The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 17, 1986, Page Page 8, Image 8
I Jv A GET FULL SPECIAL! The 2 MEDIUMONE ITEM PIZZAS 2 LITERS OF PEPSI Pizza Place H fin I) I I I I o 1601 P. St. 475-5173 Good until April 25, 1986 coupon Former Fleetwood Mac member, Nicks will perform Sunday By Bill Allen Senior Editor - .- . coupon --.....J 770. I T ' S A FARE VX ? UNIVERSITY THEATRE yl C....iH..aT hmiiiirn THE ROBBER BRIDEGROOM Book & Lyrics by Alfred Uhry Music by Robert Waldman Howell Theatre - 8 p.m. April 24, 25, 26 & 28 through May 3, 1986 and 2 pm matinees April 26 & May 3 A Fairy Tale of the Natchez Trace! I Tickets M-Th F & S StudentsSr. Citizens 4.00 4.50 All Other 5.00 5.50 Theatre Pox Office FIRST FLOOR - TEMPLE Bldg. 12th & R, Lincoln Box Office Hours NOON to 5 pm;M-F & 5 to 8 pm performance nights Call 472-2073 Untvarsity of Ntxasfc-Uncota Being one of the few entertainment writers I know who will admit that they like contemporary popular music, I'm looking forward to Sunday night's Ste vie Nicks concert. Concert Preview The Ul'C-sponsored concert is in the Bob Devaney Sports Center and starts at 7:30 p.m. Nicks' current hit single "Talk to Me" shows me t hat the former member of Fleetwood Mac the member that made Fleetwood Mac has made a commitment to move into a harder rocking, more bitter style of the themes she has been writing about since 1977's "Rumours" album. That album con tained Nicks' only number one song to this point, "Dreams." "Dreams" was a melodic, melan choly look at romant ic love t hat captured t he ears and imaginat ion of the listen ing public. In 107!) Fleetwood Mac's "Tusk" came out containing my favorite Nicks sing, "Sara." him there, Nicks moved into a solo, and a more rock-oriented career. "Bella Donna" was her first solo effort, containing "Stop Draggin' My Heart Around," a bitter and callous song that accentuated Nicks' gravely voice, and moving her into the top five once again. ' See NICKS on 9 " , ''''" All Warm Case Beer Cost Plus 10 5 or more Mixed Cases Cost Plus 5 Largest Selection of CHILLED WINES in Lincoln VI V Super Selection of IMPORT BEERS tffr.ito m !fi, igf:(.13fito Absolutely "The COLDEST BEER in Town BUY YOUR KEGS roniu t rvrrm tvt'c NO.l KEG DEALER. We will BEAT any advertised keg special in town! 7 PLEASE RESERVE KEGS 24 HOURS ES ADVANCE Prices good only if equipment is returned in 24 hours. WE REFUSE T O E UNDERSOLD! Michelle MiklosDaily Nebraskan UNL Singers tour western part of state The University Singers will tour western Nebraska April 20 through 22. The Singers, directed by Ginger Covert Colla, director of choral activities at UNL, will give six free concerts in North Platte, Ogallala, Sidney, Scotts bluff and Gering. The concert will also be presented in Kimball Recital Hall on the UNL cam pus at 8 p.m. April 26. The 54-voice choir will present a var ied program of choral music including inspiring anthems from the Russian, English and American schools, heart warming spirituals, and the colorful "Choruses from the Lark" by Leonard Bernstein. One of the feature anthems, "0 Christ Our Light," was composed by UNL organ major Charles Galetar, a member of the choir. Romantic songs of Barber and Gur ney set for chorus will open the second half of the concert. The Gurney pieces were arranged for the University Sin gers by the group's accompanist, Judy Westerfield Galetar. On the lighter side, the program will include songs inspired by whimsical texts from "Alice in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking Glass," by Lewis Carroll. The closing selections are from the delightful Viennese operetta, "Die Fldermaus" by Johann Strauss. Thursday, April 17, 1986 Page 8 Daily Nebraskan