The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 26, 1986, Page Page 11, Image 11
I Friday, September 26, 1986 Daily Nebraskan Page 11 Strictly non-political art exploited as ideological weapon Even columnist George Will, who never talks about art, literature, ot theater had to have an opinion. His and numerous other opinions shared the same holier-than-thou voice in damning the forced with- Ken DiMaggio drawal of a British production of George Orwell's "Animal Farm" at the Baltimore Theater Festival last June. When the National Theatre of Great Britain sent its production of Orwell's vicious satire on the Rus suan revolution, the Soviet Union and several other Eastern European countries said they would withdraw their productions from the interna tional festival in Baltimore. Niger ian playwright Wole Soyinka was the official who pressed for the play's withdrawal. Newsweek stated how Inappropriate it seems for Soyinka, a former political prisoner himself, to succumb to pressure by the Soviets. Despite protests by the American and British representa tives at the festival, the National Theatre production of "Animal Farm" was withdrawn and shown unoffi cially at another Baltimore theater. The United States, of course, came out looking good. Several years ago, the United State denied Italian playwright Dario Fo entry into this country. This year the State De partment must have had good fore sight in letting Fo into the country for the festival. And I don't mean to sound critical of the State Depart ment's earlier ban on Dario Fo. The author of "Accidental Death of an Anarchist" was considered to be so dangerous by the Italian Commu nist party he once belonged to that he was expelled by party officials. What really happened at the Bal timore Theater Festival was not so much a coup for the Soviets, but for the Americans. Even though it looked like we submitted to the demands of our adversary's ideology, we didn't. It is in Socialist societies where art is seen as a weapon and a tool of propaganda. In western capitalist societies, art is divorced from polit ics and social responsibility. So what did the American organizers of the festival lose, when a play criti cal of our enemy's ideology was banned? We lost nothing. When the one blatantly political play was denied admission, the rest of the festival could now become, "art for art's sake." So long as art is prevented from engaging in a political dialogue, that art becomes frivolous and decorative. DiMaggio is a UNL news-editorial graduate student. c iassined 47 01 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 $2 75 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Ten words included. FOR SALE 3000 GOVERNMENT J0BSList.S16.O40-S59.230yr. Now Hiring Call 805-687-6000 Ext. R-9636. "GOVERNMENT HOMES from S1 (U Repair). Delinquent tax property. Repossessions. Call 805-687-6000 Ext. GH 9636 lor current repo list. ""COLOR T V s S50 and S75. 464-5806. 1980 DATSUN 510. S1.500. Technics amp and tuner. S140 Call 474-0332. 2 FEMALE football tickets seats together, single season. 435-3540. 1500 SQUARE FEET. 3-bedroom. 2 bath, fireplace, red wood deck. 2 metal storage sheds. 476-7400. $14,500. Close to UNL. ALPINE CAR STEREO SYSTEM Complete set-up. S500. Mike after 5 p.m.. 435-5623. AUTOS FOR SALE FOR SALE: 1973 Chevrolet Caprice. Good school car. Runs good. S400 daily 421-2991. 1984 MUSTANG G T.. T-Tops. all the options and very low mileage. 435-0352. 1977 HONDA ACCORD. 5-speed. AC. 66.000 miles. SI 500. Call 464-1516. 1979 AMC SPIRIT. 2-door hatchback. 25 miles per gal lon. S995. Call 464-2259 or 470-2400. Brenda. CAN YOU buy Jeeps. Cars. 4 x 4 s seized in druo raids for under $100?? Call for facts today 602-837-3401. ext. S930 1959MGA ROADSTER, excellent restorable condition. Not rusted. Best offer. 474-2460. FOR RENT 2-BEDR00M. East Campus area. Available immediately. 464-2547. S325 plus utilities. THREE BEDROOM. 1211 477-6671. S. 24th, utilities paid. S365. WE HAVE lowered our rent. 6-bedroom house, walking distance to UNL. 12 utilities paid. 466-9212. WANTED: 2 quiet people to rent spacious. 1st floor. 2-bedroom apartment between campuses Nice wood, central air. insulated modern bath, laundry November 1. S310 plus utilities. References. 435-3871. 1-6 p.m. , 640 S. 20 1 and 2 bedroom units. Central air. carpet, drapes laundry, on bus line. Furniture and balcony available Within walking distance to UNL. S309 and up. 475-7262. If no answer, 477-8347. 3023 "Q" St. 2-bedroom. microwave. S375 plus deposit Rent break available for building manager. 467-3145. 488-7755. SINGLE AND double rooms available in comfortable student owned coop. T V. lounge and study area. Hot prepared meals included. Enjoy our friendly, collegiate environment. Call Pat V.. Hub Hall Reat Estate. 483-2551. NICE 2-bedrooms near campus f rom S340 a month plus deposit. 1-bedrooms from $254. 474-1064 or 421-3989. EAST CAMPUS ready now! Super clean 2-bedroom. all appliances, central heat, laundry, parking. Priced right! Huntington Square. 466-8611. Joseph E. Kean Co. 474-1666. Comfortable living. Willowhaven apartments. Nice, clean apts . all appliances, earth tones, magnificant grounds. FP. 2-bedroom, 1 bath. S339 and up. 2-bedroom, 2 bath. S399 and up. 1800 Knox. 476-6200 or Joseph E. Kean Co.. 474-1666. RENT BREAK $231 2-bedroom. tub and shower, mild HUD program for mid dle income family or 2 people. North 14th S Adams. 475 6144. 4200 HUNTINGTON - East Campus, brick four-plex. 2 or., fireplace, balcony, central air, appliances, laundry, parking. No children or pets. 464-8169 evenings and week ends. EFFICIENCY APARTMENTS (or rent now. 240 N. 24th. $160.483-2804. HAYWARD PLACE tin a Charleston 1-bedrooms in unique, historically renovated building close to campus. Dishwashers and microwaves. $300 $325. Call 477-1535 or Mega Corporation 475-8407. 810 S. 12th St. Nice, single student efficiency, resident parking. $160 month plus deposit. 421-1328 or 489-8620. REHABED EFFICIENCY and 1 bed. 476-0287 or 474-5618. Available for Rent Rehab. Housing assistance (for tenant). FOR RENT: 2 bedroom apt. S325 per mo. Call 489-2203 or 423-5800. DORMS TOO NOISY? We have a good selection of 1 & 2 bedroom apts. near City and East Campus. Call Austin Realty-ERA. 489-9311. HELP YAPJTEP PART-TIME SITTER needed for evenings and weekends: 423-8469. S6.82HOUR LOCAL COMPANY HAS OPENINGS NOW 488-1227 CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA ACROSS 1 Dull pain 5 Summoned on the p. a. system 10 Legal wrong 14 Warner Gland role 15 Parisian pupil 16 Currency-exchange Dremium 17 Looked quizzicallv 20 Slip 21 Spice 22 Fine-grained loam 23 Variety of cabbage 25 Peter, Paul and Mary 27 Command 29 Not up 30 Conscription org. 33 An Adams 34 Hawthorne's "The Great Face" 35F.D.R. measure 36 Leaves abruptly 40 Outside: Prefix 41 Apopter 42 Fish dish 43" Girls" 44 Fossilized fuel 45 Understated 47 Reared 48 Lease again 49 Tropical fish 52 Mount St. Helens menace 53 Pliccion rirov 56 Hamstrings 63 Melody 64 Site of a 15th century council 65 Consequently DOWN 1 Land measure 2 Scorch 3 Penitents' apparel 4 Type measures 5 Academic formalist 6 Alas and 7 Hereditary unit 8 "All About 9 Former Algerian ruler 10 Social restraint 11 Hugehideosity 12 Spanish rivers 13 Hauls in 18 Australian birds 19 Apocopates 24 Sharp 25 Kind of steak 26 Quebec's Levesque 27 Asian palm 28 Draw out 29 Coral reef 30 Love for candy, cake, etc. 31 Bewitchment 32 Mud volcano 34 Three-time P.G.A. champ 37 Ritualistic 38 Kin of a cor anglais 39 Goddess of youth 45 Harsh 46 Bator, Mongolian city 47 Grease the palm 48 Honey badger 49 Diplomacy 50 Eggshell color 51 Sparse 52 Landing ships 54 Wounded , S.D. 55 Bald eagle 57 R.P.I, room 58 High note 59 Morse-code signal , 2 3 4 ' 5 6 7 8 9 j 10 n 12 " - 17 18 19 20 Ti 22 23 24" 25 26 '"iT 3'oT3TT32 27 28 29 --.L--4- 35 33 34 36 37 38"" 39 zzz E""Z LLJ7 V """" "53 54"i55 49 1 50 51 52 si sTUb 59 hr. "62 60 61 ! !fi2 "65 GR0UN0SKEEPER CORP. needs part-time help to finish out mowing season through November. Must Be able to work Mon., Wed., or Fri., 8:30 to ?. Will train. Call 483-5296 from 9-4. PART-TIME SUPPLY department clerk to assist in filling orders, distribution of supplies and working on mailing machines, requires physical strength for heavy lifting. Excellent driving record a must. Hours of work are 7:30 11:30 a.m. Call lor appointment, 473-6224. First Federal Lincoln 13th & "N" An Equal OpportunityAffirmative Action Employer. MF C0UL0 YOU BE A BOSTON NANNY? Are you a loving, nurturing person who enjoys spending time with children? Live in lovely, suburban neighbor hoods, enjoy excellent salaries, benefits, your own living quarters and limited working hours. Your round-trip transportation is provided. One year commitment neces sary. Call or write: Mrs. Fisch, Childcare Placement Ser vice. Inc. (CCPS), 149 Buckminster Rd.. Brookline, MA 02146 (617) 566-6294. . STUDENTS Great part-time job opportunity. Up to 20 hours per week. We are a non-profit organization that needs phoners immediately. No selling. Evening hours. Sunday through Thursday. 5-9 p.m. CALLS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED 6-8 PM TUESDAY THROUGH THURSDAY. Ask for Eric at 475-2122. WANTED: Person with carpentry experience. Saturday or Sunday. 472-2706. TIRED OF KEEPING track of every penny? Tired of borrowing money from your parents? Local company expanding, positions which you can earn S480 a y?3?! wi,h Fridav and Saturday nights off. Call489-2265 for interviews. WEEKEND WORK Carol Wright Sales is looking for individuals to answer incoming telephone calls and fake orders from customers. This special project will last approximately 8-10 weeks. No experience needed. 3 shifts available. Weekday work is also available. If interested, apply in person, at: Nebraska Job Service 1010 "N" St. - Lincoln, Nebraska 8:30-11:30 a.m. and 1:00-4:30 p.m. An Equal Opportunity Employer MFH MOTHER'S HELPER wanted daily Mon.-Sat. Two won derful children, 2 and 4 years old. Flexible hours, some evenings. Must have car and be reliable. $3.00 minimum. 423-0400. SPAGHETTI WORKS is now hiring for night waiters and waitresses. Must be 20 years or older. Apply in person Monday through Friday. 8:00-10:00 & 2:00-4:00, 228 N. 12. ANNOUNCEIilENTS GIANT YARD SALE Lots of large plants, leaded glass mirror, photo enlarger and darkroom equipment, baskets, clay pot Lots of good old stuff, cheap. Thursday and Friday 9:00-1:00. 821 S. 30th. VAjOTED PLASMA DONORS Earn up to $30 a week or $120 a month. First donation $10. second donation in the same calendar week (Monday-Saturday) $20. New donors bring in this ad for a S5 bonus on the first donation. If you haven't donated in over two months you receive a $5 bonus. University Plasma Assoc. Bioscience of Nebraska. 1442 "0" St. 475-8645. 2 GENERAL admission tickets for Oregon game. Call 476-6576. NEE0 couples tickets to the Nebraska-Oregon football game. Call 467-5068 after 6 p.m. on Friday. MALE MODELS! The Daily Nebraskan is seeking models for the 86-87 school year. Apply and submit photo at the Daily Nebraskan (basement of the stu dent union). No experience necessary. Minority stu dents and are encouraged to apply. CO-WORKERS FLEXIBLE HOURS GREAT WORK ENVIRONMENT GREAT PAY It you like a fast, intense pace and enjoy working with customers, apply now at Amigo's, 1407 "Q" St., 8:00-5:00. Monday-Friday. OCTTOFrBX'JSFyZZIi NEBRASKA FOOTBALL PEP RALLY FREE PEPSI FREE VIC'S KORN POPPER POPCORN LIVE ON KHAT AMFM 5:00-7:00 PM AT THE UNION A ClElTlAlTlE riVh lAlDlUlClf I LI EG A L IHI!! M I IsItIaIkIe I jN A R RATE s1pa jplElcmT h 1t1he"1n' aTlTe e j Is Jl a t RJaJsTh M lL QRd L 0G Y "Js" E E j L 12th end 'P St. 477-1234 J FRIDAY & SATURDAY" AT 12:00 MIDNIGHT SEPARATE ADMISSIONS (3 JO EACH I D REQ'O FOR (Rl FILMS NO PASSES- Plote-A-PHc'i from our V U.i 1 1 i I i ill it frn.iVl.JijJ, I ni lit A h t 11) mm r.:::TY pyti:::) k.U I Itaa Labial Ml A m m The. R E N A L jjP L A iPTe RSE .1I1IL A. M E N D. E D. T Er EIDlOfsl .Jsneaker The Modness. PLAZA 4 c mm-n 3 iff Vi'i f)fH ATTENTION DECEMBER 1986 GRADUATES Your Degree Application is Due October 1,1986 Apply at 107 Administration HIT2 COS By GARY LARSON - W i life ; "Go beck to sleep, Chuck. You're just hovin' a nightmare of course, we are still in hell." Every Friday B Is Rose 1 Day I $1.75 I ICash & I Carry I "T T" 0 THE FLORIST 3 13th &M St. 1 Cornhusker Sq. 1 A 'I 60 Item for corn or babies 61 Modify 62 Virginia willow