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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1986)
Page 10 Daily Nebraskan Friday, April 25, 1986 1981 Subaru-5 speed II interested, contact Linda at Burlington Employee Credit Union. 464-029, 8.30-500 p.m. 14350 furnished apartment, clean 1-bedroom. laundry, dishwasher, air. ott-street parking 435-8402 EAST CAMPUS 1 & 2 laige bedrooms with decks or patios on the r.ouityaid ALL applianced kitchen Full bath with shower AC. laundiy facilities, parking tor ALL tenants Summer & school leases available 466-8611 HUNTINGTON SQUARE APTS 3300 HUNTINGTON Joseph E Kean Co 474 1666 SUMMER HOUSING AVAILABLE ACACIA FRATERNITY LOW RENT AC KITCHEN FACILITIES CO-ED For more info call Todd Wagner at 475-2242 or 476 0345 or Tom Macy at 476-0085 between 4-8 tAt tAt SPLASH & TAN Our pool is filled We have: Guaranteed clean apart ments 1 or 2 laige bedrooms 1 or 2 full baths Starting IS309 Fireplace Low utilities Fully applianced kitchen Separate dining area 4 convenient laundry rooms Extra security storage Gaiages Swimming pool School & summer leases available Beat the rush Call NOW' 476-6200 WILLOWHAVEN APARTMENTS 1800 Knox Joseph E Kean Co 474 1666 tAt tAt tAt RENT BREAK 1 mile North ol City Campus 2-bedroom as low asS231. Middle income HUD program Couples or single parent families. Yearly income less than S18.550 and at least S600 per month 475-6144 I'M! n $1MSS W ) In W. ,. il Register for YcurChcnto to VJh. Visit any participating downtown merchant through noon May 3 and register for your chance to win $1,000 worth of downtown gift certificates. Enjoy the shopping, entertainment, dining, dancing and more, and while you're here, don't forget to register for your chance to win a $1,000 Downtown Springtime Shopping Spree! Downtown Sprinqtime Shopping Spree Drawing for (he prize will be held ;il 3 p.m. May 3 in the Centrum. No purchase necessary. Need not he present In win. m JJuntingtoXT SQUARE Al'ARTMKN I SC 3300 Huntington Avenue 3FEATURESC 1 and 2 hu ge Bedrooms , , uirgc Closets AH, Applianced Kitchens Balconies and Patios Full Bath with Shower . 4 WasherDryers in Central Liundry rtxm Apartments Border UreLmdscaped Courtyard Off-Street Parking for ALL Tenants Separate Security Storage Close to Campus GALL 466-8611 School Year and Summer Leases Available Managed fjy Oie Joseph E. Kean Gmnfxiny 474-166 228 N 12th St. Elficiency, S165; 1-bedroom. S250, Air. cable, laundry, deposit. 435-2263. 435-5587. APARTMENT FOR RENT 1932 R St.. just oil campus! New 2-bedroom. un furnished, ac. wd hookups, dishwasher, parking, summer lease. S345 00 475-31 1 1 '"a'8Dishwasher. AC. disposal, stove, refrigerator, close to campus. S325. 474-1985. SUMMER SPECIAL REDUCED RATES & SHORT LEASES NEW spacious 2-bedroom. all electric, appliances, drapes, laundry, parking, free cable, no pets. S345 plus. 19th & Knox 47-7684 or 474-0743 NEWER, spacious 1 & 2-bedrooms (extras same as abovei. S240 S310. 521 N 25th. 477-7684 or 475-0539 4 PLEX 2-bedroom. fireplace, appliances, parking laundry storage, no pets S300 plus. 1833 Knox 474-7684 or 44 0743 Apartment available lor summer Fully furnished AC. carport, new carpet. Near East Campus, Call 467-1101, Largc2-bedroom. AC water paid, parking summer or year lease Cheap. 467-5216. 4- and 4 BR houses 4-6 blocks north of City Campus, fully furnished with washer, dryer, shower, range relrig.. beds, desks, etc Central air: no yard work: summer lease 477-5049 leave message. Nice 2-bedroom basement apt Lease or sublease, low utilities 4236 Huntington. Start beginning of May 467-3640 Summer sub lease. Nice 3-bedroom apt Laundry, parking, AC 1842 G" St .435-2913 2-bedroom apt fully furnished kitchen, low utilities perfect location, summer lease reasonable price Call 476 91 '0 Summer sublease May 15 Aug 15 Nice 2-bedroom Laundry parking, storage. AC, plus' 1833 Knox St . S300. Call Ronnie 472-6408 (daysi. 466-4779 (eves) Summer house 3 boys washerdryer good location Call Jon alter 6 00. 435 7515 Furnished Apt for summer. S175month plus utilities 476 8059 Economical 4 bedroom1 Renovated duplex at 2904 "Q" St S375 per month 423-1535 Lease lor summer and into fall if desired Nice two BR apt 19th & "G " Heat paid Available May 15 474-7692 New laige 2 bedioom apt . all electric, (ree cable AC parking laundry. 1900 Knox Summer sublease 477-3918 or 477-7684 FURNISHED APARTMENT 800 S 16th. SUMMER LEASE available Spacious 1 br laundry. S235 47b 3111 or 489 6644 1501 N 13 - next to UNL June 1 to Aug 15. lease 1 month liee1 AC. S375mo 3 bedroom 423-1535 ui We know it's a busy time for you Time to celebrate, time to reflect. But it's also time to look to the future. Kinko's can help you prepare for your future. We have a wide range of specialty papers and matching envelopes to give your resume the professional look it deserves. Come by and see us today. There's no time like the present. Creat copies. Great peopte. 12th & R 475-2679 48th & Vine 466-8159 TWO HECE8 03? CHICKEN MASHED E0TATMGMVY' cole susM biscuit. rtucliy Fried Chicken. n wMU or til dirk utn. Catch Cathy Noth, " former UNL player with the Women's International Volleyball: USA vs. Cuba May 2 at 7:30 Bob Devaney Sports Complex Tickets available at all campus ticket locations. Team. Jm 1 fyS Official Sponsor Summer lease available May 10 Newer 2-bedroom fir eplace, appliances, parking. No pets. S300. plus utilities' 464-8180.464-5030 Large 2-bedroom to sublease at 3517 Baldwin Balcony dishwasher off-street parking, a storage unit and fire place S325 00. Call 467-2198 or 483-4600. 810 H" S305 plus deposit 1630 N 56 - S335 plus deposit 4140 Baldwin - S265 plus deposit 2-bedrooms. carpet, drapes, dishwasher garbaae dis posal, no childrenpets 467-3145 488-7755. Nice 2-bedroom. furnished apartment available for summer lease Close to campus. Call after 8 00 prn 476-9615. Summer sublease. S300month option to rent AC parking, laundry. 35th & Baldwin. 464-6166 Just off campus1 Newer 2-bedroom apartment Summer sublease 534 476-2148 Nice 2-bedroom apt to sublet lor summer Fireplace parking available, washerdryer in hallway 464-9038 4-bedroom and low utilities" 2 baths - close to UNL at 1420N 26thSt 423-1535 S495mo Lease loi summer anil into fall it desired i uure uuoui ner o a lot. We talk about sex, but we don't have V all the answers. 0000 y-o O 0 0 ) O 0 0 I .'fi' ' ';. '- -' y. i Njttf Every Friday Is Rose Day $1.75 Cash & Carry in A JLIIIILLL THE FLORIST 13th &M St. Cornhusker Sq.