The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 20, 1986, Page Page 12, Image 12
Page 12 Daily Nebraskan Thursday, March 20, 1986 ffzctLuz (ECaettoCyiU JSaft ZPtxmantnl ctyalx cRttnovat am a m GLC meeting Thursday at 4.30 in the GLC office, Eve ryone is welcome Chance (SAE), Hope you had a fantastic 22nd Birthday!! Love. Your little sis HAULING & MOVING FURNITURE & APPLIANCES Reasonable. Visa or MC accepted 466-8906 ''MMlMtfH'- cMc'licaLiy crfifxxovcd NANCY J. WILSON CexlifuJ UcloCagUl YOUR RESUME Fast. Professional Quality Paper 476-WORD Dear Deb. Happy Birthday to the craziest Italian around' College life sure would be dull without you here. You're the best! Break out the lime, we re celebrating tonite (again)!! Love. Laurie & Jackie P S We'll have so much fun, we won't remember! Roommate to Share laroe 2-bedronm anartmenl Avail. I4 able now or April 1. 435 8420 evenings. Male or female roommate wanted to share 2-bedroom duplex. South Lincoln area 421-1260 evenings. Free Consultation & Demonstration Strictly Private Convenient Puking Typing S1page 474-2473 HOME BUSINESS SERVICE Typing. Light Bookkeeping, Term Papers 423-3543 To the enli'e UNL student body. You're all a bunch of Y0DA S. CASS BUILDING 123 SOUTH 84TH STREET SUITE"L" LINCOLN,' NEBRASKA 68510 DAY, EVENING, SATURDAY DUAL BLZND METHOD' AIR DESENSITIZING OFFICE: 489-7020 mumph Peppermint Lounge a new twist on fun in Lincoln. Daily 4:30-close Your Favorite Mixed Drink Pitchers starting at $5 1 NEW HAPPY HOUR 1228 "?" 478-1020 Along with reg. special: Buy One Pitcher of Beer Get One for 1 cent from 4:30-6:30 & 8:30-12 Entrance: Alley Between P & Q Sts. COLLEGE STUDENTS HEEDED AS MODELS! Local business needs college students of all ethnic backgrounds to model fashions for a catalog. No experience required. Call 467-3989 by April 1 if interested. 5 f stow a stodleM IM et n secern 0 fewp WW! 9 n mm The Original Korn Popper and Colby Ridge would like to do our part in reducing the costs of going to college. Just bring in your student I.D. this Thursday, and when you buy a bag of our gourmet white pop corn we'll give you a second bag of equal value free. It's a doubly delicious deal: M 1 '' ! Good on 30C to $1.40 size bags. Offer expires 3-27-86 THE ORIGINAL o D o c o COLBY RIDGE POPCORN ICE CREAM ) I ft i ? Wit Popcorn & Ice Cream"0 1401 Superior 476-6822 A Lincoln Foundation Mon.-Sat. 10-10 Sun. 11-9 refreshment center 1417 "N" St. (South of Bennett Martin Library) 474-5818 233 N. 48th (South of Target) 467-5811 Blonde, green fatigues, red socks in Union 5 p m: Tuesdav Were you interested7 Respond via personals Red Sweater Rod V, Happy 21sl BIRTHDAY' You will always hold a special place in my heail Philippians 13-11 says it best. Val COMPUTER WHOLESALERS RENTS COMPUTERS 466-1962 Can. Drink a few tor me in Padre1 I'll miss you Mike In Awe. If you are interested. WHY don't you introduce yourself in person' Allan Wanted: 18 year old sorority girlbankemployee Must have aspirations to become international affairs officer at Russian Embassy in Washington, D C. Please don't cut me to the quick. V. RANGERS You're the best! This weekend will put you to the test. Show the rest who leads the way! Good Luck!! Your Retired X0. W.R.S. Look out South Harper. Peeping Diane is on the loose! Hey Binqal: THINK WATER VOLLEYBALL. It shall be exciting! ISplash! TYPING IBM PC WITH LETTER QUALITY PRINTER S12bPAGE The Bookworm . 338 N 27 435-6992 Mon.-Fri. 10-6 Sat. 10-3 WORDS ETC. Word Processing Copies Binding 1321 "P" Street. 476-2039 Papers Forms Flyers Resumes Calligraphy Color Copies (RedBlueGreenBrown) Enlargements Reductions MONEY FOR COLLEGE? It's all around you. if you know where to look! Our nation-wide Academic Data Service guarantees 5 to 25 Financial Aid Sources for your higher education or your money back. Freshmen, sophomores, and on-going graduate students ONLY, call toll free 1-800-544-1574 ext. 639 or write P.O. Box 16493. Chatta nooga, TN, 37416. SINGLE & PREGNANT? Adoption is a caring alternative. For confidential informa tion call Nebraska Children's Home. 483-7879. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is hand. 483-2609. a confidential helping Dear Irishwoman: There seems to be a few things leftout! What about Gary. Indian man Romantic drive; Mud on the jeans; beautifulsceneary'qrave; communical dis eases; the sunst: being tired and worn out Satur day that is; by the way less than 11; What's good for Indian guy is good for Irish woman, or was it?? It will be all right though. The Drunk Leprechaun SEXTON TYPING SERVICE Specializing in same-day service $1 25page including proofreading. 466-8651. 8 AM-8 PM. 7 days a week. Thorn (DNME), Happy Birth dyno-liard and Happy Birthday to the father of Al, the editorial namiei. TYPEWRITERS RENTAL-SALES-SERVICE BLOOM'S 323 N. 13th 474-4136 CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA ACROSS 1 Wager 6 Dance movement 10 Shipboard mop 14 Linda of "Alice" fame 15 Prove boring 16 Cardinal All Star: 1985 17 Live 18 Deep blue 19 "Born Free" lioness 20 Coin collector, in a way 23 Cut timber 24 Soprano Ponselle 25 Mitigating 27 Touched down 31 London's Row 33 Ersatz butter 34 Dogfight adepts 35 M.I.T. grads. 39 In general 41 Hubert Humphrey 43 Helen's abductor 44 Beehive State 46 "The Wind in the Willows'.' hero 47 More compact 49 Things to be done 51 Kind of drama 53 Very light brown 55 Portia's calling 56 Object of Emerson's - "high respect" 62 Copycat 64 Wing: Fr. 65 Woven dress 1 fabric ! ' u" 68 Wight is one 67 Singer-actor Kristofferson 68 Up and about 69 Cribbage combination 70 Back talk 71 Donnybrook DOWN 1 Lots 2 Judd Hirsch sitcom 3Rara 4 He begat Saul 5 Undivided 6 Male partygoers 7 Kitchen utensils 8 Clinton's canal 9BB,e.g. 10 TV's "Murder, Wrote" 11 The Iron Duke 12 Malicious burning 13N.C.'s Fort 21 Protuberant 22 Afterward 26 Where the Vice President is President 27 Chicago district, with "The" 28 Thomas Edison 29 Scapegrace 30 Fishing boats 32 Workplace watchdog agcy. 35 Inkling 37 Saudi capital 38 Kind of fountain 40 Good (restored) 42 Chicago airport 45 Garden structure 48 Cookout fare 50 Tropical fruit 51 Prospector's holding 52 Memory failure 54 Salad green 57 Sicilian coin 58 Measured amount 59 One of the "tools of ignorance" 69 Came to rest 61 Emperor in "QuoVadis?" 63 Sinclair Lewis nickname 1 2 3 4 5 E IS p 18 9 i 110 ill 12 13 fa, 17 18 20 ' " 21 """" 22"" 23 " 24 " " 25 26 2rT2Tl2TT3o " " """ 3i 32" " " - 33 " ' 33r" 36 " " 3T13T" 39 40 41 42" 44 45" 48 "" """" 49" 50 " " 51 52 T54 62 tTT j64 65 L --L, ! .. 6!. ... -"Hi68 - UL ill 69 j70 I 7r NEED MONEY FOR TUITION? WE WILL PAY YOU UP TO $1500! Harris Laboratories needs volunteers to help evalu ate pharmaceuticals If you're a healthy maleat least 19 years of age and want to earn up to 51500 lor a lew weekends, and yet study at the same time, give us a Call Monday through Friday. 8-4 p.m. at 474-0627 LOST: Tuesday. March 18. Goldtone Butane lighter between CBA & Hamilton. If found please call 477-4030. LOST: Black Mortar Board pin. Please call 435-6709 Thanks! LOST: March 17. Gold, Bulova watch. Sentimental value. Call 476-9785. FOUND: Calculator in front of Union, March 13. Call 474-4719 to identify. Lynne 0. & Heather P., Congratulations on being elected to Teachers Col lege Advisory Board! You guys rule! Love. Your K0 Sisters Tracey K., Way to go on making University Ambassadors' We re proud of you. Spike! Love. Your K.D. Sisters Kris P., Congrats on being selected as Walpurgisnacht Chairman! Gun out! Love. Your KD Sisters Lewis (Sammy). Congratulations on qualifying for NCAA's Both boards. We're proud of you! The Brothers of SAM PHI U MEMBERS Important meeting Mar. 20 at 6:30 p.m. Officer elections and Professional Project. AOTT HOOP IT '86 Coming at you April 19th ov;a to rrivrjs pjzzle SCOLD S ID QSriG A G . .A. R. A. h worj 2. JL 1 1 L L A 9. 1, iJL 1 Hk R 0 Bl n1wT L L. T AjM S E R r N S T E nT"u S aTf fsa. AtraAart im Aa.w & mtm ammt mm mmm ocb4 mmm mmm mmmm mmm "GT0 OjS E GlOjS SAGE sod p E E Rf A N N A TUE ; T RT P QTlTT ""PER J A J IT E R oJss FRANC TS D R AK" E 2 3 1 MlH 9 9. P - L TTtTs " L I T TL E S pa RROW eTv je "Tr ado ' A f. i. ?1 fl C A N I ID RON ED R asLjo t T jS O F 1 1 N E V' Y V y Y ELDER XKK4tM A 4j DLOO2 COUNT kuch erne for n 1 70 IT CffCER m UP . . I EWELR Y 9VMJTT DIAMONDS f WEDDING RING y SPECIALIST Y Newest Styles i uarge m-sxocK selection kin Ollliimir uimiviibiva . T T J4 Carat Diamond Solitaire $295 una l?m,efli?tP?,iyerv 44-OU44 3111 "O SL A BIG MOUTH. I