The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 13, 1986, Page Page 16, Image 16
Thursday, March 13, 1986 Pago 16 Daily Nebraskan By Jeff Apel Senior Reporter WSMJW the ) n leavo f o stern roao irip ,IN6u mean, all 1 rrciv? to do fo be s brother is play RAGE- with some guy called Keg? Catch-A-Ray Tanning Salon A Tan For All Seasons START YOUR TAN NOW WITH OUR SPKiNG BREAK QAl 5 sessions CATCH-A-RAY $2Q.oo 233 N. 48th-Suite Qln The Eastview Shopping Cenler 464-4386 Gunny's-Mezzanine Level 435-2230 sicers meet wayne i' we After hosting the Wildcats on Thurs day and Friday, Nebraska will leave for the 10-day, west coast trip in California. The Huskers will first face Stetson College of Deland, Fla., in a single game. Nebraska will then compete in the Best of the West Classic, an eight-team, two-division tournament in Fresno, Calif. The Huskers will then close out their yearly West Coast trip by facing UNLV in a three-game series. Besides Nebraska, other teams com peting include BYU, California St. Fullerton, Nevada-Reno, Stetson, San Diego State, Washington State and Fresno State. Sanders said that the tournament is among the nations best because of the level of competition. "The level of competition is great (in the Best of the West classic) and the facilities are the best," he said. "The level of play we'll be exposed to will definitely help us when our conference season rolls around." BYU coach Gary Pullins said that he agrees with Sanders' assessment of the Best of the West Classic. Any team who competes in the tour nament, Pullins said, had better come prepared. "Holy cow, if you go into Fresno not prepared to play you're gonna get clubbed," he said. "We know that (John) Sanders will come into the tournament with both of their barrels loaded, but so will everybody else." Pullins said that he sees California- A stiff challenge waiting, the Ne braska baseball team will prepare for its' west coast trip by facing Wayne State today and Friday at Buck Beltzer Field. Nebraska baseball coach John Sanders said that despite the fact the Wildcats will enter the t wo-game series with a 1-11 record, Wayne State will pose a formidable challenge for the 4-0 Cornhuskers. The Wildcats, he said, will enter the game with the idea that they have nothing to lose. "I thought we would win a little bit more easily than we did against the opponents we've played so far this sea son, so 1 have to be concerned with Wayne State," Sanders said. "Baseball is baseball, but we have run into some good hitting and some tough pitching to equalize out things." Wayne State coach Lenny Klaver said that his squad views the series against Nebraska as a tremendous challenge. The Wildcats just returned from a southern trip in which they won only one game, and Klaver said that it will be difficult for Wayne State to get back on the winning track against Nebraska. "I know we are not in the same class with Nebraska," he said. "We've got a really young squad so we're in a posi tion where we can benefit from' these games even if we don't win." HOT DEALS fcr YOUR 1ilEElS Get mzij for sprinj dfh Osgood csr Utcx u:rn QUANTITIES Qstenwod CRP-101 rea-230.00 WO'; '139.95 High power, auto reverse music search, rjolby, seperate bass & treble controls & more. rr . fill Osherood CfeD-201 r. 3SG.OO NOV '199.95 High power, auto reverse, music search, digital tuner with 12 presets & more. 1844 'N" St. 475-3543 FOR THE FINEST IN ENTERTAINMENT ELECTRONICS QUICEI HOP TO THE MOBJSTOP, OMAHA" LINCOLN-EPPLEY X-PRESS will get yon there! Limousine Service between Lincoln and the Omaha Airport 474-3762 See tomorrow's paper for a schedule. St. Fullerton as the early favorite to win the tournament title because they are the highest ranked team entering the tournament. The Titans are currently ranked no. 10 by ESPN, and No. 25 by "Baseball America" "Anyway you look at this thing, it's a heck of a tournament," Pullins said. "It's appropriately named. I'll tell you that if we aren't playing good, we'll come out of there real bloody." Fresno State coach Bill Bennett said that he is choosing to approach the tournament with a certain amount of caution, even though the Bulldogs are the tournament's host. . Anytime a team plays against the caliber of competition that is partici pating in the Best of the West Classic, Bennett said, no one team has any dec isive advantages over the others. "We know what we are in for," he said. "This will be an extreme test for our team." Bennett said that the tournament comes at just the right time for his squad because they are just beginning to peak. After a 1-8 start, the Bulldogs have won nine of their last games to even ' their record at 10-10. "I see the strength of our squad to be pitching," Bennett said. "This is going to be a real challenge for our pitching staff, though, because we'll be playing so many games in those few days." San Diego State coach Jim Dietz said that pitching is also the strength of his 8-5 Aztec squad. "We've got depth in our pitching staff from number one to number 10," Dietz said. "We've got good people (on the staff), but I guess we'll find out what we really do have in the tourna ment." Dietz said that the biggest enemy that San Diego State has faced so far this season has been the weather. Eleven of the Aztec's games have already been cancelled because of weather, and the extended forecast for the West Coast calls for more rain. "I've been here 10 years and this is the wettest weather I can ever re member," Dietz said. "That's hurt us because we haven't been able to get in so many games already that we won't be able to make a lot of them up." Test yourself . Which early pregnancy test is as easy to read as red, no white, yes? Which is a simple one-step test? Which has a dramatic color change to make the results unmistakable? ( ) Lincoln Gem and Mineral Club invites you to attend its 28th Annual Gem & Mineral Show March 15, 16, 1986 Agriculture Hall Nebraska State Fairgrounds Show Hours: Saturday, 9:00-8:00 Sunday, 9:00-5:00 Admission: Adults ......$1.50 Students with I. D ....$1.00 Senior Citizens with ID $1.00 Children 50 Under 6, free with adult. .... . J,;iH..l,.,,i,,M,(,-f.-,1'((Ml,i),,i,jl(,j( l(HtMtill(llh'tlJ.'' Which is portable for convenience and privacy? TONIGHT :j;5XQO,figiK&SHI!!T CONT EST jsnijeiaS noA DRINK SPECIALS 7-10 PM 25 Draws 50 Drinks $150 Pitchers Be Sure To Enter For Your Chance At '1000.00 In Our Final Contest. 9th & "P" St. STOOGES NU football ticket lottery is next week The 19Sti student football lottery will be March 17 to 21 from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m. at the South Stadium ticket office. Student tickets are $42 for six home games. A spouse ticket costs $90. A completed application, full time student identification cards and personal check, cash or money order must be presented at the ticket office during the lottery dates. A representative of a group may present all applications, ID's and payments for the group. There is a group limit of 100. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 $2.75 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Ten words included. : $2.00 minimum charge per day on individual student . and student organization; ad$, ' ' '. ' ' : -. $,75 bMlmg . charge. q& ftancomfnereial ads' ' All . , personal ads must be. Rrgpauj i l, , , i . UO kEF.UNDS.QN PBE-PAlO AOS U . , NO RESPONSt&Jt TO A'SSUtv. POft MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. FOUND ads may be submitted free of charge DEADLINE: 1 p.m. day before publication (Monday through Friday). The Daily Nebraskan will not knowingly accept help wanted ads from businesses that are not equal oppor tunity employers. VISA MASTERCARD III !"?lt1l Men's Trek 500, Women's Puch Olympia. Slocum Prime Wind Trainer. Ail exceilent condition. Call 474-5024 after6 p.m. PADRE WITH UPC!! Giving up my spot for South Padre trip (bus package). Want it??? For details call 642-9248 (collect), ask for John. Disc Jockey Equipment - Bubble machine S30; MX 9900 Mixer S125: Technics DBX Tape Deck S90: revolving 4 beam helicopter S90; Accura Equalizer S30: 6 (on-off) switch box S20. 477-7180.