The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 22, 1986, the Student Body, Page Page 6, Image 18

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    Monday. September 22, 1986
Page 6
Daily Nebraskan Supplement
Mon.-Fri. 7 am-10 pm
Sat. 9-5 pm
1-5 pm
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Richard WrightDaily Nebraskan
Renovation was completed at the UNL Health Center last September. Over 20,000 square feet
were added to the original building, additions were made to the basement, 1 st and 2nd and to
the east and north wing.
Facilities grow to meet student needs
MesMk Center expanded
By Jay Porter
Staff Reporter
Last September the ribbon-cutting
ceremony was held for the opening of
the new University Health Center.
The original building was designed
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to serve a student enrollment of up to
10,000, according to Gary Wilkenson,
director of business services at the
Health Center. In 1958, the student
enrollment was 8,356, As enrollment
grew, health center facilities become
more and more crowded.
In 1966 proposals were made for a
Jeff Korbelik
Supplements Editor
Julie Jordan Hendricks
Production Manager
Katherine Policky
Advertising Manager
Leslie Larson
Assistant Advertising
Bryan Peterson
Cover Design
Kelly Wirges
new building that could accommodate
a student enrollment of 24,000 to 25,000,
Wilkinson said. Much later a Chi Con
sultants study showed health center
facilities to be inadequate, and in late
1982 plans began for the current build
ing located at 15th & (J streets.
The ground breaking for the
$3,035,000 project was held in May
1984 Wilkinson said. The funding for
the additional space came from the
University Bond Reserve Fund and from
surplus money at the Health Center.
Dr. Gerald J. Fleischli, medical dir
ector and acting administrator of the
health center, said that the renovation
will help the center to meet its goal of
". . . being available and accessible for
students to come in and have their
health problems dealt with."
Fleischli pointed out the many ser
vices of the Health Center have become
more efficient due to the increased
space. These include twenty-four hour
availability; Emergency Clinic; in
patient and outpatient services; spec
ialties in allergy, audiology, dental,
dermatology, gynecology, internal medi
cine, neurology, mental health, ophtha
mology, oral surgery, orthopedics, sur
gery, and urology; support services;
reduced costs; and health insurance.
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