Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1986)
Monday, April 21, 1986 MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY 0 W Fashions needs -nnsihle people h0 ,ove clothes and earning money no oroviried and no investment Call mornings 402 ltl!e!l or 308 497-2212. nw niRFCTOR of Nursing tor 170 bed musing home r nrt sjI-hv with benefits Resume to Hearthstone. Box $ ' York. NE 68467 . kr nifsr L mechanic wanted Wane negotiable depend l in Mnerience Vacation and benefits Hand tools "I m ed PApplv n person Stebbins Implement Co., GothenDurg. NE Phone 1 308-537-3631 Ask lor Matt or Dick. AO STUDENTS smmer employment with possible full time after gra dation Opportunity to work with Ag supplier and manu larturer Send brief resume to Manager. P.O. Box 6544. iincoln. NE 68502 , ATTENTION ' Need one dealer in your area: exciting np auto product! Terrific public response. Permanent mm time business opportunity. Great extra income 8?;,le for information, ft P. Lars'en Ltd., Box 1096. Dillon. Colorado 80435 TRUCK DRIVERS needed. Train now for these lucrative hinh oavmg life time jobs. Guaranteed financina. Job iacement assistance. Call 402-489-4367 for next 6 week class mm oui "NANNY NETWORK" of over 300 placed by us. vnu should enjoy creative childcare, be willing to relocate fast for a 9-12 month commitment for great salary, hpnehls and working conditions. Air transportation pro per! Warm lovinglamilies prescreened by us for you to r oose liom Contracts provided HELPING HANDS. INC. n Whmole Road. Wilton CT 06897 (2031 834-1742 no fee iAs featured on NBC s TODAY SHOW) ENVIRONMENTALIST Artivist political work available now and through the summer 476-2060. Internship sign-up 1 13 Administration DAILY NEBRASKAN ASSISTANT PRODUCTION The Daily Nebraskan is in need of a part-time editorial production assisraniiuieveiiimp CASH PAID for furniture, color tv's appliances, and carpet remnants in very good condition. 466-6252. Paperback books used in English classes. Will pay 30 tor most literature paperbacks. PAGE ONE BOOKSTORE Gunny's Mall 13th S ' Q' St. LONG DISTANCE trucking. NorthAmerican Van Lines needs owneroperators! It you need training, we will train you You will operate your own tractor. It you don't have one. NorthAmerican offers a tractor purchase program ihi on nut wnn in a npuu trartnr Inr s? .IfiO rinwn If vnn are21 or over and think you may qualify, we'd like to send ou a complete iniormauon package tan any ween uay. oil free. 1-800-348-2191. Ask for Dept. 286. T CITY MANAGER wanted to coordinate, over-see. man age all departments. Knowledgeable in personnel man agement, budget, finance. Salary negotiable. Send res ume, salary history to City Clerk. Plainview. NE 68769 by 5986 Want to rent 5-bedroom house near campus. Start August 1. 474-2581. WANT TO BUY. Elk. deer and moose horns, any amount. Will pick up in April. Larry Bostock, Red Cloud. NE 68970. 41)2-746-3234 early mornings STUDENT GOVERNMENT SENATE VACANCIES Rrepresent your constituents in the Business College and Graduate College. Apply at 115 Nebraska Union. Deadline is April 21st. TEACHING ASSISTANCE AWARDS Nominate your favorite T A. Forms are available in 1223 0LDH. Due April 25. REPUBLICANS - VOTE Bill Nichol for Lt. Governor. Paid for by Committee to Elect Bill Nichol. Hod Kosman. Treasurer. 521 S. 14th, Lincoln. NE. Attention Girls!! Anyone interested in trying out for the UNL Men's Basketball Pom Pon squad, report to the Bob Devaney Sports Complex on April 22. 1986 at 4;00 p.m. Be a part of the clothing drive to help the needy. May 1-3 Look for the drop boxes in the lobby of your dorm or call 470-2616 or 488-7659 for pick-up service. JOBS' ALL KINDS' APPLY NOW FOR SUMMER! SEE JOB BOARD OUTSIDE ROOM 111 ADMINISTRATION BLDG. OUTGOING GREEKS Fill out your applications for managing, layout, adver tising photography & copy editors by Friday, April 25 at 4 00 Please sign up for an interview. C.R.A.M. DANCE 2 Coming May 2 In the words of Hawkeye- -"Pull down your pants and slide on the ice.' MASH 86 Arts Week '86 presents Craig Anton, mime, today at 11 00 a m. to noon by the fountain. Brought to you by UPC Arts! CAMPUS WIDE VACANCIES University Judicial A Appeals Parking Appeals Parking Advisory Scholarship A Financial Aid Government Liaison Committee Scholastic Commission Chair Student Life Commission Chair Electoral Commission University Library UNL Police Committee University Health Center Board Teaching Council Recreation Advisory Council Chancellor's Commission on the Status of Women Grading Honorary Degrees Computer Services ft Facilities Inter-Collegiate Athletics Calendar & Examinations Convocations Committee Student Employee Rights Commencement Committee Applications ft Information, 115 Nebraska Union Deadline, April 21st Ward: Harriet thinks she's pregnant! Gawd! PLANNED PARENTHOOD 3830 Adams & 216 N. 11th 467-4691 June Come hear the music of Ol' lieland! The Turfman an Irish band (mm Omaha performs lonitemtheCrib Irom 7 30 9 30 p m. It s tiee and bioughl to you by UPC Arts' Golden Key members Don t forget the Golden Key National Honor Society Reception, Wednesday. April 23 at 7 30p m. See ya there1 So. you want to learn moie about synthesizers? Come see a demonstration by Tom Larsen today from noon 1.00 p m in the Cub Brought to you by UPC Arts' Hey Baby, Have any plans? Get involved1 Use your talents & creativity to make long term plans tor the Planning committee of the NEBRASKA UNION BOARD Call 475-9490 STRESSED OUT? Need someone to listen to you? Peer Counseling available. Women's Resource Center NU Room 117 Drop-In hours. Wednesday 9 30 11.00 Thursday. 130-3.30 or bv appointment 472-2597 CAMP COUNSELORS MF- Outstanding slim and trim-down camps; Tennis; dance; slimnastics: WSI; ath .letics. nutritiondietetics. 20 plus Separate girls' and boys' camps. 7 weeks CAMP CAMEL0T on COLLEGE CAMPUSES at Massachusetts. Pennsylvania. No. Caro lina, California. Contact: Michele Friedman. Director. 947 Hewlett Dr.. No. Woodmere. N Y. 11581. 800-421-4321. CPN SPRING RIVERB0AT 86 Friday. April 25th. 1986. 8:30 p m. - 11:30 p m. "BELLE OF BROWNV'LLE: Disc Jockey. Picture Man. Cash Bar Buses load at CatherPotind loading dock at 7:00 p m. SHARP. Sponsored by Neihardt Council & CP Government CORNHUSKER MARCHING BAND SOLO TWIRLER AUDITIONS Information available in Band Office, 123 Westbrook Music Building 472-2505 Position open to all UNL Students Put some extra"GREEN STUFF" in your pockets. Earn cash for your plasma at: LINCOLN PLASMA 2021 "0" St. 474-2335 New donors and those who have not been in for 2 months or more, bring this ad for an extra S5 on your first donation. Extra cash coupons also available GRE REVIEW " If you need to take the GRE before applying to graduate school, help is at hand. Brush up on Englisn basics and mathematics skills with the GRE Review. Offered by the UNL Division of Continuing Studies, it includes tips and techniques for maximizing your test performance. Five Saturdays, 9 a.m. noon, starting April 26. at the Nebraska Center for Continuing Education. 33rd & Hold rege. Fee: S60. For more information, call 472-2175. ARTS AND SCIENCES STUDENTS AND PROFESSORS Nominate your favorite Teaching Assistant or Instructor for the annual Teaching Assistant Award Forms are available from department chairpersons or in 1223 OLDH. Nominations are due April 25. J. RIGGING Check out our fun summer fashions! Gateway Mall Special Summer Rates on Nice 2 Bedroom Apartments $315 per month. 535 N. 23rd 474-1064 or 421-3989 BUY 10 TANNING SESSIONS AND GET 5 SESSIONS FREE! Get your summer tan early at . . . HEALTH CLUB 815 "O" Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 474-6444 (Orric) 474-5861 (WMgM Room) Daily Nebraskan D1COM COUNTY i ! m, pmias... your rwffs JL see you. pv ' 47 Plus Tax s10.99 20" Party 22 oz. Reusable Plastic Glasses of Pop only 50 cents each. (Limit 4) One coupon per pi 2za, additional topping $1.90 Expires 4308$ 3 kinds of crust: J L : ' ' " ' - I SB ec 1 c3V tvO rtye c. nrv J us .7 t-wiii!iiiiiii Mtimmm8amm lliiBMttHMilt J- Delivery Hours: Sunday-Thursday Friday-Saturday 5:00 p.m.-11 :00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.-12:30 a.m. 3457 Holdrege 467-3611 rawcr swie vallas ms mtntp w me st. emwrz MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 10PAY. SUFFERING FROM LOTS Of BRVI5ES MP ft BROKEN PACK.. ft result of an apparent ASSAULT BY ACM S&Mfflt. nefcumm blurry photo, TAKEN BY We VICTIM, APPEARS w capture im neanperthal TWO ONLY MOMENTS BEFORE total cum cmecvr... MMBMMMHWWWMMBlwMiiiiiii i i nfti I I MYFRIENMOH60P..VES, MY FRlEWS NOfHIM eemn io unite SPiRrrs OF ft MAN M PHYSICAL CRMS THAU A SHOW Of LOYALTY BY HIS M7L7L jFREE deuuery 1 j I I for any one topping ! s5.99 I I I I ! I Pizza Thin, Thick or Deep Dish I I ! I I f t I I L- Page 11 bv Ccr lie Breathed ft ROurn OF it 32.61 IS BEINS OFFEREP FOR TUG PROMPT PELIVERY OF MOST MY SUBSTANTIAL fVRWN OF MR. PENH'S anwmy wmepesK OF MILO BLOOM ATM BLOOM BEACON. MRS. PENN IS PfSQUAUFlBP FROM THIS OFFER. Plus Tax for any one topping i they're jr JT WftTCMM JL iU YOU'RE PRO HRESTLtfO. m (rH 11? i 14" Medium Pizza 22 oz. Reusable Plastic Glasses of Pop only 50 cents each. Limit 4) One coupon per pizza, additional topping 95 cents Expires 430SS at no extra charge.