The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 21, 1986, Page Page 3, Image 3
Monday, April 21, 1986 3 candidates say they support higher education Daily Nebraskan Page 3 Three Democratic gubernatorial candidates say they supported Gov. Bob Kerrey's vetoes of $32.6 million from the Legislature's budget package but not necessarily Kerrey's veto choices. Speaking Friday at the state conven tion of the American Association of University Professors, candidates David Domina, Chris Beutler and Helen Boo salis said they agreed with most of the budget vetoes because Nebraskans aren't ready for a tax increase. All Republican and Democratic gubernatorial candidates were invited to speak Friday, but many did not attend. Boosalis, a former Lincoln mayor, said she supported all but the $3.1 million cut for NU. "Nebraska incomes are such that taxes cannot be raised," Boosalis said. But quality education is still needed to supply a competent work force, she said. If elected governor, Boosalis said, she would not try to "mold the univer sity into my own image." Professors need academic freedom, Boosalis said, and they need more money to get research material published. Domina, a Norfolk lawyer, said he favored Kerrey's higher education vetoes, citing the inconsistency of state revenue forecasts, the present economic strain on state taxpayers and the feeling that NU could better spend its budget as his reasons. Despite NU's need to eliminate excess waste, Domina said Nebraskans must be sold on the benefits of educa tion to maintain quality post-secondary education in the state. However, Domina said, some Nebraskans don't realize the benefits of education. Some are insensitive to the needs of Nebraska state colleges and NU, he said. Domina said educators must keep people from succumbing to the false belief that educat ion will not give them a future. Beutler, a lawyer and former state legislator from Lincoln, said Kerrey's vetoes were politically sound. The state is suffering economically and some Nebraskans are pushing for a constitu tional amendment to control state spending, he said. But Beutler said his record in the Legislature proves he is a strong advo cate of higher education in Nebraska. Because education is the first func tion of government, the quality of it must Le enhanced when times are good, he said. The candidates also addressed the problem of NU graduates leaving the state for higher-paying jobs. If graduates continue leaving Nebraska, Beutler said he hoped they eventually would return. Domina said that if elected gover nor, he would ask state leaders in farm ing, education and other fields for advice on the "brain-drain" problem. Boosalis also said she would ask the most competent people to help her find a solution to the state problem. CELEBRATION PRESENTS i v. DA E MASON APRIL 23rd $6.00 Advance $9.00 At The Door $10 Reserved - Reserved Tickets Sold Only At Celebration Tickets Sold At Celebration. 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