The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 05, 1986, Page Page 18, Image 18

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Daily Nebraskan
Friday, September 5, 1986
It'll take a few oi marters to work out tine biag
but NU should slip by Seminoles? predictor say
By Bob Asmussen
Night News Editor
Accountability for a football predic
tion column is usually negligible, Oh
sure, the guy will say he hit 86 percent
of the games last week, but does
anyone ever really go back and check?
If you did, you might find that 86 per
cent was actually the percentage of
wrong guesses the columnist had made.
It's true. Extensive research has led me
to this discovery.
So, how about a prediction colum
nist who doesn't make outlandish claims
about his accuracy? How about a pre
diction columnist who's shooting for 50
percent right and will be happy with 40
percent? How about a prediction col
umnist who won't shake and quiver
when he hears someone say, "I wonder
how many what's-his-name got right
last week?"
One of my favorite things on TV is
when the "Love Boat" calls Gavin
McLeon "your ship's captain" and Fred
Grandy "your yeoman purser." So, for
now on, I'd like to be known as "your
bad football predictor."
Nebraska 31, Florida State 14
at Lincoln The Seminoles were
great last week holding Toledo (Toledo?)
to less than 200 yards total offense.
That's sure something to write home to
Mom about. This game would be an
even bigger , margin of victory for Neb
raska if the Cornhuskers had already
played a game. But it will take a quar
ter for the bugs to be worked out, then
the Huskers will roll.
UCLA 28, Oklahoma 21 at
Norman, Okla. This one is easy.
The Sooners had a player on the cover
of Sports Illustrated's Football Spec
tacular, a certain kiss of death. While
they were at it, the good people at SI
gave the Sooners a vote of confidence
as the preseason No. 1-ranked team,
another kiss of death. But the key ele
ment in the OU loss will be turnovers.
It's always said, and it's always true, it
takes a few games for the Sooners to
warm up. OU's defense might be a tad
overrated and the Bruins will be able to
exploit the weak areas in the Sooner
Miami 21, Florida 18 at Gai
nesville, Fla. One would be in
clined to pick Florida simply because
the Gators are at home. Last season
that would have been the logical thing
to do. But 1986 brings us a weaker
Florida team and a new, improved
Miami team. Either the Hurricanes are
great or South Carolina is horrible.
Probably it's a little bit of both. This is
a battle of Heisman Trophy hopefuls,
Vinny Testeverde for Miami and Kerwin
Bell for Florida. Vinny will get the
upper hand and probably will win the
Heisman. Miami is probably the best
team in the country.
Kansas State 21, Texas Tech
20 at Lubbock, Texas How can
anyone not like and root for the Wild
kittens? They've been so horrible for so
long, but now they've finally got a
coach who wants to take the team to
the top. Stan Parrish has been able to
restore the confidence at Kansas State.
This Parrish guy has got some nerve,
he's got guts. He's Rambo with a whis
tle, John Wayne in shorts, Clint East
wood with a game plan. If he doesn't
turn the program around, no one will
notice. If he does turn the program
around, Manhattan will be renamed
Stanville. By the way, the Wildcats
really probably don't have a chance in
hell of winning this game.
Akron 35, Salem 3 at Akron,
Ohio The Gerry Faust era has
begun at Akron. The Zips couldn't have
picked a better opening opponent than
the Witch Trials. Akron will set Salem
on fire and then tie rocks to its feet and
throw it in a lake. Faust has taken a
step down, but, will it be a successful
step down. Next coaching stop for
Gerry is Iowa School of the Armless.
Penn State 24, Temple 10 at
State College, Pa. - While Kansas
State is a team that you have to love,
Penn State is a team you have to hate.
The uniforms they wear is reason enough.
The Penn State uniforms make the
players run two seconds slower in the
40-yard dash. Put these guys in some
decent uniforms and they'd be killers.
In the late '60s and early 70s when
Penn State kept getting the shaft in
the national rankings, the two reasons
listed by voters were the Penn State
uniforms and Joe Paterno's wardrobe.
Sadly, 15 years later, nothing has
changed. In this game, by the way,
Temple's Paul Palmer will run for
about 200 yards and continue to be the
most ignored great football player in
Colorado 38, Colorado State
14 at Boulder, Colo. The Buffa
loes are a legitimate contender for the
Big Eight title. You read it here first,
and it will never be repeated again.
With a solid offense and a strong
defense, the Buffs have what it takes to
win it all. Colorado State, on the other
hand, is not a contender for much of
anything, other than last place in the
Western Athletic Conference. Ralphie,
the team's buffalo mascot, will have a
field day and probably do his business
on the Colorado State equipment bag.
Way to go, Ralphie.
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UTEP 14, Air Force 3 at El
Paso, Texas UTEP is another
team that has to be loved. They won one
game in 1985, but it was against those
hated wimps from Brigham Young. Last
Saturday, UTEP blasted, I mean cream
ed, Northern Michigan. It was ugly. So,
all of a sudden UTEP is building a
dynasty. Well, not really a dynasty,
more of a Knots Landing or a Falcon
Crest. But still pretty good for UTEP.
Air Force had a bad game last week
against Hawaii, beating the Jack Lords
by only seven. That kind of playing
might work against the Mai Tai drinkers,
but it won't accomplish a win against
the Miners.
Other games that I'll probably
be wrong about Hawaii 17, Wis
consin 7; Illinois 35, Louisville 21; Mis
sissippi 20, Memphis State 17; Syracuse
30, Mississippi State 21; Tennessee 42,
New Mexico 9; Washington 35, UNLV 3;
Oregon 19, San Jose State 7; Virginia
17, South Carolina 13; Alabama 28,
Vanderbilt 7; Arizona 38, Houston 2
(two-run home run by Glenn Davis
saves the shut-out); Baylor 4 1, Wyoming
7 (and sorry they invited the Bears);
Boston College 21, Rutgers 15; North
Carolina 40, The Citadel 6; Duke 10,
Northwestern 10 (both coaches quit
after the game, all players gain their
Ph.Ds) and North Carolina State 23,
East Carolina 8.
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