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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1986)
Page 2 T L .A a Daily Nebraskan Supplement Monday, September 22, 1986 BLOOD 1 ILlH 0 1 Your donation is needed, and it can be the difference between life and death for someone in the community. Call the Community Blood Bank now. We thank you, and so will they! ?9 Community Blood Bank 2966 "O" Street Lincoln, NE 68510 474-1781 Dietician: improper diet saps energy- i j variety and moderation important By Julie Liska Staff Reporter People who oat high fat. high sugar diet run the risk of cardiac disease, obesity which can lead to diabetes, and Your in college now, and can do all a generally poor resistance to respira t he things your parents would never let tory diseases, you stay out late, forget to pick up Lehr stressed that .variety and mod era- your dirty clothes, and eat a diet tin are important in one's diet. consisting ol McDonald s irencn ines in1 ll'iinili'V utv.ilnu r'lflhi') ,Vfnt ... i . Kathleen Lehr, University Health certain foods, Lenrsaia. Center diet ician said an improper diet Calcium is also important in ones can cause a lack of energy and inability diet, she said. Osteoporosis, a disease to function to one's fullest potential, which contributes to the fragility of bone structure, is caused by calcium if ni'imlc L'cl (Munich -I,.;.,,,, :.. . diets, their bones will not be so affected by the loss in density. In an attempt to educate university students about wellness, the Health Center is initiating a year-long program entitled "Wellness Bound." Yicki Hi'i, "It is very important not to get in a street, Wellness Bound coordinator said t and limit one's food intake only to Wellness Bound activities will besnreid over four months to emphasize the fact wellness does not consist of just one but several components working together. Lehr said she does "not want to imply good nutrition is a cureall but it can certainly enhance life." Lehr said that college students are lucky because they have age and resi lance on their side. There is some time before the effects of poor eating habits catch up with them. However, when they do, the result can be a lack of concentration, vitamin deficiencies, and excessive weight gain, or weight loss. deficiency. "It has been found that most women who develop osteoporosis had a calcium deficiency when they were younger," Lehr said. Osteoporosis is an incurable, painful disease which often strikes people in the Drime of life. Lehr said that prevention of osteo- Bound individuals can go to the Health porosis is important. After age 30, the Center for a nutritional analysis, to bones being to become less dense due speak with the nutritionist or receive to the natural aging process. Lehr said health screenings. Highstreet said September's empha sis on physical wellness will be followed by Chemical Awareness in October. In February, the emphasis will be On mental wellness, especially stress. March will again deal with physical wellness, with an emphasis on nutrition. Highstreet said that during Wellness In search of the subterranean No look I OPEN 24 HOURS Appointments M-F 8;00 a.m. -4:30 p.m. 15th & "U" Street Lincoln, NE 68588-0618 MEDICAL CLINICS Appointments 472-5000 ACUTE CLINIC COME IN SPECIALTY CLINICS Dermatology and Allergy 472-7415 AFTER-HOUHS end IN-PATIENT SERVICES 472-7460 v MENTAL HEALTH 472-7450 . . EAST CAMPUS HEALTH CLINIC East Campus Union 472-2132 SUPPORT SERVICES Administration 4727400 Business Office 4727435 Community Health 4727440 Dietary 4727447 Keystone Insurance . . .4727437 Laboratory 4727470 Pharmacy 472-7457 Physical Therapy 4727490 Radiology 4727455 WELLNESS PROGRAMS Aerobics, Alcohol Education, Stop Smoking, Weight Reduction 472-7440 DENTAL CLINIC 472-7495 By Charles Lieurance Diversions Editor 1 u '.-..- I "d - 'rrii (fl- ure, you could be some kind of sun diety. You could try for the Eagle ScoutAryan youth look. You could dress up and network. Let's have lunch sometime. Meet your significant other at the handball courts. At the sauna. In the whrilpool. At the Tofutti store. In a tanning coffin. Yes, everyone will be quite impressed. What many people don't realize is that the same results I mean affection, popularity, a little more affection, a little more popularity, the ultimate affection can be attained by striking out for the opposite pole. There's a lot less work involved in being happily emaciated, fashionably sloppy and in a constant, but very vogue state of disarray. Every fashion statement has its rules. We'll call the look "Subterranean." There's subter ranean diet, subterranean fitness, subterranean wardrobe and the ever important subterranean complexion. Your new natural models are moles, those pale-eyed fish that live so far underwater that no light strikes them, and the earthworm. And obscure French poets, of course. Things you are not: You are not a slob. Crossing the line between disarray and slobhood is a great danger. Slobs don't get invited to parties. Slobs sit at home, eat pudding pops, watch "Mr. Ed" and play solitude Dungeons and Dragons. You are not dangerous. Sure, you look like you might write a bad check, but not like you're responsible for all those kids on the backs of milk cartons. If you take the subterranean look too far your phone will undoubtedly be tapped, your mail sorted for you at the post office, your private functions televised and your friends drawn into a paranoid intrigue they never asked for. Watch it. You are not just poor. You mav dress in shirts three sizes too big from the thrift store, but you your wines and you've got tickets to know concerts. It is good, though, not to let everyone Know wnere your money comes from. Let them think you've got secrets, an ancient benefactor perhaps. Remember, you are not dangerous. Don't let people think your monev comes from selling Ecstasy to grade school kids. Here's the code. 1. Dress for Distress. You are every God fearing parent's nightmare. You seem to be mostly made up of layers, an onion made of wool and cotton. If you tucked everything you're T1 mew iquc wearing into your pants, you'd have to buy the pants with size 60 waist. Let things hang. A couple of different sorts of fabrics make you interesting. People want to find out what comes after paisley. You're a walking textile dictionary. The answer is not polyester. Plaid maybe. Baggy pants are comfortable. It's not a trend. It's also great for shoplifting, which you don't do because you're not dangerous. A couple of cartons of milk and a bag of potatoes could fit if you've bought the right size. You can wrap a big belt around the waist 9 or 10 times to keep the pants up, no one will see your waist with all those shirttails dangling. You are dressed for sitting in discussion groups, slumped in your seat, so many loose ends that you look like one of those Hindu goddesses. You're dressed for watching underground bands or performance artists. You're again slumped down. The idea is to give nothing of your personal physique away. Underneath it all you could be built like Charles Atlas. Who knows? You might have bosom to spare. You might weigh anything from 95 pounds to 360. Who knows? 3. Fitness. Occasionally you dance. It isn't really dancing though, it's more like weaving and vibrating. You tighten and loosen your face muscles, too, to achieve startling new levels of nonchalance. You strike poses. This is sort of exercise. One pose is "the supervisor." You don't have to be bright or articulate you just assume a post that says, "I could talk you all under the table if I wanted to, but I'd rather watch you fumble around in your obvious intellectual confusion." Your knees are up under your chin. Your arms are around your legs. Once and awhile your face sinks down behind your knees. Your eyes dart around the conversation. Other favorite poses of the subterranean are (1) the mysterious omnipresent stranger with curious habits and (2) emaciated, starving artist with an indelible resemblance to (A) Shelley (B) Yates (C) John Lennon. 3. Complexion. You've been living in dark tunnels most of your life. Your apartment is lit mainly by oil lamps. A transluscent blush is a gooi filial, going on pallorous. Check your pulse once and awhile to -ik sure you haven't fallen into the "rigor mui lis" end of the spectrum. Just remember, light is harmful to any good subter ranean complexion. See SUB on 4