The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 17, 1986, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    June 17, 1986
Daily Nebraskan
Page 5
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Linda StoryDaily Nebraskan
A new sign commemorates the gift of "The Crib" window in the Nebraska Union. Robert
Kubicek, class of 1940, named the current dining and study area on the south first floor in a
1939 contest. In 1985, his family donated this window to his memory. Professor Robert
Stowers designed and created the window of gold and green corn with red lettering.
Marv Buysman, left, designed the commemorative sign, and Jeff Patterson placed it
outside the Crib on Friday.
Sanctions' impact questioned
COHEN from Page 4
layed greeting the democratic govern
ment of Corazon Aquino, finally tele
phoning her and Ferdinand Marcos on
the same day. Filipinos could be for
given for thinking that Reagan reached
Aquino because he thought Marcos
still had the number.
The economic impact of South Africa
sanctions are open to question. Maybe,
in the short-run, they will hurt poor
blacks more than rich whites. But the
idea, first and foremost, is to make a
moral statement: to answer the ques
tion "which side are you on?" and,
secondarily, to tighten the screws on
the white government. As it is now, we
are projecting the image of a banker
calmly speaking of economic impact
on the eve of a threatened race war.
After all, it is the United States, and
not the Soviet Union, that can boast of
being a multi-racial society. It is the
United States that can boast of a civil
rights revolution, of btacks in Con
gress, in the Cabinet and on the Su
preme Court. The Soviet Union can
make no such claim; yet it is the
U.S.S.R. to which the "young com
rades" look. Our most formidable wea
pon, who we are as a people, has been
Hut the President says little. His
indignation resonates with less moral
force than a veto message to Congress.
And his voice was stilled entirely as
American television vicweis watched
the nightly killings. In tht end, Rea
gan's fear of communism may turn out
to be a self fulfilling prophecy. We will
get the South Africa we fear unless we
help its oppressed blacks get the
government they deserve.
Center changes name to stop confusion
By Scott Thien
Staff Reporter
In an attempt to avoid further confu
sion the university renamed the UNL
Educational Learning Center to the
Academic Success Center May 21, ac
cording to Carol Lotven, coordinator for
the center.
The center, which assists students
with time management, study tech
niques, test taking ideas and paper
preparations, was renamed because
students confused it with another UNL
entity, the UNL Teaching and Learning
Center. .--
Lotven said the center, which deals
primarily with students, kept getting
calls for the Teaching and Learning
Center, a center devoted mainly to the
"We never did like the (former)
name," Lotven said, 'it was kind of
redundant. We were looking for some
thing more positive."
Lotven said the center, nor any of its
services, would not be affected by the
name change.
Lotven said four workshops, begin
ning this month, are planned for the
summer: 'Taking notes in college: The
Cornell note taking system,' 'SQ3R:
Textbook reading and remembering
system,' 'Preparing for exams: Review
ing and memorizing tips' and 'Tips for
taking tests.'
The Academic Success Center, which
helped nearly 1,700 UNL students last
year, is funded by university housing
and administered through the newly
formed Academic Success, Multi-Cultural,
Advising and Counseling Center
The center is located in Room 7005
of Selleck Quadrangle (basement) and
is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday
through Friday. For more information,
call 472-1481.
Tnn Ti lj iimn wiiiw ibh iiiiiiiib hiiimiii mm il m
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1 V I ill ill : I IT 111 ft iUU
Lincoln's Mo 1
Canoes and Jon Boats
(includes car rack, paddles, and life jackets)
Day PacksKelty Frame Packs
Timberline (2-4 person)
Springbar (3 person cabin style)
Sleeping Bags: 40 degree bags
Slumberjack Glacier 10 degree bags
Ensolite Pad
Waterproof Equipment Bag
Peak I Stove (1 burner)
Coleman Stove (2 burner)
60-80 Quart Cooler ff
Gott 10 Gallon Water Cooler
Gott 6.5 Gallon Water Cooler
1 Gallon Jug Cooler
Coleman Lanterns
Climbing Helmets
G3lf Clubs
Racquetball, Badminton, Tennis Rackets
Volleyball Standards
Cromipt Spf s
In addition to the other rental items, the following sports equipment is
available for check-out with a UNL I.D. and picture I.D.: Basketballs,
footballs, horseshoes, soccer balls, volleyballs and nets, softball equip
ment, tug-of-war ropes, frisbees, lawn darts, water polo balls, table
tennis paddles, handball gloves, and jump ropes.
Office Hours 7:30 a.m-4:45 p.m. M-F
Office of Campus Recreation
1740 Vine Street
Lincoln 472-3467
Daily Weekend Weekly
Cost Cost Cost
$9 $18 $36
$1.50-4.00 $3-8 $6-16
$3-5 $6-10 $12-20
$4 $8 $16'
$2 $4 $8
$3 $6 $12
50 $1 $2
$4 $8 $16
$1 $2 $4
$2 $4 $8
$1.50 $3 $6
$2 $4 $8
$1.50 $3 $6
50 $1 $2
$1.50 $3 $6
$1 $2 $4
$1.50 $3 $6
; 50 $1 $2
$2 $4 $8
$1 $2 $4
Flatwater. It's the Indian translation for the word Nebraska.
It's also the name of a three day festival of food, film and
fun, this Friday through Sunday, June 20-22. Centered at
12th & R St., right on campus, here's what Flatwater will
mean to you:
Two dozen performing artists-local, regional &
national entertainers on two open air stages.
Nearly 100 artisan displays-with dozens
demonstrating their craft at the "artist's village".
Two dozen food booths-from baked goods, cold
drinks & snacks, to ethnic specialties, along with
traditional Nebraskan fare.
Six award winning animated films at Sheldon Film
Bring the kids-thirty different children's activities.
And that's only the beginning! Read the complete
schedule of events in the official Flatwater Festival
program in the Daily Nebraskan Friday! Or pick up
a copy during the festival.
Don't miss it!
The program
or the festival!