Thursday, September 11, 1986 Page 14 Daily Nebraskan Dragging the River Sin' was at the door one moment, stariugsu m mcr in the eye beaten hack In its briilit sctvritu. She clings to the doorframe likccarltfruit, green and cautious, while her father nia u inters on about Ihc dry fields, the new man in the soil nmservatiott office, the new methoiUsl hymnal, si ns of omission. . . At 12, she knows two irrefutable facts: Slii' knows the president's name and she knows he is a son of a goddamn bitch, she has known this for four years and is ready to learn it all over again. Thenext moment, she was just a sound in their cars, bjtzziiHj a h He theij sea rched for her hod if in the black coils of waU-r, clouding and balling up with the plunge of rubber hip waders, scan-hint for one IhhI y in something that had been a mass grnw for cattle for 2't years. Searching for a little ophelia with origami hands among the fu manchu fingers of the willows and the exposed bed of nerves, bruised by the river that made up the quickly receding early summer shore. The father's face looks as if it has been Kcrimshaaed into an ivory while's tooth and t!.e v '!.!-,!v's s; it rfjrk wiih chewing tobacco !is eye is ''. r?w picture window the white tail deer j;i;r ;s'.! f ' . "tin iV.e autumn, t-miMifig hoof over hoof i!'o tV' : ' T " Liif r;rr v-'..: h orre s!;otk at her 'wnm r: " ' f fee h:'.V t f .attW'?J her ' -' t mS lit'.. . - .'.:.!,;-,', v.-" I'Ls I" '.' . i i t' ? i v 1 in !".? '',' 3 wl rt !. -y i i 1 -r ri..i':..'r, t!-.e a., ! i- '. '.-J :iu.l';-:-:'";5 . s cftr? f n9" J i ; : ct!"2s ;;;: . jv-;': At tie c . v. ;:-.rr ; -": :, s'.e'd v. ' -U . sn-i feer e;; . : tu foiis Lii :i Mo tare v. L'r.? jc: tiul fra k 1 J it t e ttrn-iv. nrii, ifito ! . tossed into an updraft and eventual fall, into a snake and four worms that made nests in the warm pocket of her father's hand. A pony stretches herself out across a gorge, that once housed u river, one of those vestigial extensions of the Platte that live short but virile sentences, only to be plundered away in the final revision. The ground breathes in a death of promise, The water too, The latch falls into its cradle and the storm outside is reduced to the sound of swallowed thunder barely bucking the heavy handmade furniture. In the morning the leaves of ash trees and lesser fauna sag or have been lifted away in the sharp wind of grey thorns, nails, some as hard as railroad spikes shattered some windshields in Garden County, A bam in the distance decapitated by lightning threatens to split its dark oaken seams and the fields, where jagged bone husks jut like the stripped bodies of half buried soldiers dust kicked over grey uniforms as the living hurried on to the next battle ... Something else has been lifted away he is crying for her in a mice lie hojH's will reach the horns of god and still it sounds like he's shouting into a bucket. Suddenly there are many dark rooms that seem underwater, furniture floats past his eyes, pictures nod on their way to the aphotie depths. There are dark rooms full of clocks stricken and quiet, their throats torn out, ghosts claw at the door of his apostasy, ossifying all life therein and the dark clouds outside flesh and dress the hard bone and fossil marrow, preparing for the archeozoic. The wind sets o.Tto shave the land, toussle the old woman hair of tumbleweeds and pat .hent'oSf to 'vtedp ja. ttie.rti st r:i vipers f . 'A'.v i . r ) r. ; t'ia zrcuyi - :.;! p : i ti to ich tl.e f :!Js ,. -1 r 1 1 - a v "n s ',-ice olJ and : t-f sc jtt r' v.;:tw. i&i slack Wml'iM !!.;; v, J f ''$ 4 tw rt 4c t, 6:3.;.'.'s it - s.rA C 8 Ly.? it green wood Lkc tunbg fcrks. T;.e tV is tacked so for inio a cdrner -it is not even the sky anymore The river pulls at one strand of hair lifts a hand above the head, st niggles to make her sleek with the flow. He is a bag of memories on the second day or her loss, remembering the first dance at the now hollow barn. sitting , ., .. ... like a skull on a narrow throat of pecked silt the cigarette butts launched off the thumb and furcfingci toward the animal stalls where the cows pressed firmly against a far wall, eyes big and sliding up and down in a bed of mucous like agate marbles spun on a sidewalk in the rain. Boulder hipped women sulked behind tables set with their best pies and casseroles, whispered into each other's big ears about the daughter floozies and the weak kneed sons who line opposite walls latching on to the (hick barn beams with dirty hog smelling fists and pasting scrubed soft chins to the bare shoulders of big sisters. Til one calloused sore hand stretches into the narrow reach of torchlight for a hesitant clump of lingers, one brilliant face half smudged by shadow lifts from a departing shoulder and confronts a pair of blue jeans and flannel shirt hung like the blind widow's laundry on a line as knotty as barbed wire. And her hair in the branches her fingers along the rocks the water and her breathless checks she used to puff to be sjioiled and hold it in, dear god, just to besjxrilcd. In the end, he remembers, the dance to be had was the dance of his daughter's hair as she twirled around and around alone under a dagger of clean light in a barn now picked as fleshless as her mother's buried (if still heaving) ribs. He wati hed her through the pping seams and took his hand, the bullet, and his mouth, - the T:e, ar.d his eye of implodirg glass " b&ck ta the house here the sun dissolved his recollections tike lemon juice on a counter. Her hair dancing around her finest smile ' , f until tfcs dagger tvs to smoke and recedes Irt'of-iil-'eiliofOvilisM.. ; - '- ' ' V- o.t e t imed up to the sky, afloat , ? t h . K i ? fl'tatin., she asks herself, Vat ", y t r r?v body the nier, she thifiks, i$ still I vt rip Unjtes uith Vie lay , ofwy body, bu t the sky rushes on, torn ra'js cf n i":St clouds prod Vis najping moon. Wake ii p, moon, there is some moving to be done, soon the moon is drowned, and the clouds hace knitted into a flag which weeps and shakes with chrlricity. On the moon, not a brealh is taken Hie holes float on, dim and airless there is no resistance to the orbit to this slow drifting. () moon, faceless your father is crying for this flaw in your imaginings, you watched a child and thought her merely floating, you watched her as if she were part of another sky, now she's bone and shaking unhinged in a bag making the sound of sand, now she's a slow trapse o) booted feet down and up the mud slides for more of her for more of the moon's work, curled in the center of the dripping hammock raised and tied in grim success the little cheetah the little leopard the little panther m tted uiiivsisting. Faceless your father is crying ' a room underwater in another room of solid bone he is crying like every tear is a city and a crowd and a bus to Omaha, like every tear were the core of a big black fruit picked from every tree bending with age at one gnarled joint to touch that river. Water, you fool no one not the fish that swim in you or the shore crumbling into your mouth like loaves of black bread surely not this father ' nor the dead in your graveyard the rising water's pillaged, the thousands of eager skulls that bit st the net before your daughter and her log, sefcty. You fool not the dancers, who dance despite you but not unaware, you fool not the fanner, who knows , your love of rice instead of wheat and com, you fool not the merchant or the schoolboy leaking into you on his way home from school because you've earned his spleenful of piss not because he cannot wait. . CHECK THE COMPETITON GET THEIR BEST PRICE ON KEGS WITH OR WITHOUT CUPS & ICE WE'LL BEAT IT! Largest Selection of CHILLED WINES in Lincoln lit? QfeEpo iian& rp fin miijffl P ) Super i ) I I Lzr Selection a Of IMPORTED BEER ALL WARM CASE BEER COST PLUS 10 Absolutely "THE COLDESTBEER" in Town! SUPER SELECTION OF CHILLED WINE COOLERS AT EVERYDAY LOW PRICES! 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