Page 8 Daily Nebraskan Wednesday, March 19, 1986 a i dm A. Catholic Women's Holy Week Retreat " Father Garold Gable will conduct tha Holy Week Retreat for Young Woman, March 27-29, at Good Counial Ratraat House, Wavarly, Young womM, whether in collaga or career, re invltad to taka advantage of this opportunity to coma asida ewhila to pray. Juniors or taniort in high ichoot arc alto welcome. Tha ratraat will bagin with registration at 7:00 PM. Holy Thursday evening and run through Saturday afternoon. The price of $25 covers room and meals. Fat tartW WwMtota. tealKt t Miriaa titiart si las eftJrm teiaw m ul M 711 27M CUf see KAJl TO. Marias Sattm. to. 1 1 lot. W.rt. HE IHS2 ArTUCATWI FOR MOW WEEK RETREAT I instead. NAME (Plea Print). ADDRESS -PHONE , CTTY -ACE. .STATE. ZIP , . SCHOOL er -EMPLOYMENT , PARENTS NAME . I AM ENCLOSING A 110 DEPOSIT (Noa-KefuuUbk) AND WILL PAY THE BALANCE OF SI) AT REGISTRATION. ' . u . i u . ACLA SSIC 1 V ""r""" m -'" I Our traditional solid 14 karat yellow gold wedding band ONLY $29.95 IMOtOGIItl aP f auaairsui!Buu.aiw . T 1 1 50 'O' St. Gateway Shopping Center 1 f 1 (V ri in mi at fa V J A . A 7 3 J n; nj.. " M KI .rT rmi Harper 5 I 3 GREEKS Beta Sigma Psi Ccli Us. 475- 7372 611 North 27th 476- 0707' ; 11th AComhusksr 403-2377 2933 North 48thAJnip!ace 48S-E331 4728 PrescottCollegeview 47oS344 1415 SoutVSouth Area ' OsJmont Plaza Ucld DeSivery Art a. Our DrtVsrt carry tets ttoi o if me g to ihe Pub Motto of the week: "Stop think in. Start drinkin'. Get stinkin'. " , Jeff Creel After embarrassing myself last week by picking Indiana to beat Cleveland State how could I have thought such a thing? I decided this week I'd ask my friend Pete Watters to pick thf mismatch of the week. Pete knows quite a bit about spoli, even if he did bet on the Patriots in the Super Bowl. In fact, he coaches the 0'Rourke's women's softball team. I'm the manager myself. I call 'em up and tell 'em what time practice is and what color outfits they should wear to the games. Goodwin's . Bad Ones Pete teaches them how to throw and catch and stuff like that. See, I'm not very good at that. For example, last summer Sunday, August 18 to be exact, I was playing softball with some people from 0'Rourke's. I was playing second base. Frankly, I'm no Ryne Sandberg. In fact, I'm not even a Steve Sax although I haven't killed as many worms as he has. Any way, Bob's playing short. He goes out and makes a good, running catch of this fly and whirls and fires to me to pick Charles - or was it Joe? I forget. The doctors say I may never get all of my memory back off second. Like, he thinks he's Cal Ripken or somebody. Anyway, I see this big, huge, white orb coming at me and then there's a POP! and then I'm looking at the sky. Oral least half of it. There's blood all over the place. I look like an extra in "Rambo" or some thing. So they have to take me to the health center to get me stitched up. It took four stiches, folks. Four. But I'm as good as new now except for the nine-inch scar on my face. As a matter of fact it was Pete who took me to the health center and told me to bleed all over Patty's car. I did. Sorry, Patty. So that's why I don't coach. Anyway, so I figure Pete will be at 0'Rourke's on Friday afternoon and I'll meet him there. So I meet some of my DN buddies there. We're a fun loving bunch here. In fact our motto is "We work so you don't have to. We party because we love to." Catchy, eh? So us DNers were there having a few and after -awhile we were going to Mark's to eat some red meat. (We love our red meat here, too.) But I didn't wanna go eat, especially red meat. I don't eat much of it anymore, particu larly on Fridays. You see, I went to Creighton last year and if they caught you with a burger in your possession on a Friday they'd flog you. So after a few floggings I figured it would be just as easy to eat fish. I like fish anyway. So the DNers and Pete say, Hey, let's go to the Pub and watch the Nebraska rt a 8s i mm1 Mm X - I I a m vt -am. w 9. 0 OFI Stuffed Animals 27th & Vine e it; i 9 V tun or mi ' was-. game. So I did. And you think I don't have an exciting life? The place was packed. And they were yellin' and hollerin' to beat the band. If the Huskers played all their home games at the Pub they'd never lose. So we watched the Huskers go down. It was pretty uneventful except for a moment in the second half. Brian Carr was bringing the ball up court and all of a sudden perhaps aided by the Budweiser I had a vision. Jerry West was on a deserted court popping in jumpers and telling me what life was all about, why we're here, etc. And it all made sense. And I'd like to share it with all of you except that I can't remember what it is. But if I remember I'll tell you next week. Honest. Anyway, then we went back to 0'Rourke's. They were watching bas ketball there, too. The Maryland Pepperdine game was on. After awhile my friend Tend showed up. She was bummed out 'cause Pep perdine was losing and she'd picked Pepperdine in this pool that 0'Rourke's has. Now, Terri's pretty smart she has a 3.5 GPA and almost won a Rhodes Scholarship but I've got her when it comes to basketball and Trivial Pur suit. For example: One time we were partners in Trivial Pursuit and we got the question, "Who was the tallest president?" Well, I mean the obvious answer is Lincoln, right? So I said, Lin coln. But she says no, she's had this question before, and the answer wasn't Lincoln. So we geussed LBJ. It was Lincoln. So, anyway I told her that she should have picked Maryland because it's a better team. . . But Pepperdine has such a pretty campus, she says. She went out there last summer, you see. Carta, her sister-in-law, just had a baby girl Desla, they named her I don't know where they got that from, I guess they wanted a California name. Anyway, she was staying with them and hobnobbing with Hollywood people. She has per sonally autographed photos of Clint Eastwood and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Really. 1 mean I've seen them. So she's going on about how beauti ful their campus is. It's right across from the beach at Malibu, etc. etc. So I tell her she's pretentious. She isn't, of course, but we have this run ning joke, actually - about preten tious people. Anyway, we're kidding around and these two nasty, nasty people sit right in front of the jukebox. So I start mak ing snide comments about them. They were pretentious. , Terry left after awhile. She plays on the softball team and she needed to get home and get rested up for the season. So I'm talking to Pete and I'm about ready to ask him about this mismatch business when I notice this guy looking at the jukebox". He's complaining because there aren't any songs from "The Big Chill" on the jukebox. I felt sorry for him so I told him I'd sing "A Whiter Shade of Pale" for him. Sue begged me not to but I felt I'd made a commitment. Besides, the guy said it was one of his favorite songs. I said it was one of mine, too. He said it was still one of his even after I sang it. It was shortly after this that I con fused the prostate gland and the pituitary gland. I knew it was time to go home. ' So I never did get Pete's mismatch of the week. But if he were here now I think he'd say "Auburn and UNLV, Geoff. Or maybe Cleveland State and Navy. We all know how bad Cleveland State is, don't we?" And then he'd laugh. Ticket lottery this week The 1988 Mudeni football lottery will be March 17 to 21 from a a.ra. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m. at the South Stadium ticket office. Student tickets an? $42 for six btfsitf gists. A 'spome ticket ccstj