The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 04, 1986, Page Page 16, Image 16
Thursday, September 4, 1986 Pago 16 Daily Nebraskan Visit us Under the Douglas III at 13th & P 477-5221 or 477-9555 Ask Us About Roffier fAMUT HAII CtMTTt 7 at Roffler Hair Center Listed in Who's Who of Hair Styling r- the C.I. A. ". . .in the half lost phrases and buried lyrics, there teas an ambiguity that opened up the world with real Jam: The sonys captured the yearn iny for home and the fact of dis placement that ruled out liws; tee thou yht that the I la mi's music was the most natural parallel to our hopes, ambi tions and doubts, and we uvre right to think so. Flo winy through thdr music were spir its of acceptance and desire, rebell ion a nd a we, ra w excite ment, g(Hxi sex, open humor and a magic feel fork istory a determination to find plurality and drama in an Armrica we had met too often as a monolith. " Greil Marcus, "Mystery Train. " First and foremost, you can't begin to make the lists you'd like to make. The guitars combine the ex quisite electric folk picking of the Byrds with tne urban proto-slash of Television. Something of the Under ground in their sentimental guitar figures for "Flowers of Guatemala," an aching tinge of feedback lacing the romance with danger, like VTJ's "Candy Says," or "Femme Fat ale." Michael Stipe's vocals are a his tory of American rock and folk music, the mumble of Blind Willie McTell (see "John the Revelator" from the depression days) "and the growl of GuthrieDylan, the soaring choruses bring to mind even stronger voices: Muddy Waters, GeorgeJones and Elvis. There is nothing quite definite. The list is impossible. It is slowly reduced t o scribbles, poet ry and day dreams that are only partially relevant. Bass and drums roll around behind the buzzsaws-in-the-distance guitar lines, the fragments of ghostly voice, Ei cd ca d q n n n B !3 Q id q m (n eicMj q n SHARR EL 5400 Special Price $35.00 EL 5500 II Scientific 70.00 CE 1 26P Thermal Printer 55.00 CE 1 29P Thermal Printer 70.00 EL 506P Scientific 15.00 EL 51 2P Scientific 26.00 EL 5510 Financial 70.00 EL 5520 Scientific 70.00 EL 51 5S Solar Scientific 19.00 Texas Instruments Tl 36 SLR Solar Scientific $18.00 Tl 74 New! Basic Programmable 94.00 PC 324 Thermal Printer 69.00 Tl 55 III Scientific 33.00 Tl 5310 Desktop Financial 85.00 Tl BAM Financial 30.00 221 Accessories discounted too. MasterCard or Money Ord., Pers. Check (2 wks to clr). Sorry no C.O.D.'s. Add $4.00 1 st item $1 ea add'l shpg & handl. Shpts to IL address add 7 tax. Prices subj tochange. UniversityCollege P.O.'s Welcome. WRITE (no calls) for free catalog. 30-day return policy for defective merchandise only. ALL ELEK-TEK MERCHANDISE IS BRAND NEW, 1ST QUALITY AND COMPLETE planting the ethereal firmly into rock. The rock. There is a mystery to it that defies the cordial naming of influ ences. The mystery of over expan sionism, of the Lewis and Clark ghosts that haunt our planning for cities, farms and resorts, corpora tions and power plants, a fear of manifest destiny. "It ivouldseem that dancing came into being at the bcyi ti ll iny of all things, and was brouyiit to light together with Eros, that ancient one, for we see this primeval dancing clearly setforth in the choral dance of the constellations, and in the planets and fired stars, their interweaving and inter cluinyeand orderly harmony. " Lucien "Life's Rich Pageant" is KEM's fourth album, a solid masterpiece and a continuation of the epic that began with "Murmur." What was at first a whisper, a pop enigma whose hooks and novelty made the band stars become a prototype for an era of new bands who passionately clutch their microphone stands and yowl only semi-coherent, fragmented verse over a resounding tunnel of guitar. "Pageant" is mountainous. A brilliant display of synthesis. Seam less rushes of liturgical guitar lift echoing choruses into the realm of Brahman missals, huge and caver nous. Topographical sounds. Bleak and uncorrupted. National and oblivious. Skull fragments shot all over the room, synapses carpeted in 12-string verdure, neurons blindly dancing barefoot. . . Specific and completely without a shred of meaning. Once inside, though, the dance of Siva begins, the celestial interweav ing and interchange, something grand and interplanetary and as motion less as deep hollows at midnight, EWLETT PACKARD HP-1 1C Scientific HP-1 2C Financial HP-1 5C Scientific HP-1 6C Programmer HP-1 8C New! Business Consultant . HP-41CV Advanced Programmable . HP-41CX Advanced Programmable . 821 04A Card Reader 821 53A Optic Wand 821 43A Thermal Printer I.1..W.--IUI....-MHI..i..'...J.JJ....i.i- $41.00 . . 72.00 .. 72.00 . . 86.00 , 135.00 . 126.00 . 179.00 139.00 .. 91.00 275.00 FX 115M Scientific $16.00 FX 7000G Graphic Display 54.00 FX 3600P Scientific 19.00 FX 451 Solar Scientific 21.00 FX 8100 Scientific with Clock . . . 30.00 FX 90 Credit Card Scientific .... 19.00 FX 995 Solar Scientific 27.00 nannnD OOGDO FX 4000P Scientific 31.00 CM 100 ScientificProgrammer 16.00 VISA by phone or mail. Mail Cashier's check ICJ LU L3 Gill ominous darkness. . . The sound is a lost one, a search, a head down eyes half-open hunt for pretty pebbles. "Pageant" isn't as bleak as "Fables of the Reconstruction," an album that defined the ghost in REM's sound, that made the spook tactile, gave it the motion of train wheels, the bleat of night birds, the motion of canoe oars, the carnage of a long lost war. "Pageant" is full of an almost political hope, an anticipation of paradise, a brooding on essentials. A dream of morning filtering through the green dead wood of barns, sword shafts of new order. The Band took on the myths of America, created new Paul Bunyan's and Pecos Bill's for the '60s. REM is also concerned with myths, legends, historical idols, but they are the empty-eyed idols buried in rubble and ruin. Fallen paganism, and a romantic lust for the ancient. . .take these jewels, wher ever, wherwer you go. . . " REM, "TlwseDays" The Russian filmmaker Eisenstein once incorporated a soundtrack to one of his films that echoed the composition on the screen. The music would correspond to the fea tures on the screen from left to right. If the left hand side of the screen depicted a flat plain, the music would flow along on one pitch. If the plain gradually became a mountain, the music would get higher and build to a crescendo. REM's music is like this, for a film as yet unmade. The music is inherently geographical and evokes geographical images without a co herent word being spoken. It is a map for a country long ago swal lowed by the sea, by the destiny of its people, by the lies inherent in its mythos, by ambitions made cold and sterile by the passage of time. UNL MARKETING AMERICAN Tm MARKETING CLUB 4SSOCMTION First Meeting Tonight 6 PM . City Union (room posted) We're looking forward to introducing you to a semester of: hands-on research resume writing internship opportunities job leads meeting fellow peers & instructors interesting speakers social events All ages and majors are welcome to join us for an exciting year of growm ana progress in the future. Hope to see you there!