The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 06, 1986, Page Page 19, Image 19
Monday, May 5, 1986 Daily Nebraskan Cubans use championship form to break tie with earn By Kristi Reetz Staff Reporter McLinden got the U.S. team on the board with her serve. Cuba then took leads of 7-3, 8-4, 12-5 and 14-7 before The Cuban women's volleyball team taking the set, 15-7, to tie the U.S. team defeated the U.S. team in five sets with one set each. Friday night 11-15, 15-7, 15-7, 5-15 and 15-7. A crowd of 2,388 in the Bob Devaney Sports Center watched the games, which marked the games, which marked the second time on the current tour that the teams had to play five sets in the best of five series. The Cuban team has lost only one match in 14 months to China in the World Cup. Cathy Noth, a setter on the U.S. team and a UNL graduate, received the key to Lincoln in a pre-game ceremony. During each time-out, the sidelined served the game and match point for a 15-7 and 3-2 five-game Cuban win. Cuban coach Eugenio George Lafita, speaking through an interpreter, said he played both first-teamers and sub stitutes in the first three sets. He said U.S. members would do quick sit-ups or he can use less experienced players push-ups until play resumed. because the U.S. team is voune. How- We have to be ready to play as ever, they are progressing, he said, substitutes on the sidelines," explained adding that he had to use his first team member Karolyn Kirby. "We have string team in the last two sets to win. to be just as warm as those playing on u.s coach Terry Liskevych said he the court so we keep our pu lses up ." liked his squad-s play in the fourth Kirby, who led the Kentucky Wildcats game chamnionhin !hS! JW? "We controlld th tempo and really In the third game, Cuba took a quick X llTl "S" Noth was MVP of the Big Eight three Cuban spike and reduced the Cuban consecutive years while playing for the lead to 4-3. But Cuba, rated first or Cornhuskers and was a first team All- second in the world, built its lead back American her junior year. up and ended with a 15-7 victory to lead "I think it was an honor," Noth said two sets to one. after the game. "It was an honor Game four started out a struggle, coming out of Nebraska and being a with both teams having problems scor- part of Nebraska and Terry Pettit's ing points. The U.S. team started the program. 1 think I set a good example scoring, taking a 2-1 lead and eventually for the people here." building up to a 7-2 lead before a three- Pettit is the UNL volleyball coach, person collision on the U.S. team gave Noth started the first game off right the ball back to Cuba. Cuba didn't take she served the U.S. team's first advantage of the opportunity, though, I point. The U.S. team jumped in front of scoring only three more points before the Cubans, lz-d, but the Cubans tought losing 15-5. Each team had won two back to come within three points at sets, and they had to face a tie-breaker. 14-11. The U.S. team held tough, and In the fifth game, Cuba showed the Caren Kemner, who played college form that made its national team world volleyball at Arizona, served the game champions from 1978 to 1982, Cuba point for the U.S. team at it took the first set, 15-11. Cuba took the lead in the second game, getting a 5-0 lead before Melissa started out very sluggishly and they were even worse, yet we didn't capitalize on it. "That's what you have to do with a team like that, when they're that good. When they're not playing well, we really have to jump on top of them." Kirby said she thinks the U.S. team is improving. "We did a lot better tonight. We're competing better because we're focus ing less on them and more on us," she said. Noth agreed with Kirby and said the U.S. team has learned a lot from the Cubans. "The more we play them, the more we go after them," Noth said. "We know their tendencies and they know ours, took a 12-3 lead. Despite good blocks so it's not to anybody's advantage. from U.S. team members Marsha Bond "I was really excited for this game in and Kemner, Cuba extended its lead to front of some of my old friends. It's just 14-6 before Lazar Gazalez Martinez too bad we couldn't have had a victory." 'Codgers' deserve bottom ranking; Saberhagen is 'most hated' player Quote of the week: Reporter: "How does it feel to win the pennant?" Dick Dietz (Giants catcher): "It feels great, and the Dodgers can go to hell." (After the Giants won the Western Division in 1971.) . .-. i Dick Dietz won't go to the Hall of f Fame, but he deserves a spot in the heart of Dodger haters for that comment; Goodwin's Bad Ones Once again this week the Codgers top the Bottom 10 and bring up the rear or whatever. Some people might think I'm putting them there just because I (lout' like them. Some people might be right. But, for this week at least, the Dodgers deserve the ranking for their play. The Dodgers' hitting, which hasn't been very good since Babe Herman retired in the 1930s, is even more anemic this year. But this year's real problem is the pitching staff. Except for Orel Hershiser and Fernando Val enzuela, Los Angeles hasn't had con sistent performances from its starters. On to other topics. You'll recall last week that I asked you to send me your nominations for the player you hate most in the major league. Actually, we could even extend this to all of base ball. If there's someone out there with the Toledo Mud Hens that you can't stand, you can send him in. Well, as usual, the response was underwhelming. Unlike some occasions in the past, however, at least I got a response this time. Here it is, from Tom Schipporeit, a graduate student: "I hate Bret Saberhagen for the way he uses his tongue to remove Red Man juice from his upper lip. Looks like a cow with a runny nose." Thanks for the response, Tom. So there you have it, folks. According to this informal, unsophisticated, devil-may-care poll, Bret Saberhagen, darling of the World Series, devoted husband and father of a young daughter, is the most hated man in baseball. Only you can prevent this, friends. Write those letters now! What about Steve Garvey?? What about Pete Rose?? What about the Yankees???? What about the Dod gers?????? Still other topics: This year's Orioles media guide (they used to be press guides, but now they're media guides. La-de-da.) has the records of all teams for the past 30 years. Every team that has been around for all of those years, at least. The Orioles, not surprisingly, have the best record over those 30 years. It is, after all, their press guide. You'd hardly expect to find this list in the Indians' guide, for example. The list has some surprises. Natural ly, the Cubs, White Sox and Indians are near the bottom. So, surprisingly, are the A's in spite of three world championships in the early 1970s. What this tells the knowledgeable baseball fan and we're all knowledgeable fans, aren't we? is that the A's really have been stinkers some years. Quite a few years, in fact. So take heart, all ye downtrodden Pirates and Mariners fans. Hope still lives. i EGG ECADDAFI T-SHIRTS 1 4-coIor screen print available on silver grey T-Shirts -Adult S,M,LXL Supply Limited Send $10.00 Tax ji to i: Eqq Kaddafi T-Shirts P-O. Box 83438 Don't haul it all home. And then haul it all back again next fall STORE YOUR OFF-SEASON GOODS AT foffoity-Storage 24 hour access -Five minutes from campus Monthly or yearly rates Modern & clean -You keep the key -You bring it, store it Size Per Month 25sqft. $13.00 40sqft I $16.00 70i. 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