The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 18, 1986, Page Page 6, Image 6
Page 6 Daily Nebraskan Friday, April 18, 1986 . i ... ' ' j : -ran ' K ' It s Our First Anniversary. i 'A 1, i f' And to celebrate, we are offering specials Wednes day thru Sunday. No coupon necessary. It's our way of saying "thanks" for making our first year the best. And it's a good way for you to enjoy the great taste of our 96 fat-free frozen yogurt, that tastes like premium ice cream yet has almost half the calories and is lower in cholesterol. You'll say TCBY is The Coun try's Best Yogurt. And it is! nn9f "TO 7fa Country Best Yogurts All The Pleasure. None Of The (iuilt.. 1 '2 blocks south of campus on 14th street in Lincoln. FRIDAY-Lite Bite Shakes, or Shakes, or Fruit Smoothies (reg. $1.99) SATURDAY-Lite Bite Fruit Sundaes, or Hot Fudge Sundaes (Reg. $1.99) SUNDAY-Super Size 13-oz. Container (Reg. $1.99) 4 mm, of : Fraternity members pause from doing yardwork at the Folsom Children s zoo to watch a peacock show off its feathers I'il - . - Zoo cleaned for Greek Week project The Folsom's Children's Zoo is bene fitting from the annual Greek Week philanthropy project as members of UNL's Greek system have been working on the grounds painting and clean ing at the zoo since Wednesday after noon. Jon Olson, co-chairman of the pro ject, said fraternity and sorority partic ipants saved the zoo over $2,100 in labor costs the first day of work. Olson said about 150 people have been working each afternoon, contri buting about 700 hours of work a day. The four-day project will continue until Saturday, he said. Olson and Julie Simon, the co-chairwoman of the project, consulted zoo officials alter narrowing down several ideas. Mike Bowling, business manager at the zoo, said the group has done a super job and he is pleased. "There is no way we could have got ten everything done on our own," he said. The Greek Week volunteers make up the largest turnout the zoo has had from one single group, he said. Preparation for opening day is muc h closer to completion this year than it ever has been, Olson said. The zoo is scheduled to open May 4. Several local businesses are donat ing food and drinks for the workers, and CBS Records is sponsoring a con test among the houses. Karen Kolman, a representative of CBS Records, said the fraternity and sorority that get the most points for member participation will each receive a $300 gift certificate. Howtobwa pen .L 4 '.. . r i t llllldlliu V You can use the American Express Card to buy concert tickets for your favorite O groups or airplane tickets for your vaca tions. It's the perfect way to pay for all the little things, and the big-ticket items, that you'll want during college. How to get the Card before you graduate. Because we believe college is the first sign of success, we've made it easier for you to get the American Express Card. Graduating students can get the Card as soon as they accept a $10,000 career-oriented job. If you're not graduating yet, you can apply for a special sponsored Card.. Look for student applications on campus. Or call 1 -SOO THE -CARD, and tell them you want a student application. The American Express Card. Don't leave school without it:SM 1 oO cobalt blu M L APRIL 15-30 COLOR PAPER SALE 48th & Vine 12th & R 1V3H1 a. E o U a: APARTMENTS 1 800 Knox Street Lincoln Nebraska n 1 and 2 Bedrooms Close to Campus Work 1 and 2 Full Bathrooms with Shower Fully Applianced Kitchen Dining Area nSwimming Pool Fireplace Energy Efficient Construction Additional Security Storage Area Central Air Conditioning School year and summer leases available REIATED SERVICES Resident Manager Joseph E. Kean Company 476-6200 474-1666