The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 04, 1986, Page Page 2, Image 2
Daily Nebraskan Thursday, September 1986 T7 o By the Associated Press Page 2 N Sf ,. In Brief Iran intercepts Soviet MANAMA, Bahrain Iran stopped two Soviet ships in the first action against Iraq's main arms supplier since the Iranian navy began searching freighters for military cargo early last year, shipping sources said Wednesday. Iranian warships chased the Pyotr Yemtsov in the southern Persian Gulf on Tuesday, then forced it into the Iranian port of Bandar Appas to be searched. Shipping executives, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the second vessel was stopped briefly Wednesday and identified only as the Tutov. The Pyotr Yemtsov, which belongs to the U.S.S.R.-Black Sea Shipping of Odessa, was seized during a voyage from the Black Sea port of Nikolayev to Kuwait and was being unloaded Wed nesday at Bandar Appas, according to the reports. In Moscow, Foreign Ministry spo kesman Gennady I. Gerasimov con firmed that the 1 1,750-ton Pyotr Yemt sov was "detained" off the coast of the United Arab Emirates but did not men tion the Tutov. Vandar Appas is about 120 miles east of the U.A.E. Gerasimov said he believed the freighter was carrying a load of cement. He gave no information on the size of its crew. Despite the Soviet role in supplying Iraq during the 6-year-old Iran-Iraq war, shipping sources said weapons or other military goods were unlikely to .be shipped on Soviet freighters through the Persian Gulf. "We believe" the Pyotr Yemtsov was loaded with construction material, but the Iranians consider such commodi ties to be an asset for the Iraqi military efforts," said an executive based in Kuwait. Scores of ships of many nationalities are known to have been searched since Iran began intercepting commercial vessels early in 1985. Most detained ships are allowed to resume their trips after searches. Oth ers have been taken to Bandar Abbas, where their cargoes were unloaded and confiscated. Executives gave this description of the Pyotr Yemtsov seizure, based on radio contracts they and their monitors had with other ships in the gulf: An Iranian warship ordered the cap tain to stop when the freighter was about 30 miles northwest of Dubai. It signaled a threat to open fire, and the Soviet skipper turned his vessel and tried to escape. The Iranian ship caught up after a brief chase and again threa tened to shoot. Smuggling charges possible for jailed U.S. News correspondent MOSCOW The wife of an Ameri can reporter accused of spying said Wednesday that authorities have threat ened to press smuggling charges over family jewelry that she and her hus band failed to list on customs forms. Nicholas Daniloff, correspondent for U.S. News & World Report, has been held without formal charges in east Moscow's Lefortovo Prison since Sat urday. He was arrested by eight KGB agents after a Soviet acquaintance gave him a package later found to con tain maps marked secret. The chairman of U.S. News, Morti mer B. Zuckerman, left Moscow Wed nesday after two days of meetings with Soviet officials aimed at winning Dani loffs release. Zuckerman said his meetings were "productive in the sense of a dialogue, but not conclusive in the sense that I know what the outcome will be." He said he agreed not to say which offi cials he met. Daniloff s wife, Ruth, said customs authorities called the Moscow office of U.S. News & World Report on Wednes day to say that she should come to a customs clearing house outside Mos cow to sign a statement about the undeclared jewelry. "My instinct is just "unless they want to take me out of to ignore it (the message)," she said, here in handcuffs, kicking and scream- The Damloffs listed carpets and a ing. diamond ring as their only valuables when entering the country and when filling out forms to leave, Mrs. Daniloff said. Her husband took up the Moscow post 5'2 years ago and was planning on leaving soon for a new assignment in Washington. Mrs. Daniloff said they did not list a pocket watch Daniloffs father gave him for his 21st birthday, a locket that belonged to Mrs. Daniloffs grandmother and some rubbishy old jewelry" that she kept at the bottom of her jewelry box. She said they did not consider the items valuable or believe they were made of silver or gold. Customs agents confiscated the seven or eight pieces of jewelry and have informed her they are being valued at $2,210, Mrs. Daniloff said. "They're saying we have smuggled our own things into the country and now we're trying to smuggle them out again," she said. "It's all just so stupid. It may just be part of the harassment against us." Mrs. Daniloff vowed to stay in Mos cow until her husband is released, Mrs. Daniloff has accused the KGB secret police of framing her husband in retaliation for the arrest in New York of a Soviet U.N. employee, Gennady Zak harov. Zakharov is jailed without bail bending trial on charges of spying. Soviet Foreign Ministry spokesman Gennady Gerasimov denied Tuesday that Daniloffs arrest was linked to the Zakharov case. Gerasimov said Daniloff was "caught red-handed" but a deci sion on whether to try him would not be made until an investigation is completed. Navy to build prototype blimp ' WASHINGTON The Navy has decided to proceed with construction cf a prototype blimp for use in tests that will determine whtther the service returns the giant airships to service. . s . The Associated Press reported last May that the chief of naval opera Lions' executive board had recommended to Navy Secretary John F. Lchraan that he seek funds to begin building a new fleet of airships in fiscal 1933, According to sources who asked not to be named, the. board concluded that a newly designed, modern blimp could serve as a useful "radar platform" that could travel with surface ships and warn them against low flying cruise missiles. , , The prototype blimp, by present day standards, will be huge; It would match the size of the last blimps used by the Navy in the 1960s, meaning it would have a volume of 1.5 million cubic feet of helium. By contrast, the familiar blimps used by the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. for public relations purposes have a volume of roughly 203,000 cubic feet of helium. In contrast to the Goodyear blimps, which are about 50 feet in diameter and 192 feet in length, the Navy prototype would probably be about 85 feet in diameter and more than 400 feet long. Heir centenced to two life terms NAPLES, Fla. Tobacco heir Steven Ccssbn v:r, z t :. two corecutive life terms in prison for kiKirj Vi r, fcrcthcr ivtiowir-g tip the fnily cr with p:p i :tcr.ccd Tuesday to other and adapted Ml f 'VI, , 33, steed silently as Circuit J zC.? i. 1 I cs p rec,ikh had beta 1 7 1 t:i:.l jv h-ve to serve ti Uzzi B yecrs I c'.rs I ! t cntsrc J tssscn U a 15 ycr U::. f I to ZZ v;:rs fcr the Utcr.rted murder cf 1:3 tl :t :; ;: r.t! 7 triih c ach ether, but cut iv; v 1 h t! i V . . 1 :r." ;io convicted 7 "cf pr.ttej tr. s 7-r rr. 3 y :. ; ' ? czr z?,i detonating then Mrsr-rct Z izzi i l:t t , z?A Us sister, Csrol Ivnn Benson r -:ke3 r it ths heiress' posh Hz: !ss he::: 3. V:z, T.r.son and Scott died but Mrs. Keni afcrrscr I ;v'.y ciren, t. ..:vivciv.ith disTipring burns. She was a pfocsc-ilor.v. Itnccs .t ta trial i ' Pert IVcn. ' ' P'ztt t ths trld, Assistant St&te Attorney Jery Ercck ccr.t ;r iV:r -on J the bombs to avoid getting out tt tlrau rcrcn's r r.L;v , kMH. 41 tt n il 1 i y- 1 -5 "3, Soviets ignore U.S. grain subsidy offer WASHINGTON A month has passed even more last Friday, which "demeans The subsidy, "which is paid by the since President Reagan's controversial decision to offer wheat to the SovH Union at cut-rate prices, but Moscow so far has ignored that offer and time is running out. the process further." To encourage the Soviets to buy four million metric tons of wheat under a previously arranged grain deal, the president announced on Aug. 1 that he Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., a critic of had decided to grant a $13 per ton the proposed sale, said the situation is subsidy, meaning that American wheat embarrassing for the United States. He could cost less in the Soviet Union than said the administration cut the price in the United States. October 1 5, 1 986 is the Deadline! All applications for the Student Health and Accident Insurance must be received by October 1 5, 1 986. Brochures and information are available at: UNIVERSITY HEALTH CENTER or call 472-7437 r. tuti t.;t; .it coverage under mfparHplan? A. Is there -an'ago limit? 'MastpoffcieslTniitHhe age for dependent coverage to age 23. B. Are you thinking of marriage? Most policies exclude a dependent after, he. becomes married. o Have I declared financial independence from my parents by. receiving financial aid, and no longer eligible as a dependent under their plan? Would a medical emergency deplete funds set aside for my education? Chock th&'s&DOints: o "AmisfleKgible for American taxpayer, was increased to $15 ton on Fnday. The aim was to reduce the price to the world level. In justifying approval of the deal, Reagan said the subsidy would help hard-pressed American wheat growers sell their surpluses. He was encour aged to take the action by Senate Majority Leader Robert Dole, R-Kan. Shultz said the Soviets must be "chortling and scratching their heads about a system that says we're going to fix it up so that American taxpayers make it possible for a Soviet housewife to buy American-produced food at pri ces lower than an American housewife." NebiaMcan Editor Managing Editor .Assoc. News Editors Graphics Editor Editorial Page Editor Editorial Page Asst. ' Wire Editor Copy Desk Chief Sports Editor Arts & Entertain ment Editor Photo Chief k-,;rnA ci in .hi j) general Manager Production Manager Advertising Manager Student Advertising . Manager Publications Board Chairman Professional Adviser Jeff Korbellk 472-17E8 Gsm fisntrup Ttmmy Ksup Linda Hartmmn Kurt Ebirhsrdt Jamis Regan Todd Von Kimpin Scott Thien Join Rezie Chuck Grain Scott Harrah Andrei Hoy fob Atmussan j , , . 'Gtoff Goodwin' Ttita liudor" Jj'ij.' a t ) ?,nrA6o-1 i .' Danlii Shattll ' Katherini Policky Lesley Larson Bryan Peterson Harrison Schultz. 474-76S0 Don Walton. 473-7301 The Daily Nebraskan (USPS 144-080) is published by the UNL Publications Board Monday through Friday in the fall and spring semesters and Tuesdays and Fridays in the summer sessions, except during vacations. Readers are encouraged to submit story ideas and comments to the Daily Nebraskan by phoning 472-1763 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The public also has access to the Publications Board. For information, contact Harrison Schultz, 474 7660. Subscription price is S35 for one year. Postmaster: Send address changes to the Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 1400 R St., Lincoln, Neb. 68588-0448. Second-class postage paid at Lincoln, NE. ALL MATERIAL COPYRIGHT 19S&0AILY NEBRASKAN