The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 04, 1986, Page Page 15, Image 15

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    Thursday, September 4, 1986
Daily Nebraskan
Page 15
Why do they have to grow up?
i m
Chesterfield's, 245 N. 13th St.
Thurs.: Splash. $2, minors welcome.
Fri.: Splash. $2.
Mon.: Mother's Big Band Jazz. No
Tues.: Ben I'lin, comedian. $3.
The Drumstick, 547 N. 48th
Thurs.: A Picture Made and The
Fri.: Tail Gators. $4.
Sat.: Savage Republic, Live Skull
and For Against. $r.
Mon.: Right Here. $2.
Tues.-Wed.: The Procrastinators. $2.
(ireen Fro?, 1010 P St.
Fri.: Arrival. No cover.
Little Bo's, 2630 Cornhusker
Thurs.: Jacks. No cover.
Fri.-Sat.: Jacks. $2.
Tues.-Wed.: The Jailbreakers. No
We carry the area's finest and largest selection
of men's and women's clothing and
accessories. Our full line of racing, mountain,
and touring bicycles includes UNIVEGA,
and more. Expert repairs on all makes.
27th & Vine 475-BIKE
(Open Sundays.)
McGuffey's, 1042 P St.
Thurs.: Jazz Undei ground. No cover.
Fri.: Bill Wimmer, 4-8 p.m. No cover.
Misty's, 5508 S. 5fith St.
Thurs.: Open stage with the Paul
Brothers. No cover.
Fri.-Sat.: Aspen. No cover.
The Mountains, 311 S. 11th
Fri.-Sat.: Head Hunters. $2.
Pla-Mor Ballroom, 6000 W. O
Sat.: Orville and Don Seggern. $4.
Sun.: Ernie Kucera. $2.50.
Wed.: Bobby Lane. $3.50.
Speakeasy, 3233 12 S. 13th
Thurs.-Sat.: Brandy. No cover.
Zoo Bar, 136 N. 14th St.
Thurs.-Sat.: Ron Thompson and the
Resistors. $3.
Mon.-Tues.: William Clarke Blues
Band. $2.
Wed.: Bobby Lowell and the Wreck
ing Crew. $2.50.
56th & South 1483-2452
PLAYGROUND from Page 14
Name: Bruce Stephen
Atfe: 21
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Bruce plans the bass. His
fa cor He tlihuj is bar.
When Bruce grows up he
tea nts to be a ma rine biologist.
Valentino's new Welcome Back Pizza Pack
is required eating for every student body.
Just give us a call, and in minutes we'll
deliver a piping hot, scrumptiously
delicious pizza direct to your door. And, on
any order of $5.00 or more, we'll throw in a
liter of refreshina Coca Cola.FREE!
Playground doesn't act much like
the Smiths. The Smiths take them
selves very seriously and think they
are saying something very, very im
portant. Playground does not think
Some day Playground probably
will grow up. They will start to
dance around on stage, because
people like that. They will maybe
play a couple of songs by ot her peo
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ESTc it3 ..... Zjhs
35th & Holdrege 467 -
Campus Delivery Only
ple, because people like that, too.
John will memorize the words and
he'll start to feel silly about his
music stand. They already feel funny
about the name "Playground." They
don't like it very much.
Name: Playground
Hair: Dark
Eyes: S
f L
Our legendary pizza and ice cold Coke.
What better way to start off the year?
Round up the gang. Pick up the phone.
Then sit back and enjoy your Welcome
Back Pizza Pack. From Valentino's, of
course! Offer expires September 20, 1986.