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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1986)
Page 12 Monday. September 22, 1986 Daily Nebraskan 77. ci i3 c C'3 Via, TYPEWRITERS - WORD PROCESSORS HI MAI SM I S SI HVICt lit 00M S 3.M N nth 4, '4 4 1 .id t This Is UPC t.tiKs and Topics linnqs speakers to campus Meeting Wednesday .Mih 3 .10 in Kit! Union Room will he posted HELEN BOOSALIS piesnied by ASUN & YOUNG DEMOCRATS lius Monday evening at 7 30 p m in Heceocy Suite Nebiaska Union fcveiyone is welcome because it s time to make a choice1 FOOD FOR THOUGHT! EAST CAMPUS FACULTVSTAFFGRAD DISCUSSION The Meaning ot Woik Today Monday Sept 22 - 11 30 AM 1 00 PM East Campus Union Room Posted Biown Bag or Tray Lunch ASUN & YOUNG DEMOCRATS present HELEN BOOSALIS This Monday evening at 7 30 p m Hegency Suite. Nebra ska Union Eveiyone is welcome' STUDENT ORGANIZATION BookTarein" You are invited to come by CAP City (200 NUi or CAP-East (300 East U) to get your guide to all the oigamations at UNL i( WHO'S WHO IN CBA It you are a student in the business colleue eager to 5 ! 'ecpqiiied in PHOIIE magame apply now at ?4Q C A Applications are due by 4 p m . Sept. 22 in CBA 210 ROOMMATES f EMALE TO share house 3 blocks to UNL Private living room and bedroom SlbO 435 3897.474 5226 WANTED FEMALE non smoking new apartment Fire place - own bedroom bathroom pool Call immediately" 474-7583 keep tiymg NEED 1 roommate S180 plus deposit 476-2665 or 476 0690 MALE lo share nice two bedroom mobile home" Gaslight Village S130 per month plus utilities 475-7487 evenings ROOMMATE NEEDED1 Move into nice 3-bedioom apart ment S133HH) pius 13 utilities We pay deposit1 What a baigaut Call 483-0092 PERSONALS 7112 FAR By GARY LARSON tZZL A' I 4 b, i K - 1 Inadvertently, Roy dooms the entire earth to annihilation when, in an attempt to be friendly, he seizes their leader by the head and shakes vigorously. CROSSWORD PUZZLE .Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA. ACROSS 1 Kinsman 4 Army vehicle 8 Walt Disney's middle name 13 Rhoda'sTV mother 14 Kind of saw 15 Famed electrical engineer 16 A grandfather of Saul 17 Single-foot 18 Reddyor Traubel 19 Per 21 Fricative 23 With 28 Across, a rock put down 27 culpa 28 See 23 Across 30 Bathgate native 31 Author Terkel 32 Alignment i ; piece il !'3 Samlet; 37 Magnon man 38 Thrilled 39 Painter Tadema 40 Polish 42 Adam's residence 43 Harper Valley events 46 Grand Cent. 49 Quiche ingredient, sometimes 51 Clot 53 Pallid 54 Eastern Christian 55 Utmost extent 53". . .sat tuffet" 60 Rome's Arch . of 61 Sidestep 62 Agt.'scut 63 Do, re, mi . . . 64 City on the Truckee 65 Call, in poker DOWN 1 Six-Day War area 2 Same 3 Perform at county fairs 4 Clog 5 Partner of flow 6 Slithery fish 7 luck (took chances) 8 Proper behavior 9 Eye wickedly 10 The Moslem world 11 Coeurd' , Idaho 12 Yule visitor 14 Where Pago Pago is 20 Loosen one's belt 22 Zadora and Lindstrom 24 Six-pt. scores 25 Speaker of 23 and 28 Across 26 Exorbitant payment rates 29 Ancient ascetics 30 Health farm 33 Flies low, while spraying 34 Basically 35 Mapabbr. 40 "I never purple cow": Burgess 41 And more of same: Abbr. 44 Harmful fly 45 Peg Bracken's " to Cook Book" 46 Cottontails' tails 47 Pick-me-up 48 0'Dayof songdom 50 Akin on mother's side 52 Land of "partes tres" 56" Got a Secret" 57 Homo sapiens 58 Berlin's "What'll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 T3 IT" Ti "is 17"" T3 Hvt . . ' 19 20 ' T 22 23 2425T2ir "T? "28 " "" - - 30 j 31 32 33 34 35 36 '"""' 37 13 6 ..JfcSBl ..lana. , -. 39 40 41 42 43 44" JT" .- f-si,- -j, ---, -a , 46 47 48 J49 51 IT 53 54 """1 55 56T5TTT m 59 60 61 I :"g2 1.1 I I i H-H H Paul Am I Insf7 II you (mil me bo sine to let rne knuA1 l.ydia iMissonin ED You re a veiy special guy Ihanks tor all yrmi Iuhp licKlish One P S I II get another chance1 Notorious ADPI You ic so danln cute m under weaiMhinknu) about the time ynu slimed me and how I m going to exact penance soon T FP Mil Blue Sweatshirt - - - Ihanks1 You made our day1 Tuesday at 7 00 same place' HVP Blonde and Red KATS To the young lady with a turquoise vest and dark blue umbrella in Love South s large study hall 1204) Thurs about 3-4 pin I would really like to meet you RVP Fascinated Cule qui AiMum) blue sun devils SAe.iMiu! You smiled at me no Ihwsday Seplemhei IHtl-' lie, 11 Brace I at) and Ferguson Hall at 12 1!) I nvnnld like to meet V'hi Reply heie Guy in link slur I on hike SERVICES Hoover Let s go snipe hunting1 Your little camper Rl SF ARCH PAI'I RS 15 ?78 Available1 Catalog S? 00 Research 113??ldaho ?06XJ Los Angeles 90025 101 L FHI1H0TI.INI 811!) 351-0222 Fxt 33 VISAMC01 C00 UUAUlY lYf'lNn&RISUME SI MVICE 421 3827 YOU WRITE rt I type it Reasonable rales 423 0707 I 0NNIE S WORD PROCESSING Fast. Professional Service Term Papes Resumes 476-1635 " " SINGLE & PREGNANT Adoption is a caring alter native For confidential informa tion call Nebraska Children's Home 483-7879 FREE PREGNANCY TESTING - SINGLE & PREGNANT Adoption is a caring alternative For confidential informa tion call Nebraska Children s Home 483-7879 FREE PREGNANCY TESTING GREEK AFFAIRS LAMBDA CHI LITTLE SISTER RUSH out He sure and sit or moie info call Kar Tune is running out Be sure and sign up bv Tuesday via rur mure mm can rana l;t-l ACACIA Missing something' September 47 6736 f rl Dells Bounce lor Beats will be here soon Get psyched1" Sammies Oelta Gamma reveals their DOTS. Jeff C Chrissy Fitz. Where are you' Let's get together sometime1 SS Personals expensive Meeting easier 7 pm, tonight, usual place' Hopefully. Guy in Gieen Paisley To Susan. Take the time lo waste a 1 000 years Touch the face wipe away the teais Speak the tnith - bieak Ihe heart that bleeds Stab the back bile the hand that feeds It hurts. Matt Stiawbeny Blonde in Biandeis Theie weie two ol us applying at the tune, 1 in Shoes and 1 in Peisonnel & Young Mens We are roommates, whose cologne did you smell' Interested Mark. " ' Thanks foi the compliment11 Lydia (Mizzou) PREGNANT' BIRTHRIGHT is a hand 483-2609 confidential helping LOSERS BECOME winners' Lose weight, cellulite inches, with nutritional weight control piogram No drugs, no exercise Doctor recommended 100v guarante ed Fast results Free shipping 402-421-2659 AVIS PROFESSIONAL Typing'and Word Processing Resumes term papeis thesis, misc Compaie costs serviceshours open Editing assistance Notary Near mam UNL campus 435-AVIS . LONELY' LEf Country ConnecTions help you meet single people throughout rural Nebraska Free details Country Connections P 0 Box 406. Superior. Nebiaska 68978 TYPING WORD PROCESSING Edae ot CamDus COMPUTER TYPE 1630 Que 476-TYPE ANSWER TO FRETO iPUZZLE ApLumP. QGsrisHTATD S JE J0 Al JT P A jr E J-AL EHLiL,JiL.Ai A L I ji" M E R A L D C I T Y , D A N A r7r'" dTT a m 0 n dThTe a d 3vTJaTr L H ii JL . JL 0. 4s n.e .SL.J J E !l1i2.-l Ull dV T E L AiJON U? adS nT M E R j A L D T S L E !"7"1p- 0 ' D A 1 R T LLJ.j iJii (KXJL JlH E T0nL j K a T I E 1 j N 1 0 1 S I E S D o -n m yon. mow The UNL BOOKSTORE has: 0 United Parcel Services 0 Western Union Services 0 Regular Mail Services VCB & Movie Rentals 0 Typewriter Rental Service r o DID YOU KNOW THAT? STORE HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 AM-5:30 PM Sat. 9:00-5:00 PM flffffinrBrmfflnmin m ta ta m t W If til '1 Plaza Level City Campus Union 472-7300 Garden Level East Campus Union 472-1746 DLOOM COUNTY THANKS, T jotBe. vommJ LOOKING OOOP. IT'S your y 3oy Jfml mm. by DerZsc Orcatlisd i II A I. 1 ' "I MieiBPOffiP 300 GUINEA PIGS momme's MIHTHISMOMim. soMemiNG's got TO ee POM, JONES. y iv i NeiGHBOKmOP HAseew cQNsmmr AGfteNAPB THROUGH WR WINPOW. WHWNA see IM MAMS PVMPeP IN YOUR YflRP miN WIS KM, BLOOM COUNTY OLIVER? PIPWUR MOTHER TAKE MY CAR? TOBFORTEP, nr n, II All '4 L. 11 - 1 W GARAGE, I In I by Derlie Dreatltcd rrisjRUE IT'S THAT THERE NOT WAS AN THRC UNFORTUNATE MISCALCULATION. IN I a yfljtp OR&ITING W&,h PLUTO, I -1241 or Jeff The Phi mus '4 m