The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 08, 1986, Image 1

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    Weather: Cloudy with a chance
of showers. Highs will be in the
low '60s to 70s. Good sleeping
weather Monday night as the
lows will be in the '50s. Warmer
Tuesday with highs in the 70s. .
Kris Kimball guides
newcomers to culture
Arts and Entertainment Page 6
Nebraska not distracted,
beats Seminoles 34-17
Sports Page 12
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September 8, 1986
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Vol. 86 No. 10
NU budget
2.5 percent increase
approved by regents;
no tuition hike foreseen
By Michael Hooper
Senior Reporter
The NT Board of Regents Saturday approved a
two-year budget request that calls for a 2.5 per
cent increase in the university budget.
The request would increase the budget from
$526.6 million this year to $533.9 million for
1987-88. The following year's budget would
increase 1.1 percent to $539.8 millipn.
The budget request does not include salary
increases for university faculty and staff. Their
salaries would increase equally with those of
other state employees.
The request asks for about $6 million in addi
tional funds to develop library and information
systems, to enhance research in biotechnology
and water quality and improve liberal arts edu
cation. UNL Faculty Senate President Allen Blezek
told the regents he felt the budget was "meager,
but realistic." Blezek said he would like to see
the university receive more money when the
economy is good to get it through weaker eco
nomic times.
"In good times we would get more, and in bad
times we would get less," he said.
Blezek also said that faculty morale was low.
"I wish it was much better," he said.,
"We're not receiving adequate financing, and
the materials budget is low," Blezek said when
the meeting broke for five minutes.
The new budget request indicated no tuition
increase for the 1987-88 year.
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Paul VonderlageOaily Nebraskan
Nebraska fullback Kevin Kaelin falls under the weight of four Florida State defenders during the Cornhuskers' 37-14
win against the Seminoles Saturday night at Memorial Stadium. It was the first Husker night game ever in Lincoln.
NU to get $1 million in computers Student Center opens
The NU Board of Regents voted Sat
urday to accept American Telephone &
Telegraph Corporation's $1 million dona
tion of computing equipment to NU.
UNL is slated to receive $384,000
worth of the equipment.
AT&T selected NU based on the
quality of its proposal for computing
equipment under the AT&T University
Computer Donation Program, said Doug
Van Arkel, AT&T location manager.
The gift also was presented to NU
"because of its commitment to the use
of technology in all of your campuses in
your research and educational areas,"
Van Arkel said.
"It is AT&T's way of reaffirming our
commitment to education and to giving
back to the university what the univer
sities have been so good in giving us
and that's talent," he said.
The donated computing systems will
support research in the Department of
Electrical Engineering at UNL, develop
artificial intelligence-based expert sys
tems and associated data base man
agement systems in the departments of
computer science and mathematics at
UNL, and support research in interac
tive computing systems at NU Medical
UNL will receive one 3B15 computer,
two 5620 terminals, .20 Unix personal
computers and three printers. The
equipment is warranted for one year.
NU was one of 1 50 universities nation
wide selected from about 1,000 appli
cants to receive donations, Van Arkel
Various programs at center contribute
to students' academic success at UNL
By Joeth Zucco
Staff Reporter
NU officials: Brags not a problem
The use of "hard drugs is a relatively
minor problem" at the University of
Nebraska, NU President Ronald Roskens
reported to the NU Board of Regents
"There is ... a consensus that the
use of drugs, and in particular, hard
drugs, is a relatively minor problem
within the university community,"
Roskens said.
However, Roskens said that current
university drug and alcohol programs
"deal with problems generated by the
excessive use of alcohol."
On the various campuses, groups
such as Alcoholic Anonymous assist
those who have drinking problems, he
said. In addition to support groups,
there are drug and alcohol awareness
groups providing information and edu
cation. At UNL, the Community Health
Department of the University Health
Center is coordinating on- and off-
campus resources to prevent alcohol
and drug abuse on campus. This effort
is directed by Margaret Nellis, UNL
community health coordinator.
"The university efforts in this area
are really quite comprehensive and
substantive," Roskens said.
"Of course, we're going to continue
to be alert to the issues that are very
serious in this domain and look for
ways we can improve our programs,"
Roskens said.
Variety of groups hold conventions at Nebraska Center
By Kirk Zebolsky
Staff Reporter
The UNL department of conferences
and institutes rarely deals directly
with students, but it's well-known to
several UNL organization every year.
UNL organizations are furnished meet
ing space, meals and a hotel by the
department, which plans 200 confer
ences, workshops and short courses in
an average year.
Most meetings are held at the Nebras
ka Center for Continuing Studies on
East Campus. The center features a
96-room hotel, an auditorium, a restau
rant and nine meeting rooms.
Future Farmers of America, Corn
husker Girls and Boys State and the
Nebraska High School Press Associa
tion are three of the groups that hold
yearly meetings there.
Some of the conferences require lit
tle planning, while others require "hours
and hours," said assistant coordinator
Sherrie Geier. The work of Geier and
four others who are on the depart
ment's planning staff, includes putting
together brochures, planning meals
and lining up speakers.
The new Student Center, cffering
programs in academic success, multi
cultural affairs, advising and counsel
ing, is now open in Administration
Building 226.
The offices existed before, but were
spread throughout the campus. The
idea of merging the offices stalled for
two years until office space opened.
"Our goal is to be one unit where
students can come that need to have
questions answered about academic
progress at the university," said Mary
Jane Visser, assistant director of ad
missions and advising. "If they're hav
ing difficulty about deciding about a
career, we have career counseling, and
we can walk down and know they made
Academic success is the first of the
center's four basic services. Learning
specialists and tutors are available to
conduct individual or group sessions.
Programs on study skills will be offered
in fraternities, sororities and residence
halls as in years past. Workshops and
group sessions will be held in two
classroom spaces at the center.
General advising for undeclared
students is the second service. Advis
ers counsel students about class choi
ces so that when they decide on a major
all of their credits will apply.
General studies students now make
up the third largest college on campus
behind the College of Arts and Scien
ces and the College of Business. Since
the university has officially recognized
it, dean's list, a student advisory board
and a scholarship service are available.
Career, personal and consultation
services are available. Personal coun
seling by experienced counselors and
group sessions are offered.
Multi-Cultural Affairs is the fourth
service. It is composed of two sections.
The first is the Student Assistance
Program, which offers programs for
students from various cultural back
grounds. Tutoring and academic coun
seling also are offered. The second sec
tion is the Student Opportunities and
Services (SOS) program, which offers
undergraduates assistance in fulfilling
their academic potential.
Student Center officials said plans
for further expansion exist but money
is a major drawback. Expansion would
increase the current staff of 18 to
include recently retired faculty mem
bers who are interested in counseling
and students who would help with peer
The center is open to all students
but, according to Director Vernon Wil
liams, freshmen probably will need the
services more than upperclassmen.
Most students who have used the
services were freshmen. Williams said.
"They don't know as well what upper
classmen do," he said.