The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 23, 1986, Page Page 6, Image 6
Page 6 Daily Nebraskan Wednesday, April 23, 1986 ((j!JiMiiiiifininliti1ii if 1 8 to 9 All Micholob Only 6S 9 to Close OS Michelob, Michelob Light, Michelob Dark L:.::r L;;l C:,:. 1 ;; Shirley Thomsen recognized for 'exceptional service' By Michael Hooper Staff Reporter You may have missed the flyers, but you needn't miss ine uuai. There are 77 UNL courses you can tafo without being on campus this summer. They include: Political Science Geology English Physics And morel Business History Psychology Economics If you didn't find a flyer about them In your dorm mailbox (or If you don't have a dorm mailbox!), and if yonwould like Information on how you can earn UNL credit hours while away from campus, contact the UNL Division of Continuing Studies. Call 472-3587 today! V.yl J non"dllcrlmlnatory ,ntltution' 1 Campus V St udont s arc more than just a number to Shirley Thomson, assistant director of registration and records at I'NL. Thomsen, who won the first Chancel lor's Award for Exceptional Service to Students at CNL's Honors Convocation on April 11th, said making students feel comfortable coming to the regis trar's office with questions is impor tant to her, "Our office is approachable," she said. "If we can't answer your quest ions, we'll point you to someone who can." Thomsen. who will retire this spring after 44 years of service to 1'NL, won the award for serving students beyond her regular duties, "Routinely she goes the extra mile to make life easier for students in need of assistance in resolving grade or enrollment problems from the time they enter the university until they walk down the aisle at commencement exercises," said I'NL Chancellor Martin Massengale in a I'NL press release. A six-member committee, chosen by Massengale, screened applications for the award, said committee member Julie Hansen, a junior nursing major. After screening the applicants, com mittee members pic ked applicants they thought deserved the award, Hansen said. Members submitted their recom mendations to Massengale, who then made the final decision, she said. Thomsen began working in the Administration Building in 1042 as a student in education. At thai time, the administration building stood about where the Sheldon Art Gallery's flower gardens are now, she said. 'As a senior in 11)40, Thomsen was asked to cut back on her school hours and work full time because "droves" of military men were coming back from the war. "In 1 Duo the veterans graduated, r- " - i' I" . Thomsen Dan DulantyDally Ntbnskan which was the biggest graduating class 10 uaie, sne saia. Thomsen earned her bachelor's degree In education In 1940 and was hired by UNL as a receptionist and records clerk. She became a senior checker In the registrar's office in 1948. She said she has done every task there is to do in the registrar's office.' "I've made transcripts, I've trans ferred credits, I've done it all," she said. "It's just routine now." Sometimes, Thomsen said, the stu dents she has helped come to visit her or write to her. "It's neat when they come. They'll have families, new jobs and lots' to tell." Thomsen, who has been single all her life, said the students are like family. "I'll tell ya, my Christmas card lis) is a mile long." Thomsen now not only oversees the recording of grades and computation of official lists of degree candidates for each commencement, but she also has been secretary to the commencement committee since 1952. In that Job, Thomsen has been largely responsible for preparations and the execution of commencement ceremonies, a press release said. The 1976 commencement in parti cular stands out in Thomsen's memory. Before then, UNL had two commence ment sessions, either in the Coliseum or Pershing Auditorium. But in the Bicentennial year, Thom sen said UNL had a single commence ment exercise In the newly completed Bob Devaney Sports Center. To make things even more interest ing, she said, former President Gerald Ford was to address the seniors. "It was scary, Thomsen said. "I thought there'd be riots and demonstra tions." Thomsen said she is not the only one on the clerical staff that cares about students' problems. They are not well-known, sometimes, she said, but they are there. A public retirement party for Thom sen will be Tuesday from 2 to 4 p.m. From . . . . ill g sb& 1 Docanse oi your HccoBplishBont Ton Hro Hon , . UJOJ Dodge 86 Dodge 600 Convertible ONLY $631.00 Down ONLY $292.44 Per Month First payment in 4 months 2.2 Litsr EFI Engine Automatic Transmission Power Windows Power Steering Power Locks Power Roof AMFM Stereo Radio - . 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