'' ! ' ' ) V'mi.y, )' '. ';,-,.""n' fir ,'' ,';',h' 3 Thursday, September 1 1, 1986 Daily Nebraskan Page 9 0 WANT TQM AM UNR0&NGD GENIUS WiAT KifJP Of 6Wto$ are y0u? ca(tft GutMi tun at ' ir you But you OCM'T LKfc IMAGES U(U.-(II6 Pou)Ft(u JALUT PAiote COnFoT a SOUMQS DREAM VACATIONS UIQV FRiCMOS a. tOoftoS Moa pec.cATt 6tiC uEtSTOop PoCT 1. MOA 2.00 3.6O0 H. FOREl&dEftS 5.HI&H SCHOOL A. TMl UACKtAS . TKe M0'6S C. TMt FtOM -52 2 O O -C S2 o 6. TV J. RICH PEOPLE ff. yooe Boss jo. hvjmoc Sf B6 DOtO'T FORGET oue. SECR&T Project.' I. MAKC Pl.t0T J. RuMiOATE. 3. TAet A WAP o11,,. H. MAtE A L'ST. 5, OCAul A o. BOSOM t RUM.WTS tout TO AMWOkJt UMTIb NOT6 TO AUTMOfiS. O 6t4T RtSucTS, T1P6 1JOIA. MAUulcAiPTS Iiubic-SPACCC him mu Jl'i, AO Oi.p Tptwirs Bi6aJ-o. uit lots of uoli..hl Am tVUAMftTfOiJ PeiMT, Au? 9oil'T PoXbT THO&C Atl-iMPoATftT u06t? tOCCt iTA,w5 TuAr 5hio TM6 IOUSum.uC, itfrtutiTl Of llut UN(A TolMlMT. By Chris r ssaaSrT baasaDDQ gummas cp cd a CD q a a a q a s Kl ia ra 63 ' EL 5400 Special Price $35.00 EL 5500 II Scientific 70.00 CE 126P Thermal Printer 55.00 CE 1 29P Thermal Printer 70.00 EL 506P Scientific 1 5.00 EL 51 2P Scientific 26.00 EL 55 10 Financial 70.00 EL 5520 Scientific 70.00 EL 5 15S Solar Scientific 19.00 Texas Instruments Tl 36 SLR Solar Scientific Si 8.00 Tl 74 NeM Basic Programmable 94,00 PC 324 Thermal Printer 69.00 Tl 55 III Scientific 33.00 Tl 5310 Desktop Financial 65.00 Tl BAH Financial 30.00 SOQDOQ gpaaqa aaoaOQ -fcW ''M'" 'W Wfe&HiWfii Accessories discounted too. MasterCard or VISA by phone or mail. Mail Cashier's check, Money Ord.. Pers.Check(2 wkstoclr). Sorry no C.O.D.'s. Add"$4.00 1st item $1 eaadd'lshpg & handl. Shpts to IL address add 7 tax. Prices subj to change. UniversityCollege P.O.'s Welcome. WRITE (no calls) for free catalog. 30-day return policy for defective merchandise only. ALL ELEK-TEK MERCHANDISE IS BRAND NEW, TEU-TALG Sl6(0S OP 0eas Fua THtH "J 00 CAfJ BCO hEApachcj 0A CiclS MfAuOiC TuiircMCf HAunc WofAdlfJ 1 STALK Isox nona PCAMAioCdT ilOUtrt "-Ocont tickets SoR TO S-06ECL 6.T THE TV Rft AT utAST TOoCS THltO&STO VO TOP A a OP NOTfJ CjL ARE AT ShoPPeCS is) THE &e0CEB.y SToCE WeiTE A PR.OTHIW& Len-eft to th6 epiTofi. Q MUM&L-E (UMACllO(jl,l5 OOER OME'S BREATH AT TM lALOfcOMAF Q ujAlic out op tue Aer GAttE 0PEJ'6 1 A HUFP MASTuesArg oloomi mot. ( T'J McCubbin HEWLETT PACKARD 7 i i jj X III a j. I Tteuciis oocaas amo that I MAWAi.AO DMAM VACATION-- I I r I MMeivE Fvt-i)u.bt t) I J J LC-' JwK TH HMM AmiArtp AAToow -CO fSZ pf FlilTSTOC. yPAA- J Sctt-n K. Ipicrf. tho46 paes x Mill (23 CJ LD L3 LVjII HP-11C Scientific $41.00 HP-12C Financial 72.00 HP-15C Scientific 72.00 HP-16C Programmer 86.00 HP-18CNewlBu8inessConsultant... 135.00 HP-41CV Advanced Programmable ... 1 26.00 HP-41CX Advanced Programmable ... 1 79.00 82104ACard Reader 139.00 821 53A Optic Wand 91.00 821 43A Thermal Printer 275.00 FX 115M Scientific $16.00 FX 7000G Graphic Display 54.00 FX 3600P Scientific ; 1 9.00 FX 451 Solar Scientific 21.00 FX 8100 Scientific with Clock... 30.00 FX 90 C redit Card Scientific .... 1 9.00 FX 995 Solar Scientific 27.00 FX 4000P Scientific 31.00 CM 100 ScientificProgrammer 1 6.00 ,fc 1ST QUALITY AND COMPLETE. Matt UJHAT To TALK TO Q SlZAARe COMSPlftAC") THtORte? Q LOvjR.BACfe ISQ Hou) THE utofeuo Can 60 TO HELL Fofc ALU SOVJ CAR D what uou'fcE Goi& TO 00 too le is uJeAe.G E)tAi. FASiO)S A0 MA4Tiii.tJ THAT PeAitAR AApoKiKArei. THE MA!3 Mootf OF tH GlPTEP O IRK6C? O VEEP O CflA6B6o O PETuBsep O &H 0 SvdL1 0 SWA O PEEVISH O 6GkmP4 O SuLvEkJ O i0Ley O Sou O DEADLY HooC Q dm FrO PROJECT DEFACE PWOTOCjAAPmS OF MOOttV A-p CtLtiA'ES IN) MAGA2i-)E? pRftCTice A0T06RAPH FOR 30uA MCmd& Pt OF FAm cr Tjjii- THE SECRET MJTT0 OF THE SECRET GEdiuS (TOTTOofPOW ASS) pie IN LATE MIDDLE-AGE LEAVE AN. ' AK.TERI OSCIER.OTIC ' CORPSE TONIGHT IS-THE No Strings, No Catches, No Fine Print Just the Best Value in Lincoln!!! Huge Dance Floor, 10 Pool Tables, 6000 Bulb Light Show, 10 Video Screens, Best Dance Music played by Scott Messier. Do you ever wonder why you like to pick scabs? It's not good for you and it hurts and it's messy, but you just keep doing it. Not waiting for the wound to heal, you make it bigger and uglier with every yank increasing the chance each time that you'll catch some sort of hor rible infection and die in ag ony. Reading Matt Groening's "life is Hell" cartoons is a lot like pulling scabs a not-particularly-pleasant activity that nonetheless holds a stra nge, irresistible, unholy fasci nation. "Work Is Hell" is Groening's second collection of "Life In Hell" cartoons. In the book's first cartoon, entitled "Life In Hell: An Introduction, " Groen ing tells us that "Life In Hell" is "on amusing little trifle of a comic strip starring assorted crudely drawn rabbits." The rabbits are Binky, the book's star, Sheba, his girlfriend, and Bongo, Binky's one-eared ille gitimate son. Also appearing regularly are Akbar and Jeff, two imperturbable, identical human annoyances in Char lie Brown shirts and fezzes. In the first cartoon we also learn that the five major themes of "Life In Hell" are love, sex, work, death and laughs; that the "Life In Hell" philosophies are your days are numbered, " It's later than you think, " 'We're all doomed" and "have a nice day" and that the cartoonist's name rhymes with "complain ing." On first reading "Life In Hell," one is tempted to believe that Groening is some sortofsatanic illuminatus with cameras and microphones planted in your Draws til Midnight Plus NO COVER bedroom, bathroom, car and place of business. In truth, Groening's genius is an ability to see into conven tions and anxieties of the race so ancient that the rest of us don't even realize they exist. When he drags these primal taboos out into the sunlight and waves them in our faces, our reaction is laughter. Loud, edgy, hysterical laughter that can go on for minutes at a time. Don't get me wrong; there's nothing gross or disgusting about Groening's cartoons. It's easy to ignore the gross and the disgusting. Groening is much more insidious than that. This book is not quite as effective as its predecessor, "Love Is Hell," simply because work is not as intrinsically painful an experience as love. Only about one-third of the 45 cartoons in the book actually deal with work. If you're leery about shelling out $5. 95 for 45 cartoons, that's understand able, but reading.Groening is not like reading "Dennis The Menace. " So, if "Life In Hell" is so un pleasant, why is it so great? Maybe it's kind of the intellec tual equivalent of playing high school football. Most of the kids out there on the field don't want to be there; they don't enjoy being trampled by 300-pound, 15-year-old endocrine freaks. But football is a way to prove you're a man, a way to show you have the fortitude to function in adult society. Maybe literate people need "Life In Hell" to show they don't need the cul tural illusions, to prove they can face reality, to show they can take it. NIGHT Bud Old Mill Pabst Coors Light :' tiMh til .