The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 02, 1986, Page Page 9, Image 9
Friday, May 2, 1986 Daily Nebraskan Page 9 lis rt rl w rl A 1 T c iudents show films at Sheldon By Charles Lieurance Senior Reporter Students from the UNL film pro duction class will show their films at the Sheldon Film Theatre, 12th and R Streets, today from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Greg Kubitschck, wUsq min ute, lCrr.m f Im Ingres" will be shown, sMJ his is the longest of the films. The other works to be screened are "Danscur" by Jeff Hill, six minutes; "No Sale," an experi mental work by Strait, Michael Hofacre and Pete Farricks; and "Fish Over Lincoln," an ani mated film by Kr.rr p. Kubitschek's and Kr.:pp's films were made in independent study with Wheeler Dixon, associate pro fessor of film studies. The rest were made as part cf Dixon's 16mm pro duction class. Kubitschck said he completed "Nightmares" in April after working on it for -a year and spending just under $4,000 of his own money. Kubitschck is an Integrated Stu dies major who has been making one film per academic semester for the last five years. The stars of "Nightmares" were Gerry Daly, Treva Tegtmeier and Bryceson Watson from the theater department. Knapp's animated film, "Fish Over Lincoln," is the first of its kind done at UNL Made from pen and ink line drawings, "Fish" is four minutes long. - New film production facilities' were pruchased for the classes a year ago and have, made it much more practical to make quality films on a student basis, Kubitschek said. Along with the, presentation of student films tonight, a farm crisis film titled 'The Farm: Nebraska 1986" and made by Dixon's produc tion class will be shown. This doc umentary is 3D minutes long. On Saturday, Dixon will show five of his own films at 7:30 p.m. in the - Sheldon Film Theatre. Dixon will 0 T v . :' ) i: U, ' ) r v', Aw, : I ) .,.( "V. i V- f f . i v. i & ; t . - . , ,- . III . Special to Daily Nebraskan Kubitschek runs the camera on the set cf "Nightmares." show "Madagascar," a two-minute film he made in 1976; "Dana Can Deal," a six-minute film made that same year; "Serial Metaphysics," a 20-minute 1083 production; "tin Pet it Examen" made in 1976; and "The Diaries 1968-1985" an experimental autobiography of the film maker made in 1985, - Dixon has worked on the cutting - edge of underground filmmaking on the East Coast and in the estab lishment commercial film commun ity of Hollywood. Dixon also has worked with Andy Warhol in New York City, where he made a number of films from 1966 until 1975. Dixon then migrated to Hollywood, where he made experi mental videos and 10 made-for-TV-movies. In 1978, Dixon decided to get a doctorate and teach his craft in colleges. This Saturday's showing will last 1 12 hours as part of the Sheldon's FilmVideo Artist showcase series. The student films are free to the public- - Xkssifkd 4722580 - - -i "-- -"i i i t , k. , , Economical 4-bedroom1 Renovated duplex at 2904 "Q" 5(r llJ- Ml CtSllt St. S375 per month. 423-1535. Lease for summer and into " ' fall if desired. 1 .. J i niir.i-.nii GOVERNMENT JOBS: S16.040 S59.230yr Now hiring. Call 805-687-6000 Ext. R-9636 for current federal list. GOVERNMENT HOMES from S1 (U-Repair). Also delin quent tax property. Call 805-687-6000 Ext. GH-9636 for information. 75 VW bus. standard trans, rebuilt enginelow miles. Air. AMFM.S2.000or best offer. 435-6437eves.weekend. New Honda Elite 80. red. 650 miles. 476-7462 evenings. King-Size bed. excellent condition. Call 475-1263 bet ween 3:00-6:30 p.m. Quality furniture for sale including couch, coffee table, dresser, tablechairs, and stereo stand. 467-1188 (ext. 248) daytime. 435-8580 evenings. Must sell. Pioneer HPM-500 speakers. 3-years-old. Superb sound, excellent condition. $150 or best offer. 435-2928. 1982 Honda Express - NU 50. S220 or best offer. 475-6535. 1979 Honda XL500. excellent condition, low miles. Call 483-4089. 10 and 12-speed bicycles sale Indoors. 1733 "0" Street, next to Veteran s Store at 18th and "0." 25-30 models. FijiRossSchwinnetc. All at great prices. Friday. Satur day and Sunday. May 2. 3. and 4. 12 p.m. - 6 p.m. Attention UNMC Students! For sale by owner: Nice 2-bedroom condo in Omaha. 850 sq. ft. Med Center Area. Several Med Center students as neighbors. Call Warren -551-9195 or 342-2975. Olympus 0M10 3bmm camera. Too condition. 784-6216 after 5.30. Smith-Corona electric typewriter Good condition. S75. 476-2613. 476-3397. 1984 Honda Magna V-45. windshield. 2.000 miles, mint. 665-5041. Ceresco Airline ticket, one-way to Newark. New Jersey. May 6. 9a m..S80. 475-7768. 1984 Plymouth Reliant. !!S4.250!I Low below book value, loaded: very sharp condition. 472-9516. '83 Toyota Tercel. 4-door hatch, 37.000 miles, excellent condition. S3.700. 1977 Datsun pickup, good condition. Runs great. Cam per shell S900 or best offer. 472-9016. 1981 Subaru. 4doorand5-speed. Must sell. If interested, contact Linda at Burlington Employees Credit Union. 8:30-500 464-0297 7 local bands to play in Papillion concert Seven Nebraska bands will play to night at the Midlands Community Center in Papillion. The bands include synth-pop band Digital Sex; rock trio Cellophane Ceil ing; roots rockers Buck Naked and the Bare Bottom Boys; performance artist Joe Budenholzer, Lincoln's For Against, the only non-Omaha band playing, and two young hard-core bands, Double U and The Dudes. Stove Shehan of Digital Sex organized the conceit. Shehan said the concert is intended to lot established bands pl iy for younger audiences. Alcohol will not be served or allowed at the concert. Admission is $5 at the door; advance tickets won't be sold. The concert will begin at 7 p.m. hapel spomsoirs Ch&isiiiain) daoce CRAM II is the successor to the successful CRAM dance at the end of last semester. More than 150 students attended the original pro gram. According to ULC Pastor James Bauer, both dances have been planned and carried out almost exclusively by student members of the chapel. UNL student Jeff Heins has been in charge of planning for CRAM II. For more information, call the University Lutheran Chapel at 477-3997. "I'll give it an 85 it's easy to dance." If you have ever felt that way about some of your favorite con temporary Christian music, you'll have your chance at the Nebraska Union tonight. University Lutheran Chapel, 1 510 Q, is sponsoring Chris tian Rock And More II, a night of dancing, fellowship and fun with music by the best Christian rock stars. The dance will be in the union Ballroom from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. It is free to the public. Haymarket stores sponsor arts festival The Haymarket Arts Festivities event May 18 is being sponsored by local Haymarket businesses to include aware ness of the area's development, said Dan Cornejo, program manager. The art festival will feature local artists and live entertainment. The festival also will give local artists and opportunity to display or sell their works. Those interested in participating by selling or demonstrat ing their original works should contact Cindy Piester, 488-7464, or Barb Hager, 472-7391, for more information. A registration fee of $10 is charged for those wishing to sell their original works, but no fee will be charged for artists only wishing to display or demonstrate. Besides entertainment, art and food, a drawing for prizes will be at 5 p.m. that day. Haymarket businesses will be open all day. The festival will last from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The Haymarket area is from Ninth and O streets to Seventh and P streets. FURNISHED APARTMENT 800 S. 16th. SUMMER LEASE available. Spacious 1 br. laundry. S235. 475-3111 or 489-6644. 810 "H" -S305 plus deposit 1630 N. 56 - S335 plus deposit 4140 Baldwin S265 plus deposit 2-bedrooms. carpet, drapes, dishwasher, garbage dis posal, no childrenpets. 467-3145 488-7755. OPEN FOR SUMMER AND FALL lift Introducing: TIE CAMPUS HOUSE AHordaU homc-stIe lining in a Christian atmosphere (approved unlutrtity homing) team SUM IBosirdl 8111 jptstf Eimilfii 1633 Q Street just three btocfu) from the Union coeducational, cooperative arrangement sponsored bu. CoUeoe-Career Christian fellowship Call 474-5828 Ask for Chris or James or just drop by for a visit! 1974 228 Camero. Runs good. Body in excellent condition. 350 V8 motor. S1.500. Call Gary 488-2121 or 467-3215. !. ami : -H- , RENT BREAK 1 mile North of City Campus. 2-bedroom as low asS231. Middle income HUD program. Couples or single parent families. Yearly income less than S18.550 and at least S600 per month. 475-6144. 228 N 12th St. Efficiency. S165; 1-bedroom, S250. Air. cable, laundry, deposit. 435-2263. 435-5587. SUMMER SPECIAL REDUCED RATES & SHORT LEASES NEW spacious 2-bedroom. all electric, appliances, drapes laundry, parking, free cable, no pets. S345 plus. 19th & Knox 477-7684 or 474-0743. NEWER spacious 1 & 2-bedrooms (extras same as above) S240-S310. 521 N. 25th. 477-7684 or 475-0539. 4-PLEX. 2-bedroom. fireplace, appliances, parking, laundry, storage, no pets. S300 plus, 1833 Knox. 474-7684 or 474-0743. . n IT V Y TO STOOGES In May Stooges Is 5 Years Old & We Are Throwing Our First Party! TONIGHT It's Our New Ladies' Night 7-10 PM 25 Draws 50 Drinks $150 Pitchers Drawing For A 10 Speed Bike, STOOGES Shirts And Tickets To Worlds Of Fun. PLUS: Check Out Our New Lower SUMMER DRINK PRICES! 9th & "?" St. 474-2777 "We Rock Lincoln"