The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 24, 1986, Page Page 14, Image 14
Page 14 Daily Nebraskan Wednesday, September 24, 1986 c D . . r -i f 1 1 r 1 i 1 Aauunniflj IteuKHimul hVMaavusej lasadl UHKMPaaBUMl WuwMUHaMMdl IfeMMMnBJ HtMHanBMl wyuiamMdW D OLSTON'S D1P0RT CAR REPAIR Don't Wait For Winter & Weather, war id. organ Come In Today For Your Free Checkup. MOST IMPORTS 467-2397 2435 N. 33rd RPIL v v yi v , Its classic beauty and craftmanship are elegant; it mellifluous voice, spell binding; its heritage rich and awesome. It's a long way from Renaissance France to the modern day Midwest, but Lincoln organ-builder Gene R. Bedient travels that path in a new Nebraska ETV cultural affairs special, "The Wind At One's Fingertips," airing Sunday at 3:30 p.m. The 60 minute performancedocu mentary special, which follows the creation of a massive tracker pipe organ in a historic style, begins in the French towns of Houdan, Mitry-Mory and Souvigny where Bedient researched authentic Renaissance tracker organs. Tracker organs arc pipe organs which function mechanically, rather than electric ally. When an organist depresses a tracker organ key, a mechanical link age opens a valve, admitting air to the pipes and causing them to sound. The program continues with crafts man Bedient's conceptualization of the organ, chronicles the instrument's year long construction by Bedient's 10-person crew utilizing time-honored painstak ing traditions, and culminates in the installation of the finished product at St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Funded by the Nebraska Arts Coun cil and Nebraskans for Public Televi sion, "The Wind At One's Fingertips" also examines other instruments crafted by Bedient, among them the organs at Christ Methodist Church, St. Mark's on the Campus and Wesley House in Lincoln. Performers in the special include William Elliot, organist at St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Grand Rapids, Mich.; George Ritchie and Quentin Faulkner, professors of music at UNL; the UNL University Singers, under the direction of Ginger Covert Colla, and Lincoln organists Pat Kaltenberger and Mary Murrell Faulker. Also featured are David Boe, dean of conservatory music at Oberlin College in Ohio, and Euro pean organists Henri DeLorme, Sou vigny; Jean-Paul Gipon, Miltry-Mory, and Henri Paris, Houdian. "The Wind At One's Fingertips" was produced and written by Gene Bunge, senior producer of NETVs cultural affairs unit, with Alexander Moscu as editor for the program. Network cine matographers included Tim Hartin, Christine Lesiak and Joel Geyer. Sound recording was by Steve Gottlieb with sound mix by Barb Hanford. 1 C"T1 f Q H lassraed 00 UNL CULTURE CENTER.. The UNL Culture Center is currently taking applications for an ACTIVITY AIDE I - to perform tasks associated with the maintenance of the Center and to ensue the successful daily operation. SALARY: 3.35 per hour APPOINTMENT: Semtember 1986 -May 1987 Applications may be obtained at the Campus Activities and Programs Offices Room 200 Nebraska Union - City Campus and Room 300 Nebraska Union East Campus or at the Culture Center, 333 N. 14th. Q (Q t 0 "D Q O (D Q 5 CD Deadline for applications is Sept. 26, 1986 r1 Eel CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2&M S? 75 minimum ( hnrqi? per day on ads Tt-n worrh included S? i" minimum charge per day on sludtmt and slucltrrtl organization ads S 75 hilling charqn on noncommercial ads All lriMrml ads must to1 prepaid NO MM UNf JS ON I'Mf -f'AlU ADS no mi sf'ONsma 1 1 v assumed f oh moue i han ONE iNCOMMt CI INSt HI ION FOUND ads may b submittfd Irce ol charge DEADLINE 1pm day tnforp publication ,'Monday through fridayl 1980 OATSUN 510 SI 500. Technics amp and tuner. S140 Call 44-0332 FOXX SALE AUTOS FOR SALE 74 SUPER BEETLE good condition very dependable. S1500or best otter 4762723 I OR SALE 193 Chevrolet Capnce Good school car. Runs good S400 daily 421-2991 " 77 MGB41 doOiniles EXCELLENT CONDITION 475 "1417 altet 6pm 1984 MUSTANG G f T-Topslli the opTioiis and very low mileage 435 0352 Comfortable living Willowhaven apartments Nice clean apts all appliances earth tones magniticant giounds FP 2 bedroom 1 bath S339andup 2-bedroom 2 bath S399 and up 1800 Knox. 46 6200 or Joseph E KeanCo 44 1666 RENT BREAK $231 2-bedroom tub and shower mild HUD program for middle income lamily or 2 people North 14in & Adams 45 6144 4200 HUNTINGTON - Fast Campus, brick four-plex. ? or . fneplace balcony central air. appliances laundiy parking No childien oi pets 464 8169 evenings and weekends FFFICIENCY APAR1MENTS Toi renf now 240 N 24tn S160 483-2804 3000 GOVERNMENT JOBS List S16 040 S59 230yi Now Hmng Call 805 687 6000 fcxL R 9636 GOVERNMENT HOMES fiom'SHU Repair) Delinquent tax property Repossessions Call 805 68 6000 Ext GH 9636 loi current tepo list 2 MALE TICKETS to Oregon game Seats together 475- IjIHINlIC ARMY qieens wool socks etc Nikon FE and Canon T0 Bn!h with accessories Best otter 40 2012 it no answer leave message COLOR I V s S50 and S75 464 5806 ONE MALE season tootDail hike! - S80 423 8530 COMPt E TE LIVINGROOM set 2 chairs with ottoman, sota 3'iblKSWtti3lainps S300 All excellent condition 435 8309 HOT TKANSPOR1 ATI0N ID-speed biketoi sate Call Pat at 476-1542 Price reason able ONE MALE season tbotbairtiLket 464-76b6. leave message FOR RENT 640 S. 20 1 and 2 bedroom units Cential air. carpet, drapes, laundry on bus line Furniture and balcony available Within walking distance to UNL S309 and up 475-7262 It no answer. 477 8347 3023 "Q" St. 2-bedroom. microwave S375 plus deposit Rent break available for building manager 467-3145. 488-7755 SINGLE AND double rooms available in comfortable student owned coop T V lounge and study area Hot piepared meals included Enioy oui fuendlv collegiate environment Call Pat V Hub Hall Real Estate 483 2551 NICE 2-bedrooinsneai campus lromS340a month plus deposit 1 bedrooms from S254 474-1064 or 421-3989 EAST CAMPUS ready now' Super clean 2-bedioom all appliances, central neat laundiy paiking Priced nqhti Huntington Squaie. 466 8611. Joseph E Kean Co 474 1666 HAYWARD PLACE 9th S Charleston 1-bedrooms in unique, historically renovated building close to campus Dishwashers and microwaves S300 S325 Call 477-1535 or Mega Corporation 475-8407. HEAT PAID 23rd & Vine 2-bedroom apartment 2 bath. AC. disposal and DW 477 8521. .. 810 S12th sr ' Nice, single student efficiency resident parking S160 month plus deposit 421-1328 oi 489 8620. HELP WANTED PRE-SCHOOL GYM instructor needed foi mornings Previous experience with pre-school age children and some gym experience needed Apply at the Northeast YMCA. 2601 N 70th St TIRED OF KEEPING track of every penny? Tired of bori owing money from youi parents7 Local company expanding, positions which you can earn S480 a month guaranteed with Friday and Saturday nights ott Call 489-2265 for interviews r-lil- BaWLl THE mi m the p&m Sunday, September 28 from 2-6 pm at PINEWOOD BOWL in PIONEERS PARK me ueran Presents i USES M S3 tJlISfilLiS Proceeds Go To Benefit Lincoln's Statue of Liberty Rennovation & Relocation Project. 4 j? A I 1 ICtiQCS Sponsored by: Special Contributions by: CciJjy Rids, Wonder Dread, Prairie fJSsid bleats & Weaver Chips Start Looking Towards The friendly people at Northwestern Bell realize how hard it is to receive interviews in the job market today. That's why representatives from Northwestern Bell are coming to you Thursday September 25 (tomorrow) for Career Day. Northwestern Bell offers the opportunity to put your skills to work and also be challenged in your field. Tomorrow in the Centennial Room at the Nebraska Union representatives from Northwestern Bell will be interested in talking with computer science, electrical engineering, and accounting majors, and anyone else interested. Northwestern Bell Is Opening Your Door Towards The Future. ffiTTrffTTTTrTTn