The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 13, 1986, Page Page 19, Image 19
Thursday, March 13, 1986 Daily Nebraskan Page 19 Counselors needed for summer day camp progiam Ml,ct nave experience in working with children, know i ' ne and skills in teaching cralls. songs, games, etc II niPipsted nil out application at the Northeast YMCA. 2601 N 70th St by March 18 PLASMA DONORS c lrn up to S25 a week or S100 a month First donation ctO sri'ond donation in the same calendar week (Monday Siiuiil.'yi S15 New donors bring this ad In lor a S2 bonus on the first donation u University Plasma Center 1442 "0" Street Lincoln. NE 475-8645 Effective until luither notice PART-TIME SUPERVISOR fKipilent opportunity for university student to learn maiuVment. sales, service and collections working with vounn people, paients and customers as a city carrier inuteiupeivisor Must have good communications skills a no Dc available by 2.30 p m daily. 9 00 am. Saturdays, and some Sunday morninqs. Requires approximately 35 hours weel P'us Vour own vehicle with mileage expenses paid Applications will be accepted in the Jour nal Star personnel office. 926 P St.. 8 a m. to 4 p.m. throuah Friday. March 14 ,n 9 JOURNAL STAR Equal OpportunityAffirmative Action Employer PLASMA DONORS Earn up to S25 a week or S100 a month. First donation $10 second donation in the same calendar week ( Monday through Saturday. S15. New donors bring this ad in lor a S2 bonus on the first donation. UNIVERSITY PLASMA CENTER 1442 "O" Strtt Lincoln, NE 475-8645 Effective until further notice. Boston area professional couple seeks cheerful, re sponsible, confident college grad as live-in support lor busy family Duties include household management, weekday meals, carpooling teenage daughters. Must be excellent driver, non-smoker.' Good salary, private roombath, car provided. Flexible schedule permits con tinuing studies Start August 1 (on Cape Cod) or Sept. 1. Please send resume and photo Julie Fokken. 65 Greylock Road. Wellesley Hills. MA 02181. Salesperson, fall semester. S3.000-S6.000 average pay. Call Brent. 475-6182. DRAKE'S SALAD BAR RESTAURANT is taking applications for the following positions: Cash ier waitery: deliverybusperson and dishwasher. Must be able to work lunch hours. Apply at 131 S. 13th between 9a m -11 a m. or 1:30-3:00. Soccercoach needed for high school team. If interested, call 476-8065. ask for Pete or Paul. Photographers needed. Must have own 35 mm camera. Call Brent. 475-6182. POLICE CAREER Overland Park. Kansas Police Department Overland Park. Kansas is a city of 90.000 people located in the Kansas City metropolitan area. Career positions are now available with our progressive and innovative police agency During the past 10 years theOverland Park Police Department has doubled in size due to the growth of our city Vacancies currently exist for the position of Police Officer and applications are being taken to fill these vacancies and establish a standing eligibility list. Starting salary for a police officer is $18,542 with increases to $30,176. An additional 5 percent education incentive pay is available to officers who qualify. Con sideration may be given for prior experience. Five-day. 40-hour week with overtime provisions. Excellent benef its package. High scnool diploma required. Prior experience or col lege preferred. Minimum 21 years of age. height and weight in proportion Maximum uncorrected vision 20100 corrected to 2020. Johnson County residency required after acceptance of appointment. Applicants required to relocate from outside the metropolitan area may receive assistance with moving expenses. Recruiting officers will be at two locations in Lincoln. Nebraska on March 17. University of Nebraska students should contact Ms Isley. University's Career Planning and Placement Office for more information. Non-students should contact the Lincoln Hilton Hotel and ask for Mr. Jim Weaver. If interested, but unable to contact Mr. Weaver, contact the Overland Park Police Department. 913-381-5252. Ext. 340. between 8:30 a m and 5.00 p.m.. Monday through Friday. E0E MF504 AMIGO'S 14TH & Q Daytime co-workers wanted Monday, Wednesday and Friday if you have a break between classes from 11:30 until 1 30. are customer conscious, and interested in a good starting wage, apply now. Monday through Friday. 10 am. to 8 p.m. POLICE OFFICERS . City of Lincoln. NE. is seeking intelligent, sensitive individuals who can adjust to an everchanging work environment. Minimum requirements for application are: 'High school graduate or equivalent At least 21 years ot age (on or before June 9, 1986) "No felony convictions "Valid Nebraska driver s license And a statement of aided and unaided vision. Eye exam ination forms are available at the CityCounty Employ ment Office FDA approved soft contacts are permissable. Eve examinations must be within the last year (March 10. 1985 March 28. 1986). Applicants who successfully meet minimum require ments listed above are scheduled for a two (2) hour written exam. APPLY AT: CITYCOUNTY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 555 SOUTH 10TH STREET ROOM B113 LINCOLN, NE 68508 (402) 471-7597 Closing date for receipt of applicants and eye examination forms: 4:30 PM Friday. March 28. 1986 Equal OpportunityAffirmative Action Employer " Weetirtin ttiiiimon Thursday. I YOUNG DEMOCRATS Meeting Tonight at 7 00 in the Union Bring money for sweatshirts' Dear Adel. Don't forget Peer Party Thursday at St Mark's 3-5 Bung your friends ' s' J 3 Grace SHOT-A-MINUTE SHOT-A-MINUTE SHOT-A-MINUTE SENIORS ONLY Senior reception. Thursday. March 13 7-9 nm fnrn. husker Hotel. December. May and August graduates wel- CO ITI 6 INTERNSHIP JUN,'P!GnTE,ACHER PREPARATION PROJECT LINCOLN PUBLIC SCHOOLSUNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA LINCOLN A tilth year internship experience is being offered for people specifically interested in teaching in the junior high It is part ot a collaboi ative proiect between the Lincoln Public Schools and the University ot Nebraska Lincoln Teachers College This internship is a full year s experience, combining a half-time teaching assignment in a junior high with a half-time graduate studies com ponent This is a unique protect designed to provide sup port between the student teaching experience and a full time teaching position. The Lincoln Public Schools will pay a stipend for the three classes taught at Culler Junior High School and will provide health coverge Nine hours of graduate credit per semester may be earned from UNL. Students who have graduated by May. 1986. and have applied lor both a teaching certificate and lor admission to a graduate program are eligible to apply for an internship CONTACT Dr. Lynn L. Mortensen for information or application forms. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday. April 11. 1986. Submit to Dr. Lynn L. Mortensen. 118 Henzlik Hall, UNL. The Lincoln Public Schools and the University of Nebraska are Equal Opportunity Employers. Break in your Spring Break wardrobe at the: SPRING BREAK PRIMER DANCE 8:30-12:30. East Campus Union. Thursday, March 13 Admission. $2. Sponsored by Ag Econ Club ATTENTION CIVIL ENGINEERING STUDENTS Early Registration Meetings Monday. March 17. 1986. 5:30 p.m. for upperclassmen. Tuesday. March 18. 1986. 5:30 p.m. for underclassmen. Room 347. Nebraska Hall Be there! CORNHUSKER MARKETING CLUB Meeting 6:00 P.M.. City Union BIOLOGY 101 -JOERN Upcoming test! Get Jon's Notes in Nebraska Bookstore. 9-4 Monday and Thursday: 1-3 Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday. Womtn Scrtaml Men gasped! Children won dtredl It was the Gay and lesbian Student Potluck Dinner and movie extravaganza coming this Thurs day to an off-campus location near you. Dinner: 6 p m. (Bring a covered dish). Movie: 7 p.m. "The Rocky Horror Picture Show. ' Suggested donation: S2.00. Contact KEVIN or RODNEY for address - or stop by the GLSA office. (Rides available) GLSA Hotline - 472-5644. BLOOD MOBILE Thursday. March 13th East Campus Union 10:30-3:30 3 land packages now available to Padre. Call 472 2454 for into. University sponsored trip. REGISTER NOW FOR FREE UNIVERSITY CLASSES at the booth in the Union or call 472-2454 for more info. Learn to know more about yourself. Learn to solve vour problems in new. creative ways. Register now for FREE UNIVERSITY CLASSES HELD MARCH 15. Thcta XI Little Slaters Meeting 8:00 Thursday Let's have some tun!!! 1 Register now for the Free University Classes at the booth in the city union! Enjoy the learning experience! NEW LOCATION See MASH March 13. 14 at 7 p.m. & 9.30 p.m. in the newly rennovated Bessey Aud. Theatre. Just $1 for students! "A RAISIN IN THE SUN" will be shown at University Lutheran Chapel, 1510 "Q" at 8:30 tonight. You're invited! UNL4-H Blood Mobile 10 30-3:30 Thursday, March 13th East Campus Union SENIOR RECEPTION Tonight, 7-9. Cornhusker Hotel. December. May and August graduates welcome. Music and champagne. UPC CONCERTS & COFFEEHOUSES Important meeting March 12th. 6:00 p.m. Student Union. NEW MEMBERS WELCOME. " iff SAS TBI T Trnrr LITTLE SISTERS' Thursday fjgfit at 7:15 is when the tun stans. uon i forget your new Dig erouiers ww m wcic: M0DFRN. JAZZ, BALLET with Jerry Bevington Come ready to dance today at 3 30 p m,. Mabel Lee 301. Free admission An Arts & Sciences Days Event Close to campus. Responsible, non-smoking, to share large 2-bedroom house apartment with balcony S175 plus 12 utilities. 472-6956 or 435-7271. ask lor Tish SHOT-A-MINUTE ATO-FIJI SHOT-A-MINUTE Thursday. 300 p m.. Union Plaza CIA PROTEST RALLY Come show your opposition to this organization's activi ties. They will be on campus tomorrow, Wanted , . . Desiied . . , Needed . , . Beer sucking qluttons to chow down on 25C tacos -this Thursday, 4-midnight. JACKS OR BETTER 27th & Holdrege Be there (or go hungry)' UNITY Party Announcement of Candidacy lor RHA Executive Offices 3:30 p.m.. March 17 Nebiaska Union Lobby ' " - " "- "l -- Greg ATTENTION Some UNL Biology sweatshirts are in. All orders will be here by March 19 Sweatshirts can be picked up in Mantei Hall 118. Resource Room. OUTSTANDING SENIOR applications out. Can be picked up and dropped off at the Wick Center. CAPand ASUN offices Apply. Apply. Apply! Due March 19th. CIA PROTEST RALLY Today 3 00 p.m.. Union Plaza Pre-trip information night, tonight in the Union at 6:30 for those who signed up for UPC's Daytona Beach trip. ARCHITECTURE STUDENTS! Important AIAS meeting Wednesday. March 12. 7:30 p.m. Arch. Hall Gallery. Freshmen through 6th year invited. "THE DR. SUESS VIDEO FESTIVAL" will be shown at University Lutheran Chapel. 1510 "Q" at 7:30 p.m. on Friday. March 14th. You're invited! DANCE DANCE DANCE with Jerry Bevington today at 3:30 p.m. Mabel Lee 304. Learn the latest moves, Modern Jazz Ballet. Diane (ADTT) Joe (AKAK) Congratulations on your engagement. Best of luck in the future and thanks for making Black Diamond even more special. The women of ADTT Ski Breckenridge and Summit County. Room and board at our youthful home. S60 per day 2 persons, $75 per day 4 persons. Call (303) 453-4904 now. AA CAMPUS GROUP Nebraska Union Room 402, Tuesdays 1:30 p.m., Thurs days 10:30 a.m. KAPPA DELTA CHILI FEST Sunday. March 16. 1986. 5-7 p.m. at KD House. Tickets on sale in Union Tuesday-Friday. $2.75 all-you-can-eat. Chili-Cinnamon Rolls-Door Prizes-Entertainment. ATTENTION More UNL biology shirts are in. Shirts on sale in Union, Manter Hall 118, and from your favorite Tribeta member. LIED CENTER STUDENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE IMPORTANT MEETING Thursday, March 13, 3:00-4:30. Room 205 Nebraska Union. Please contact Gayle if you can not attend. MARCH IS NATURAL NUTRITION MONTH If you have any questions call National Food Service Nutrition Hotline sponsored by American Dietetic Assoc iation. 1-800-782-7799 March 1-31 M-F 9a.m.-4p.m. Learn to know more about yourself. Learn to solve your problems in new. creative ways. Register now for FREE UNIVERSITY CLASSES HELD MARCH 15. OUTSTANDING SENIOR AWARD Applications now available. May pick-up at CAPOffice, ASUN Office. Wick Alumni Center (NOMINATE YOUR SELF OR A FRIEND!) Applications due March 19 . Lambda Chi Alpha & Gamma Phi Beta Present CASINO NIGHT '86 Friday, March 14 Centennial Room 7:30 p.m. -12:30 a.m. Proceeds to Nebraska Special Olympics Sad news My boyfriend s jealous Thanks anyhow Chris Mark W (Sammy). Thank God I got drunk and slid down your drawers last year I didn t throw up either! I Love You1!, Yellow coat girl, Love North Mon . March 3 105 I came m and sat across the room from you diagonally near water loun tam. hrst table as you walk in from south Green shirt short sleeve Curly hair. Gieen shut guy Costello & Associates Resumes Plus! O Professional Resumes Personalized Service 10 Years Experience 5640 South Street 483-7611 Closed March 20-29 V1 t ft npu jmm mama- IEWELRY U"TY DIAMONDS t r... - ,VMT IWI r Y ? T WEDDING RING SPECIALIST Newest Styles Large In-Stock Selection NO GIMMICKS V Carat Diamond Solitaire $295 Lowest Possible Prices Immediate Delivery 474-6044 3111 "O" St V ? T T , utilities. Call 476-7925 after 8 p.m. Wanted: Male roommate to share 2 bedroom apartment with 2 other males. Chateau apartments. Call 464-3336 after 6 p.m. COUNTY by Bertie r i.i in 1 1 i w I'M WQSCP XTIr'S SUCH A I'M AFRA1P HOT. fcs VoH, CAHIT WHStf'j tiX m.Mutof jr WmMmr Ctmttf wm mm tmmmttmmtt Ifrlt ma V MltlMltMLMlN MMdwrtftf ,Ji -li, etiTian -i n Applications AvallabU UntH March 19 DN to publish 77 fall issue Nsforalslcan DN seeks fall editor Applications for fall semester editor in chief of the Daily Ne braskan are available at the Daily Nebras kan office, basement, Nebraska Union. The editor in chief formulates editorial policies, oversees news room operations, hires editorial staff and re ports to the Publica tions Board. Salary is $700 a month. Applicants must be UNL students and have at least one year of newspaper experi ence. For further in formation, contact Daniel Shattil, Daily Nebraskan office, 34 Nebraska Union, 472 1769. Applications must be returned by 5 p.m. March 19. : Wl (toesnol dUcriminsl is th sdmJ dmis3icw or ftwploymwt jjrowtt wd bides by Responsible female roommate needed. S152.50 plus. 474-5810. Roommate to share large 2-bedroom apartment. Avail able now or April 1 . 435-8420 evenings. 18th & "P", S92.50 plus 15 utilities. Available NOW. 477-4319. Roommate needed. Lafge house. S100month plus 13'.. .A 1 1 1 . The Original Korn Popper and Colby Ridge would like to do our part in reducing the costs of going to college. Just bring in your student I.D. this Thursday, and wheayou buy a bag of our gourmet. whitef pop-? COtti we 11 give you a second bag ot equal. value ireein .lL's.a.doubly.dlkioilddah btitji SI BSD ........J i!; Good on 30(2 to $1.40 size bags. Offer expires 3-27-86 THE ORIGINAL (ORNPOPPER GOLBY RIDGE C POPCORN ICE CREAM ) "U-1 Popcorn & Ice Cream HOI Superior 476-6822 A Lincoln Foundation Mon.'Sat. 10-10 Sun. 11-9 refreshment center 1417 "N" St. (South of Bennett Martin Library) 474-5818 233 N. 48th (South of Target) 467-5811 1