The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 07, 1986, Page Page 7, Image 7

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    Monday, April 7, 1986
Daily Nebraskan
Page 7
II Hoi
Photos, clockwise from upper right:
Nebraska's Kevin Davis performs
his parallel bars routine during the
team competition Saturday after
noon at the NCAA national gym
nasties championships. Arizona
State team members huddle toge
ther awaiting the official rsutts of
the team competition. Arizona
State's Paul Llnne holds his Gar
field Sundevll mascot as he cvslts
the official results of the team com
petition. Nebraska coach Francis
Allen questions the decision of
Wayne Young, center, to disallow a
scoring protest end to penalize Ne
braska three-tenths of a point for
exceeding the limit of protests al
lowed. Nebraska's Davis performs
his high bar routine. See related
stories on page 8.
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Photos by David Creamer, V Is v -
Park Davis cod Andrea Hoy Xj I V
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