The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 10, 1986, Page Page 10, Image 10
Page 10 Daily Nebraskan Wednesday, September 10, 1986 If you're going to drop one course, and want to pick up another ... . . . UNL independent study can help. Over 70 UNL courses available. Take up to a year to finish the course. Call 472-1926 for information, or visit room 269, Ne braska Center for Continuing Education, 33rd and Holdrege. Take the shuttle bus from city campus. Ha UNL is a non-discriminatory institution Campus ft A Anyone willing to speak to a iepoiipi about Stmm Alligator (family ot students ex students student themselves or those altected penpheiallyi please contact Charles at the daily Nebiaskan 42 -156 PROGRAMMER INTERN METROMAIL CORPORATION an industry leader in the direct marketing industry is seeking a computer science maior who will be graduating on or beloie August 198 to work as a Programmer Intern 15-20 hours per week until graduation Ine possibility exists lor full-time employ ment after graduation Hours are flexible and can be arranged around class schedule The position will involve basic applications, pioiects. and coding programs In-house training will be provided Preference will be given to students who have completed classes in COBOL and Assembler Knowledge ol JCL is desirable, but not required. Qualified students may apply by contacting the Intern ship and Cooperative Education Office, 121 Administra tion. Lincoln, WE 68588 0495. 42-1452 LITTLE 80 s and The Horny Bull now hiring waitresses and bartenders Oaytime and evening hours 2630 Corn husker Highway. 64J 492 " PART-T7mTwEETKND help wanted Apply in person 7 a m -3 p m.. IZth I Q ", U Slop Convenience Shop TjeTTveWoRIVERS wanteT$3 35 per hourplus com mission and tips Must have reliable car and prool of insurance Apply in person Paul Revere s Pizza. 230 N 1m DATA ENTRY OPERATORS Ned individuals (or our new CRT Oata Entry Depart ment who have a high degree of accuracy to update and enter data We are taking applications tor our 4 JO pm -12 30 am shift CRT andor typing expe rience a must, requiring a minimum typing speed of 55 worn Regular lull-time employees are offered an excellent benefit package including medical, dental, life, disability and pr of it participation savings plan as eligible Apply in person 8 00-4 30. Monday Friday Oonnelley Marketing 809 P St.. Lincoln. NE An Equal Opportunity Employer AMBITIOUS PERSON Aggressive sales representative wanted to work flexible hours this tall selling custom printed apparel Great commission Earn between S2.0O0 S4.OO0 Must be well organized, able to sell and live on campus Sign-up tor an interview at the Financial Aids Office, room 22 in the Administration Building by Monday. September 15th. 1986 or call Mr Steve Clark Mid America Shirt Printers. 592-9009 ft (dimmm RECEPTIONISTCLASSIFIED AO TYPIST Help needed immediately Must be able to type at least 50 wpin Hours 1100 am. -2 00 pm daily Apply in person to the Daily Nebraskan. room 34 Nebraska Union E0EAA 1 P y x " , L " ' u x P : ' 7 M""1 1 :.tL..J 'vJt -tt' k. i . j ..a ... 1 VTf Ua - TABITHAahealthcaretacililyfoi the elderly offer ing a chance to gam work experience m health care services and earn exti a spending money1 Part time Hl dni Annum positions available for the 00 3 00. 3 00 1 1 00 and 1 1 00 00 shifts to work every other weekend Shifts aie available during week A Geriatrics certificate or experience as nurse aid is preferred Makeapplication 10 Personnel Office 420 Randolph Lincoln. NE 68510 AAE0E PLASMA DONORS Earn up to S30 a week or S120 a month. First donation $10. second donation in the same calendar week (Monday-Saturday) S20 New donors bring in this ad for a S5 bonus on the first donation II you haven't donated in over two months you receive a S5 bonus. University Plasma Assoc. Bioscience of Nebraska. 1442 0 St 45-8645 At Norwest Banks, we'll do every thing we can to help you get a student loan. Even if we've never met you before. Because we know it takes more than just brains to get to college. So whether you're a Norwest customer or not, if you qualify for a student loan you can get it through Norwest Bank. And you'll get an answer as soon as possible most appli cations are processed within 3 days of receipt at our processing center. For a student loan that's fast and easy call Norwest Banks. You won't be a stranger for long. 1-000 843-1300 est 543. vThefeAreNbm,esL VERY RESPONSIBLE and mature female grad student wants room with family Reduced rent for household duties. Call evenings 489-2469. 1 PAIR of general admission tickets for the Oklahoma State or Missouri game. Call Jim at 466 2954. "TfiCKETS lor the Missouri game. 46-6004. WANT TO buy used Peugeot Trek touring bike. Call 47-Q91S 2 COPIES of Introduction to Management Science by S M Lee. White cover Call Jacque at 464-5687. eE0 3 tickets to Nebraska-Missouri game Oct. 18 Call 781-2542 (local) 800-4 00. ANNOUNCEMEBJTS FINANCE CLUB First meeting of the year Wednesday. Sept. 10. 6 30 p m See bulletin in CBA tor the room. All majors welcomed CBA STUDENTS Don t go it alone" Join Delia Sigma Pi. Professional Business Fraternity Information booth in CBA lobby BORN AGAIN above average, fun-loving male desires to meet slim pretty hmn-agam gal 25-35 for dating friendship Photo and reply, will teceive same. P.O Box 2062. Lincoln. 68502 PLANTS! PLANTS! PLANTS! Come to Ptantasia Sepf 9. 10. 11 in the Union Ballroom from 10-5 MAJOR CONCERT PRESENTATIONS TEAM Mandatory meeting for JOURNEY Thursday. Sept 11 at 6 pm. in the Union Room will be posted NEW MEMBERS WELCOME (Pizza Lovers) We told you it was coming. Now look for our ad in this issue of your Daily Nebraskan. Yours Truly, Domino's Pizza Fast, Free Delivery'" BIOKO'S B2LIVERS FREE. ACACIA LITTLE SISTERS Important meeting Thursday at 6 15 p m 1 Bnno. check books1 Special surprise and a Party1" ASUN CAMPUS-WIDE COMMITTEES Representation needed in the lollowmo areas ASUN SENATOR IN THE: BUSINESS. TEACHERS, GRADUATE COLLEGES UNIVERSITY APPEALS BOARD ALTERNATES 3 CALENDAR t EXAMINATIONS COM. MEMBER CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENCEMENT COMMITTEE (2) CONVOCATIONS COMMITTEE fc.r.MBER HONORS CONVOCATION COMMITTEE MEMBER UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES COMMITTEE MEMBER TEACHING COUNCIL MEMBER GRADING COMMITTEE (1 UntUrgr.d., 1 Grad I HONORARY DEGREES COMMITTEE MEMBER CAMPUS REC CNTR. - RES. HALL OFF-CAMPUS PUBLICATIONS BOARD Applications and information available in 115 Nebraska Union. Deadline is September 10. 1986. Feeling kinda low? Fly high with Iron Eagle showing Wednesday. Sept 10 in the Great Plains room of the Nebraska East Union at 7 00 & 9:30 p m Admittance is only SI with valid student 1.0. Sponsored by UPC. COMMITTEE FOR FEES ALLOCATION One representative for Olf-campus. Residence Halls and Greek. Also. Professional College Senate position Infor mation and applications ire available in 115 Nebraska Union. Deadline is September 17. 1986. To remove your name from listings in the 1986-87 UnT versity of Nebraska-Lincoln Student Telephone Direc tory, all you need to do is complete a Request to Withhold Name form, in person, by Sept. 12. 1986. Forms are avail able m the office of University Information. 311 Adminis tration. OUTGOING GREEKS Pick up your application for the GREEK YEARBOOK STAFF: 332 Nebraska Union or ask your president Open ings on Editorial. Photography & Advertising staffs. Due by Friday. Sept. 12 at 4.00. Sign-up for an interview also HEY CULTURE VULTURES' West Side Story is playing in the City Union Wednesday and Friday at 5 00 and 700 p m. FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES Meeting EVERY Wednesday 7:00-8:30. South Stadium lounge Everyone welcome1" Bring a friend1 BETA ALPHA PSI Orientation Meeting Members & Pledges Thursday. September 1 1 7 p m . CBA Auditorium RESEARCH PROJECT ON SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF STUDENTS is stfOking individuals who have expenenred sexual harassment at a college oi university Confidentiality ensured University ot Minnesota approved research FOR MORE INFORMATION. CONTACT MARY AT 1-800-328-3890. EXT. 611. PHI KAPPA PSI LITTLE SISTERS - VERY IMPORTANT MEETING Sunday Sept 14 700 al the house Everyone MUST attend' Problems' Call Dave 44-9437 LOST LEGAL ADVENTURE A travel adventure through southern Europe via four projectors svnchroni?ed to an original music soundtrack At Tooth s Gallery. 905 0 Street. Saturday and Sunday with shows at 8 p m. and 9 30 p.m. CONCERTS & COFFEEHOUSES Committee Meeting! Sunday. 7:00. UPC Office. Room 236. City Union All those interested in planning concerts in the Union ballroom please attend mIeIsIIolleyball Practice Thursdays and Mondays at 4:30 Mabel Lee. 313 New members welcome IT S HERE, ITS NOW, IT S GREAT!! UPC Special Events, today in the Union at 4 30 NAMA National Agri-Marketing Association offers you the oppor tunity to gain experience mi Aa Marketrna and to make valuable work connections All interested persons please oinus mursday.bepl 11 b 30 at the East Campus Union or more information, contact Kan at 472-1097. MORTAR BOARD Meeting Wednesday 10 p.m. Union Sell those symphony tickets1 BIGGER IS BETTER Muffins available at a m. Do Biz 120 N 14 ATTENTION MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY MAJORS Lambda Tau Pizza Party Thursday. Sept. 11 at 6 30 p.m. in the Health Center New and old members welcome1 D4 D STARFLEETBTTTlEsTRArPAWHAAR WARS Plus many, many more games and game supp lies For a complete catalog, send SI 00 to the General 1245 N 16th St., Lincoln. NE 68508 ENGINEERING EXPO '86 Valuable information will be provided by the student representatives from all engineering departments and organizations from 2:30-5 00. Sept. 17 Look for posters announcing location YEARBOOK positions available Anyone interested in applying for 1986-87 greek yearbook positions, applica tions can be picked up in Greek Affairs office, room 332. Nebraska Union Due by 4 00 p m Friday OVERWHELMED BY ALL THE NEW EXPERI EN CES? Peer Counseling available Women's Resource Center. Room 117 Nebraska Union. Drop by or call 472 259 for appointment J AtL THE COMFORTS OF KQrAE VvlTHoUT THEUATIVES Co 7W Is j?