. 49 U.S.-Canadian canals 51 Sloping-roof essential 55 Smug, pompous one 59 Lechpr 61 Arbitrary order 62 Derrick's arm 64 Singer-actress Bordoni 65 River through Firenze 63 Salinger girl 67 Bushed 68 Speed 69 Install in office DOWN 1 Galoot 2 Nautical command 3 Rich cake 4 Be a busybody 5 Acquiesce 6 Czech, e.g. 7 Rise rapidly 8 Likable fellow 9 Boorish 10 Menial worker 11 Reduced to fragments 12 Sounds of uncertainty 13 Egyptian king, for short 21 Heady 22 Camouflages 26 Expedition 27 Mideast chieftain 29 Incentive 39 Old Nick 32 City on the Tevere 33 Metal fasteners 34 Fragrant oil 35 Versifier 3$ Wire preceder 38 Italian lake 40 God (natural disaster) 43 Guaranteed 44 A Beery 47 Wise old man 50 Run the mouth 52 Milt Jackson's forte 53 Jagged 54 Minute pore in a leaf 56 Northumber land river 57 Innisfail 58 Actress Wynter 59 Command to a boxer 60 Jackie's second 63 Strawberry, for one TT4 T5r"78 "9 10 11 12 13 14 " 15 "16 17 18 19 " 20 if 22 23 24 " '2T 28"27i 23 29j 3cT " 31 32 33" i4j35l36 (37 38 39 "' 4CT " 41 42 43 44 45 " 4r1 48 '- 49 60" 5T" 52 I 53 o4 55 56 57 58" 59W j1 TT 63 64 65 66 67 p 1 I I - 1 I M 1 I 1 M 1 HAVWARD PLACE ... 'h Charletton 1 bedrooms in unique historically renovated builrtmn ci"ler,C?i",,:'i.s,c0,!,,;',sh,r's and microwaves S300- . c 1 1 4 ! ' M1"0-'1 Corporation 475 8407 ., 8IOS"l?thSt ,'nr!,hS"!q'e.s,u(1'''."Alllc"'nry '"idem parking S160 month plus deposit 421 1328 Or 489 8620 RFHAI1I D EFFICIF NCV arid i bed 476-0287"c7474-b6i8 tor Rent Rehab Housing assistance (lor tenanti 4235800 Nt 2beCl,00lnilPl S325Petmo Call 489 2203o7 2 BEDROOM E a sFC a m piisa r e S325 piu s" uTiTrties" Availablejmmediately, 464-2547 1435 D 1 bedroom, tumished "oVu'nlursherJTentiai TWO BEDROOM "clean apartment 24th 4 C.S275 month plus utilities 476 3556. 9- )o evenings. 2 Bl DR00M apt , cFose to downtown-S175mo. plus utilities Call 470-3433. C L E A N A t T R A C T I V E T(T2b e d r o o m units close lb campus Heat paid 464-4862 or 477-1380 We have lowered our rent 6-bedroom house, walkina distance to UNL. 12 utilities paid 466-9212. , 640 S. 20 1 and 2 bedroom units Central air. carpet, drapes laundry, on bus line Furniture and balcony available Within walking distance to UNL. S309 and up 475-7262 II no answer 477-8347 SINGLE AND double rooinl"7vailal)lT7n comiurtable student owned coop T V lounge and study area Hot prepared meals included Enioyoui Inendly collegiate environment Call Pat V . Hub Hall Real Estate 483 2551 NICE 2 bedrooms near campus Norn $340 a month plus deposit 1-bedrooms liom S254 474-1064 or 421 3989 EAST CAMPUS ready now' Super clean 1 2 ! bedroom all appliances central heal laundiy. parking Pnced right' Huntington Square. 466-8611, Joseph E. Kean Co 474-1666 Comlortable living Wlllova7altmeUsNicT clean apts , all appliances, earth tones, maqniticant grounds FP 2-bedioom. Ibath $339 and up 2-bedroom 2 bath. S399 and up 1800 Knox. 46 6200 or Joseph E' Kean Co.. 474-1666 HELP VABJTED NEEDED IMMEDIATELY: cocktail waitery lor part-time hours. Apply in person. Tues through Sunday, 4 00 6 00 pmjit Hillcrest CourMryClub, 890P0'' St.. 469-7111. MCDONALD'S RESTURANT. 53rd&Coinhusker Highway hiring tor part-time help Flexible day and evening hours Apply in person. EARN EXTRA CHRISTMAS CASH Carol Wright Sales has a need tor lull-lime, production oriented people. Work is available mid-October and should last approximately two months 1st, 2nd & 3rd shitts are available No experience necessary Fill out application: 8 30-11:00 a m. and 1 00-4 00 p.m.. Monday Friday Nebraska Job Service 1010 "N" St - Lincoln, Nebraska An Equal Opportunity Employer MFH YMCA IS HIRING youlh volleybaiFoTticlaImes'hejd Satuidays on UNL campus. YMCA will tram. Apply at YMCA. 1039 P St.. 475-9622. drafTer Temporary part-time position Performs drafting work in engineering design and other general dratting activities Hours flexible High school education with courses in mathematics and dratting plus 2-3 years dialling exper ience. Starting salary S6 51 hour Submit application to: Nebraska Dept of Correctional Services P 0 Box 94661 Lincoln. NE 68509 EOE MANUFACTURER OF store fixtures now hiring night shilt production workers. Experience in assembly and laminating a plus. Apply at 711 "J" St. PART-TIME, lateevenings and weekends wanted. Apply in person. Monday-Friday. 7:00 a.m.-3 00 p.m. U-ST0P CONVENIENCE SHOP 17th & "Q" EARN EXTRA MONEY. S400-1200 per month. Part-time. Call Trich. 483-0479. PLASMA DONORS Earn up to S30 a week or S120 a month. First donation S10. second donation in the same calendar week (Monday-Saturday) S20. New donors bring in this ad for a S5 bonus on the first donation. If you haven t donated in over two months you receive a S5 bonus. University Plasma Assoc. Bioscience ot Nebraska. 1442 "O' St. 475-8645. ANTHONY BLUES 1042 "P" ST. Now hiring waiters and waitresses to work lunch. 10:30-1:30. Apply in person. 8:00-11:00 S 2:00-4:00. Monday-Saturday. No phone calls please. VABJTED 8 GENERAL admission tickets for Nov 22. Oklahoma game. Price negotiable. Call Becky 475-6761. WANTED: ONE general admission ticket to Oklahoma StatJ game. 474-7141. NEEDED: 6 TICKETS for the Oklahoma State football game. Call 476-2583 and ask for Todd Melcher. SIX STUDENT TICKETS for Oklahoma State. Call 435-1034 after 6.00 TICKETS: 4 female & 7 male. Oklahoma and 2 male Missouri. 477-3471. KRNU Stall. Tonight & Saturday TEEZ at Sweeplelt. Be there! Ray & Rick OCT TO ftBTJS FIZZLE D ljTT6'lJ A K ElF AlRlM API os a" c a TI 0 l e o V EL LO jcjX ) slEJL L Z . s. illIS SlLlE am o mR"o j a p It I e si f Ts X s je a o ff IE A I. H J M J jD DjT () F T H E r PAD o d je A L I 0 5. 2. JL E roa ds t e r sit"' l a cTeT" VI s1aTa" P E D ' sftfo o l "T v oToTnTe THE R 0 Xd n o y Zt-LLH IaIrI i UP beer" onion 1bulk j c jo j z I y i. a IgIe In a .BLCQU'CQUI-T dm Iff. I ffifll yOUCALUP, ' WWII, 1 YOUR ROYAL ' nppj ttfriiamsHifci ; ILr'- m i , to,; ; . ATTENTION n "PLAZA BEACH BASH" Date Monday Ocl 6 1986 Tune 3 30 5 30 pm Place On the Plaa Bung lots ol enthusiasm and diess Hawaiian to rianre with TRASH CAN ALLEY. FREE Coca Cola. FREE samples ol TCBY yoquit rar slutting contest sponsoied by Du Teau Cheviolet FREE Coke T shirts and much muchnwe BE THERE AND CATCH IT!!!! COLLEGE REPUBLICANS Meeting Oct 7. 7 00 pm . City Union. Block & Bridle Queen Coronation 8 30' Dance t(T "CTosslTrF 9 00 October 4 1986 TRI-BETA Mttllng: Wtdnttday. Ocl. l 6:30 p.m. In 1 29 MHLS. New members welcome1 Inlo on upcoming Hayrack ride sweatshirt sale, etc Committee Appointments will be made Vtry Important organizational matting. All mambari arc tncouraga to attend lor olllclal 86-87 itatut. Please bring S10 tor dues "THE STARS ARE COMING" ORGANIZATIONS! Don t toiget to register tor a booth at the Activities Festival on Oct 8 & 9 Stop by either CAP office. 200 NU & 300 ECU, to register. Deadline is Mon . Oct 6 EUROPE AS YOU LIKE IT! Munich, Innsbruck. Pans and Amsteidam A nonciedit tour during semester break. Flights & Study Tours. 345 Nebraska Union. 472 3264 " AUTUMN SPLENDOR Ride your bike with Campus Recreation to Waubonsie Slate Paik, Iowa Octobei 24 26. 1986 Support vehicle camping gear and meals provided Cost $35 Foi moie mtormalion contact Mark T Ebel. Ottice of Campus Recreation. 1740 Vine St . 472-3467. GARAGE SALE St Teresa s Church 36th & Randolph Saturday 9-5 Given by Nebraska Council ol Youth "RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK" will be shown at University Luther-an Chapel. 1510 0 St.. Friday. October 3rd at 7:30 p in. Everyone s invited. BASKETBALL BAND AUDITIONS Oct. 7-9. Sign up in the Band Office. 123 Westbrook or call 472-2505. CAREERS IN THE FOREIGN SERVICE will be qiven by Sidney Friedland. of the Foreign Service on Tuesday October 7. 3:30-5:00 pm. at the Nebraska Union. For more information, contact the College ot Arts and Sciences. Dean s Office. 1223 Oldlather. 472-2891. LITTLE KING. America's Greatest Hero, is now hiring counter help and delivery drivers. Many shifts available at all locations including our new store at 10th and South Street. Flexible hours, friendly atmosphere, good oppor tunity for students. Apply in person at any Little King location after 2 p.m. SITI ATO LITTLE SISTERS Meeting Sunday night. 7:00. Remember dues. Applications for THE ARTS & SCIENCES STUDENT ADVISORY BD. are also in the ASUN office and the CAP office. GETS YOURS TODAY MILFORD TRACK NEW ZEALAND & SOUTH PACIFIC Find out about this traveladventure holiday offered by Campus Recreation over Christmas Break. Attend the informational meeting Thursday. Oct. 2. 1986. Nebraska Union, 5:30 pm. Contact Mark Ebel. Oft ce of Campus Recreation. 472-3J67 for more information. WORSHIP AT CORNERSTONE (UMHE) "World-Wide Communion" Service Special Speaker Dr. Joel Gajardo 10 AM - Genesis Study on ' Parables" 10:30 AM - Fellowship 11 AM - Service of Worship 640 N. 16th WELCOME ATTENTION "PLAZA BEACH BASH" Dale Monday October 6 1986 lime 3 30 5 30 pm Place On the Plaa Bring lots ot enthusiasm and die'.s Hawa an to dantt with TRASH CAN ALLEY. FREE Coca Cola FREE samples ol ICBY yogurt car slutting contest sponsored by Du Teau theviolet FREE coke T-shirts and much much moie1 BE THERE AND CATCH IT!!!! Lydia (From Mioui See you at Sweeplett this weekend lor TEEZ. UMale Population "THE STRS ARE (JOMING" INTRAMURAL SOFTBALL Several ramed out mens slowpitch sottbal! games have been rescheduled tor Sunday 10S Schedules are posted in the Campus Recreation Office. 1740 Vine St . 472 3467 wel cd me WtTsTgm a'pTple dges" Joe B Kristi B . Steve C . Pat C . Chris E . Shelli F . Dave G . Jim H . Rhonda H . Lisa J . Kollm K . Phillip L . Debra L Mike M . Mike M . Josette M . Mick N . Pam P . Joe S . Audrey S . Mark T.. Judy V . Pat V The Actives Now Opi i $ FAST BUCKS $ CHECK CASHING SERVICE 1108 North 27th Si Fnone 435 4352 Checks Cashed Any Kn1 Fiom Anywlieie Personal - Out ot State Iwo-Parly - Payroll Fret Video Rental with Check Cashed ARTS A SCIENCE COLLEGE Represent your constituents liom the Aits & Science College on the ASUN Senate Inloi maiion and applications aie available in 115 Nebiaska Union Deadline is Octobei 3. T986 SMELL EXPENSIVE INEXPENSIVE! Y Special sale on designei pvitumes Lowest prices avaiable 1619 0 ' St 475-3984 LPD NOTICE OF SALE of unclaimed bicycles Octobei 4 at 10 a m . 410 West P St. by the Propeity Division NO CHECKS ACCEPTED PAPER MONEY BOOKLETS AVAILABLE IN 116 NEBRASKA UNION.' ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA & PHI ETA SIGMA 1985 lieshman with a 3 75. you ai e eligible loi member ship in Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma iFieshman honoranes). Watch the mail ' h youi application or contact Sarah Boatman in the CAP office N.S.P.E. The National Society ot Piolnssional Engineeis is having a meeting Tuesday. Oct 7 at 7 00 pm in i ooni 241 WSEC Come and find out auout youi engmeei mg future! Freshman - Seniors, welcome MODELS NEEDED for the 19th & 20th. Styling session. Free haircut, perm or color. Must be very open-minded. Call Regis Hairstylists. 476-1818. Applications toi THE ARTS AND SCIENCES STUDENT ADVISORY BOARD are now available at your favorite residence halls, all fraternities and sororities, and 1223 Oldfalher. Get them today! Applications are due Oct. 10, 1986 if Applications lor THE ARTS AND SCIENCES STU. ADVISORY BOARD aie now available at: your favorite residence halls, all fraternities and sororities, and 1223 Oldfalher Get them today! Applications are due Oct. 10. 1966. THE RESIDENTS KZUM SPECIAL Hear the Residents 13th Anniversary Show lecorded in Minneapolis on The Joe Show. Friday night at 1 1 pm on KZUM 89 5 FM CampusDowntown or 99 3 FM East Lincoln. Support KZUM-Lincoln s non-commeicial oasts Call 474-5086 to pledge SSShoit Story Contest ' 300-900 words - pick your own topic' Delian Union Literary Society - meeting this Sunday - 6 30 pm - City Union. Call Tern at 469-8697 oi Maty Ellen at 477-2420 KZUM BENEFIT THE CONNELLS The Connells. a North Carolina quintet, will be at Tooth s - 905 0 St. on MONDAY OCTOBER 6 to help KZUM celebrate ZUMTREK 85. Playground and Necktie Party will be open. Show time is 7 30 p in. Only S3 so c mon get out ul your dorm or house and enioy the Connells and suppoil KZUM. AI Ik I rFV 1 en oyiNUHYi fVif 0Ci 4-7:30 pm 435-1414 1414 "O" St. by Dorlic Breatfxsd V63L YWRCfiRWQN TEPKOPPBl rrms fiume me. r rux Pd I ' i.MMVLPHT XwfitfnoupseT mm. KQPPEL INTO www m ' FORK ir (MR. UH- PtW HPT ft IMJt 4 Lm lll I U I I - I I I III I lli we'LLJVST C(MITUP a Lime. - is YOU'RE PRIPFINCj mrr.