Friday, April 25, 1986 Daily Nebraskan Page 3 MIDNIGHT A n A J Li 4 ' ft . . .Savings This Good Only Happen Once A Year!! f Tit, r it( V ? I I i A-- f - Hi ... l i v . Savings of 2050 Throughout the Store! "'"; MMki -Nt-fi4tUlN .iiiiMlM tit: fits Just a few of the Madness Special Mens: Short Sleeve Shirts $99,-$14' Shorts $9$12 Suits (135 available) 9 Dress & Sport Shirts (vile to $i!53) $ 14" Pants (value to $55) $ 14 90 Shoes 20-50 off Cotton Sweaters V2 off Spring Jackets 72 Oil SPECIAL HOURS TODAY V Saturday Sunday 12:00 -10:00 noon 10:00-6:00 12:00-6:00 Just a few of the Madness Special Womens: Knits (values to $55) Blouses (values to $45) Shorts (values to $42) Pants (off ori3. price) Swimsuits (values to $46) Shoes (values to $&8) Cotton Sweaters (values to $45) Jeans LSiaiilttf iVtik Mens Designer Collections at Madness Prices! Perry Ellis Giorgio Armani Jeffrey Banks Alexander Julian Ralph Lauren Calvin Klein Colours by Alexander Julian Generra Gant Guess (lirhaud Mariniquc Axis G.B. Clothing Kikit jCorbin f All Womens Designer Collections at Madness Prices! Perry Ellis Ralph Lauren Guess o Girbaud Calvin Klein Esprit Willie Wear Norma Kamali Merona o Condor Generra In-Wear Cambridge No Comment by OK'e Karen Alexander French Connection British Khaki, and more! Downtown Lincoln at 144 N. 14th ' -A" i irifeii: v ;t:;:::.i .:::::'...;.' '!!:"."' t t h - J j :::!:: ::.? ' Ml $10" $1499 $13" 60 $1499 $16" $10" off lllilk litis lt)n. i. rtlfcC III" i