Page 16 Daily Nebraskan Monday, March 17, 1986 0? (G (O C2I SIS S H li FREE NEBRASKA state paik permit, or fish ot hunt Simply replace that bioken windshield with us at ynui place ot outs anywhere in Nebraska Free mobile sei vice Call NtBRASKAIand Glass loll dee, 1800-742 7420 Models needed. Regrs Hair Stylists. March 25 & 26th, Respoi 476-1818 Haircut, perm or color complimentary 474-5810 nsible temale roommate needed. S152 50 plus. ATTENTION ORGANIZATIONS AND ADVISORS!! Learn how effective lundraising can help your organization raise money Attend the CAPSource Workshop on Fundraising. Tuesday, March 18. 4 00 5 30 p.m.. Nebraska Union Room posted. COLLEGE REPUBLICANS shear will be the speaker Meeting Tuesday. 7 00 p m, City Union. Kermit Bra- Put someextra"GREEN STUFF" in your pockets. Earn cash for your plasma at: LINCOLN PLASMA 2021 "0" St. 474-2335 New donors and those who have not been in for 2 months or more, bring this ad for an extra S5 on your first donation Extra cash coupons also available. Karla (Eng 118. Andrews Hall. 1100): Are you available? Respond via personals! Ward (AKAK): Happy (belated) Birthday!! 18th & "P". S92 50 plus 15 utilities Available NOW. 477-4319. Two roommates needed for large house on busline. S100 plus utilities. 474-6007 Roommates wanted. 19th & B S100month Call after 5 p.m. 476-2583 Need responsible, female roommate to share 3-bedroom apartment. S100mo plus 1 3 utilities 475-7519 Close to campus. Roommate needed Laige house SlOOmonth plus 13 utilities Call 476-7925 alter 8 00 p.m. Wanted Male roommate to shaie2-bedroom apartment with 2 other males Chateu Apartments Call 464-3336 after 6 pm. Roommate to share large 2-bedroom apartmert Avail able now or April 1 435-8420 evenings. NEED MONEY FOR TUITION? WE WILL PAY YOU UP TO $1500! Harris Laboratories needs volunteers to help evalu ate pharmaceuticals If you're a healthy male at least 19 years ot age and want to earn up to SI 500 for a few weekends, and yet study at the same time, give us a Call Monday through Friday, 8-4 p.m. at 474-0627. EFFECTIVE ELECTROLYSIS Permanent Hair Removal S2 off eyebrows Call for appointment 489-7020 ANSWER TO F&EYIC'JS PUZZLE for the professional distinctive typeset ft 475-5000 226 South 16th A G OlGriAlB E LeHCads Jl.AMA-...!Ii J2.iL A. B RE BB ABBnNE LL EP C E D E S 0 N J E , ODES "Th ERA J AR CANE jSlElMjl 1 N A R S COOP COTTO NTT A I L E T R E ADAMS JE RMA deer1 j c I a I r I e 1 t lJ r 1 e j s t Specials,: Friday FAC 3-7 Can Beer K Bar Drinks .60 Elk Creeks 90t Pitchers $1.60 90 Can Beers .90c Elk Creeks .90 Well Drinks $150 Pitchers Wednesday .60C Night 8:30-Close Can Beer..!... 60t Bar Drinks 60c Elk Creeks $1.00 Pitchers $1.60 Thursday Nights .00 Night 9-Close 1348 O Street 1 474-7994 1 For Appt. HAIRMHEE STYLING STUDIO 611 N. 27th Suites Styling for men and women express your style with us KMS products HOURS: Mon. Fri. 9:00 5:30 Sat. 8:00-2:00 x FREE LITER of POP with OF The Pizza Place 4 medium one item pizza 1601 P St. 475-5173 Peppermint Lounge a new twist on fun in Lincoln. Alar 3 v.;th reg. specif : Cay Ort Pirriier of C?er Cst One for 1 cent from 4:2J-6;30 and 10-12. IF-, 9 tZntnr.zv. Al: RESUMES Professionally typeset S15 Daily Nebraskan otlice. base ment of Nebraska Union PREGNANT' BIRTHRIGHT is hand. 483-2609 a confidential helping 2024 Porkchops: sorry I yelled at you Walk I didn't mean to throw it away Bill Hows your head doing' Kim and Michele thanks for the Bonks! Kirsten Where's Lucky when you need him? Luv ya all! Linthead Padrer's: Only 5 more days until we hit the beaches. SEXTON TYPING SERVICE Specializing in same-dav service S1 25page includi proofreading 466-8651. 8 AM-8 PM 7 days a week TYPEWRITERS RENTAL-SALES-SERVICE BLOOMS 323 N 13th 474-4136 Interested SINGLE & PREGNANT? Adoption is a caring alternative For confidential informa tion call Nebraska Children's Home 483-7879 FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Mindy MONEY FOR COLLEGE? It's all around you. if you know wheie to look1 Our nation-wide Academic Data Service guarantees 5 to 25 Financial Aid Sources for your higher education or your money back Fieshmen. sophomoies. and on-going graduate students ONLY, call toll (tee 1 800 544-15r4ext 639or writeP 0 Box 16493. Chatta nooga. TN. 37416. HAULING & MOVING FURNITURE & APPLIANCES Reasonable. Visa or MC accepted. 4b6-8906 TYPING COMPUTER TYPE 1630 Q" (One) Street edge of campus 476-TYPE YOUR RESUME Fast. Professional Quality Paper 476-WORD AVIS Professional Typing & Word Processing Comparecostsserviceshours open Editing assistance Notary. Near main UNL campus 475-AVIS Free Pregnancy Testing Crisis Pregnancy Center. 1033 "0" St., Suite 29 Call 475-2501 for appointment Typiing SI page A SPECIAL THANKS to the I.OOOplus students who attended MELODRAMA 1985 and to the Ladies ol Alpha Omicron Pi tor helping to make it the most successful Melodrama ever' Acacia Fraternity tvoe puses 476-9383 Congratulations to the new associate class of Pi Kappa Phi; Dave A Don L Oonk OanM Doug A. RCh p Brian B. Raymond P Bob B. jeit p Je"0 Mike R Jake E Mark T Scott F. Larry T JohnH. jayw BLOOM COUNTY by Dcrlie Drcatlicd 50MB6R IN MMER... RCFINCP OF minp - who mve THmMS in we saioustiess wtm mien THeYcwpierwtfuives... 5usmnep, of coiRse, by m OCCASIONAL AH? mm PISPLAY OFsemovs, FHL-60NZO bOOfttib tbTMW WRP HZRe. M DLCOIJ COUNTY to comrre... ORNorwcmpm... WCT 5 7MET QUB5WH... CP by Dcrlie Drcathsd WH6THBR T5 NO0OR. INTH6 MEMORY miK ..TO WFfeR WB SUNOS ANP CIRCUITS OF OUTRAGCCHS FUNCTIONS... ..OR TO me VPARMSmiHST A SeA 0f.TR(N5t5T0R'5. OR RKTHER, - o OH TO TRmPOHmsJ HKK WITH IT. TKAN5C0NCU- hSJ TRANS... H & eR... dt We're Celebrating... r Hard Shell Tacokv . o r t- .. . '-W u o oean Durntos-.: o1 BCSCS At all Lincoln locations Offer ends Sat, March 29th CROSSWORD PUZZLE - Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA ACROSS AMERICAN XT COMPUTER IBM Compatible (Hardware and Software) Beats Leading Edge and Tandy COMPARE AND SAVE1!! IfiOiili mm ob Niioasga Complete System 90 Days Same As Cash CQHlPiJ UJHDLESfil ER LERB 420 NORTH 4ITH STREET I.INCOLM. ME S0SIM 402-Wt-m? 1 Kind of suit 6 Create edgings 9 Tree of the custard-apple family 14". . .to get you in .honey" 15 Mature 16Calvinoor Balbo 17 "Beat it!" 18 Turpin or Vereen 19 Wakefield personage 20 Hope movie: 1951 23 Half-inning ender 24 Sounds of surprise 27 About 70 percent of the globe 28 Caesar's co star 32 Citrus fruit 34 Attack 35 Early A.D. theologian 37 Tolerate 38 Most inclined to dawdle 41 Allen film: 1971 43 Agnes, in Avila 44 Saxe 46 Superlative finisher 47 Prussian city, famed for cutlery 49 Burgess work, with "A" 58 SE Asian capital 57 Sma 58 Paragon 59 Squash variety 60 "A.Q.O.T.W.F." novelist 61 Halos 62 Revengers ina recent film 63 gestae 64 Notched DOWN 1 Fitzgerald's "The Tycoon" 2 Hankering 3 Expose 4 Glorify 5" Blues," 1924 song 6 Potted-plant stand 7 Schedule 8 Hamstrings 9 Turn 10 Very eager 11 Roller-derby grouping 12 Jai 13 Promise 21 Muscovite 22 Stratagem 24 Giraffe's kin 25 Lake or Indian 28 Nickleby's companion 28 Largest of the West Indies 29 Express a viewpoint 30 Ballet finales 31 " of robins 33 Exam 35 Jimmy Dorsey hit of 1942 39 Flat-bottomed boat 40 "When the night is beginning Longfellow 41 Edith and Archie 42 Ex-constellation 45 Vessel that saw action at Actium 47 K. P. residue 48 Zenith's opposite 49 Fictional sleuth 50 Limerick product 51 about (approxi mately) 52 String 53 Nautilus captain 54 Wags the tongue 55 Otherwise 1 2 a R Tg jej H i r"i9 ho In 1 1 2 I13 L L 14 15 16 17 18 ' 79 20 ! zT 22 ' 23"" " 32 33" " 34 35" 36 . 37 38 3TT40" 4PT42" 43 44 Js" """46 47"" 43 y 49 50 5TT52 m 54 55 56 57 58 mill iii-j iiim "Mill rTTI f NT