.ontia, April 21, ICCG
Daily- L'-.w'a:knn
Page 9
Glee club starts
statewide tour
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Sometimes life hurts like hell;
comic understands humor is pain
By Chris McCubbin
Staff Reporter
Matt Groening, "Love is Hell,"
Pantheon Books, $5.95.
1) Humor is pain which happens to
somebody else. People who ask if a
Book Review
pratfall or a dead baby joke is really
funny are missing the point. They're
t he funniest things in the world because
humor equals pain and all humor is
innately sadistic. -
2) The '80s is the decade of ungodly
honesty. It used to be if you asked
someone out they'd say "No, thank you,
I'm busy." Today they say, "No,
thank you, you're repulsive and obnox
ious." . - ; ;
Once you understand these two rules
you understand "Life in Hell," a comic
strip by Matt Groening.
Life in Hell:
'Wax' album is more pop pablum
By Chris McCubbin
Staff Reporter
Wax "Magnetic Heaven"
The airwaves today are a mess. It is
inadequate to say that today's charts
Record Review
are bland and boring. It's more accu
rate to say that a glossy, dull feature
lessness has become a basic prerequi
site to having a hit. Today's corporate
hit machine regards non-distinctive-ness
as a highly marketable commodity
to be eagerly sought and recruited.
Wax is perfect radio fodder. There's
Not some steamy, smoky.sulphurous
spiritual plane where malignant
spirits poke your butt with forks. I
mean life in Hell. Right here, right
now, what I did on my vacation . . . Life.
Think about it. You're in the '80s and
you're stuck. There's no way you can
possibly get out for at least four more
The first "Life in Hell" book, "Love is
Hell," has just been published. "Love is
Hell" is the funniest book in the world,
and one of the most depressing.
Groening's peculiar twisted genius
consists simply of seeing things exactly
the way they are, and, most horribly,
telling us about it. His revelations on
the fundamentally absurd insignificance
of human existence have an effect
rather like being disemboweled with a
feather. You don't know whether to
laugh or scream.
Groening on love: "Love is a snow
mobile racing across the tundra and
then suddenly it flops over, pinning you
underneath. At night, the ice weasels
Groening on "why you might feel
nothing bad about this album. How
could there be? There's not enough
substance in Wax for them to be bad, or
good, or anything. This album barely
exists at all.
Wax is a pop duo, and they sound
exactly like what a pop duo is sup
posed to sound like in the '80s. The
music is a combination of teeny-bopper
pop and (though it truely pains me to
use the word), what the band itself
would almost certainly call "soul."
Wax is firmly on the well-worn path
that Hall & Oates, Wham! and Go West
traveled before them.
Still, in their own limited genre
these guys are far from the worst. They
don't adopt Daryl Hall's used-car sales
Reprinted with permission of Pantheon Books
unloved": 1) "You are such a dreadful
person that no one could possibly love
you. 2) You are the only one who really
exists in the universe, and the rest of
us are just phantom images. 3) Who the
hell cares?"
The protagonists of "Love is Hell"
are a rabbit named Binky, his unnamed
wifegirlfriend, and his one-eared kid,
Bongo. Groening's rabbits are not cute,
cuddly cartoon bunnies. They're not
particularly attractive. They're awk
ward and inarticulate. Just like we are.
About half the book deals with love.
Most of the rest is about childhood.
There's a short selection of intellectu
als and a few miscellaneous cartoons.
Your first reaction to "Love is Hell"
will be to laugh until your gut hurts.
Within a couple of hours, the book will
start to come true. Little bits from
"Love is Hell" will start popping up in
your own life, and when they happen to
you, they're not funny. They hurt, like
Review copy courtesy of the University
manrevival preacher self-pimping, and
they stay away from George Michael's
frowzy sluttishness. Wax just seems
like a couple of guys who want to make
music. Who can blame them if their
taste isn't world-class?
The songs on "Magnetic Heaven" are
mostly competent, professional, assembly-line
pop. The melodies have more
than their share of hum-along hooks.
The production, while disingenuous
and predictable is, at least, seldom
If you like this kind of pablum you
probably won't find any that's better
than this. I wouldn't be caught dead
with this album, but I probably wouldn't
be ashamed to have my 12-year-old
niece seen in public with it.
The INI, Varsity Men's Glee Club
will be on tour in Western Nebraska
today and Tuesday.
The OS member group, under t he
direction of professor Hay Miller, will
perform concerts at Henderson. Adams
Central, Holdrege, Hastings and Seward
High Schools.
The Glee Club's repertoire includes
two antiphonal choir pieces done in
Latin, spirituals, folk songs, a sea
chanty, Gabriel Faure's "Cantique de
Jean Racine" sung in English, "Taren
tella" by Randall Thompson, a setting
of a poem by Hilaire Belloc, a medley
from the Rogers and Hamiuerstein musi
cal "Carousel," and a medley of songs
by Duke Ellington, arranged by Jon
Ranard, who also serves as an accom
panist for the Glee Club.
Ladies and gents,
the circus is here
The circus is coming! If you're one of
those people who believe you're too old
for clowns, trapeze acts, elephants,
tigers, magic and monkeys, you'd best
not read on.
Lincoln's Sesostris Temple will host
1 1 performances of the Shrine Circus
Tuesday through next Sunday at the
State Fairgrounds Coliseum. Perfor
mances will be at 7:30 each evening
and at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday through
Friday, noon Saturday and 1 p.m. Sunday.
As per tradition, the circus festivi
ties begin with a parade. At 3:30 p.m.
Tuesday uniformed Shriners on motor
cycles and in miniature cars will join
the circus performers in an 11-block
journey through downtown Lincoln. The
parade will form at 15th and N streets
and proceed wst on N Street to 1 1th
Street, north on 1 1th Street to 0 Street,
Galder works at Sheldon
Alexander Calder (18981976), the
sculptor credited with the creation
of the mobile, will be the subject of
a special exhibition at the Sheldon
Memorial Art Gallery.
Calder was an American artist
whose works are on display in The
Metropolitan Museum of Art, The
Chicago Art Institute and The
Museum of Modern Art in New York.
The Sheldon already owns and dis
plays nine of Coder's works, - - -
The proposed exhibition is to be
titled "Alexander Calder: An Amer
ican Invention" and will run from
Sept. 13 through Nov, 9, 1986. The
exhibition will illustrate Calder's
CALL 472-2588
$2.75 minimum charge per day on commercial ads.
Ten words included.
$2.00 minimum charge per day on individual student
and student organization ads.
$ 75 billing charge on noncommercial ads. All
personal ads must be prepaid.
FOUND ads may be submitted free of charge.
1 p.m. day before publication (Monday through
The Daily Nebraskan will not knowingly accept help
wanted ads from businesses that are not equal oppor
tunity employers.
HALF PRICE! Large flashinq arrow signs! Lighted, non
arrow S279! Nonlighted $229! Free letters! Warranty. Only
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FOR SALE: Music business in central Nebraska with
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priced right, take a look. It beats farming principals only.
Reply. Box 338, Callaway. NE 68825.
H0LSTEIN GRASS steers ranging from 150-800 lbs.
Will sell any size and number delivered on your approval.
Call today. Jeff Twardowski, 612-732-6259, Long Prairie,
27 UNIT Nebraska motel. Approx. 5 years old. well
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mercial travelers. 2-bedroom living quarters. Terms avail
able! Other fine listings available' Gil Grady & Assocites.
Inc.. 3031 "0" Street. Lincoln. NE 68510. 800-742-4422 or
Tom LauderDaily Nebraskan
Glee Club members will stay with
local families on Monday night. Miller
said the tourserves as a recruiting tool
for the Glee Club and for UNL.
east on 0 Street to 15th Street and
south on 15th Street to M Street.
Among the circus' 20 acts are The
Holidays, a couple who combine dance,
magic and big cats; The Centrons, an
aerial motorcycle act and Aerialetta,
who hangs from her neck and performs
swinging drops from a single trapeze.
Circus tickets may be obtained at
Sesostris Shrine Temple, 1717 Yolande,
at the gate or from Latch's, Russ's IGA,
West Gate Bank, Hinky Dinky, Dal
lman's IGA, Save-Mart, Havelock Bank,
B & R IGA, West A Food Center, Lincoln
Bank South and Super Saver.
Aboug 30,000 free tickets will be
given to area children, the underprivi
leged and shut-ins. Ticket sales will
support the operation of the Sesostris
Temple and transportation for children
to Nebraska hospitals.
inventive and unique contribution
to the development of 20th century
art with a focus on the pieces
already owned by the gallery.
In addition to these works, the
museum intends to draw from ex
amples in local collections and area
museums. Individuals with Calder
works, including sculpture, litho
graphs, paintings, etchings, jewelry
and toys who will be willing to have
the works included in the exhibit
should contact Vivian Kiechel at"
the Sheldon Gallery.
Individuals with any knowledge
of Calder works are also asked to
contact Kiechel
JAPANESE ENGINES tested and guaranteed. Toyota,
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Student desperately needs to sell camera equipment.
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HP-71B Calculator. Almost new. Priced at $299.
1976 Kawasaki KZ-900. 2nd owner, low miles, excellent
condition, new paint. $895. 475-6181.
of unclaimed bicycles and miscellaneous property, April
26 at 10:00 a.m.. 410 West "P." By the Property Division.
Gitane mens' French 10-speed racer. $100 or trade for
mountain bike. 476-7316.
Moving, must sell 81 Suzuki GS 450. red. will take
best offer. 435-7577.