The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 03, 1986, Page Page 10, Image 10
Monday, March 3, 1986 Page 10 Daily Nebraskan 476-7222 -DESSERTS-2 222 S. Bffi Ccaatfr-r r.?i &jrrp::.i tfa br::Lf::t. Fresh bskd rs!!$ fiisi pssfrsss. BfsdtaHsars: 7:30-10:30 wa. n:sir-FrLJr FREE (te; efecfita v:.';h frcbsa cf r;!L hfizs risrch 31, 19S6 i Lincoln, Nebraska Pershing Municipal Auditorium Exhibit Kan (Lower Level) March 7, 8 & 9 NOON to 9 p m. Frl & Sat KCCN to 5 p.m. Sunday Admission $2.00 GOOD ALL 3 DAYS All Antique For Sale Vm Crawm. IUMf MMktn N.A.O.A. A.A.OA. 1 100 1721 ol) Hi XpX I P W S Bl il irt-iiWlBTTH WIIWII mull I V 1 ' If you have at least two years left in college, you can qualify for an Air Force ROTC Scholar ship. We'll Pay: Tuition Fees $114 per semester for textbooks $100 month Air Force ROTC is your door to a potential career and position in the Air Force where you get the EXPERIENCE you need in today's job market. The Air Force has opportunities in virtually every profession. Want to learn more? Stop in and talk to us in the M & N Building, Room 209 today. For information concerning the opportunities in the Air Force, contact Major DeBruin at 472-2474. AIR FORCE ROTC You've thought about it You've tried to imagine viist it would be like. You know it would be exciting. And a challenge. And quite possibly the most rewarding experience of your life . . . Three Americans overseas in Asia, Africa and South America speak frankly on what Peace Corps life is like for them. It isn't easy and it isn't for everyone they'll tell you that up front. But if you've ever considered going overseas in the Peace Corps, then now is your chance to see and hear for yourself what could be "the toughest job you'll ever love." Mote: Former Peace Corps volunteers will be on hand to answer questions following the 25 minute film. And it's free! Two Showings: Wednesday, March 5 4:00 pm - East Union 7:00 pm - Campus Union If i i... ....... ....... ..-...JL. cr " -V! ft fi vr& U.. Peace The Movie His Tcaghsst Job You'll Ever Love DETm Mr. Mister hits top of LP singles charts By the Associated Press The following are the record hits as they appear in this week's issue of Billboard mag azine. Copyright 1986. Billboard Publications, Inc. Reprinted with permission. SINGLES 1. 'Kyrie" Mr. Mister (RCA) 2. "How Will I Know" Whitney Houston (Arista) 3. "Sara" Starship (Grunt) 4. "Living in America" James Brown (Scotti Bros.) 5. "The Sweetest Tabu" Sade (Portrait) 6. "When The Going Gets Tough" Billy Ocean (Jive) 7. "Life in a Northern Town" The Dream Academy (Warner Bros.) 8. "Silent Running" Mike and The Mech anics (Atlantic) 9. "Secret Lovers" Atlantic Star (A&M) 10. "These Dreams" Heart (Capitol) LP's 1. "Welcome To The Real World," Mr. Mis ter (RCA) 2. "Promise" Sade (Portrait) 3. "Whitney Houston" Whitney Houston (Arista) 4. "The Broadway Album" Barbra Strei sand (Columbia) 5. "Scarecrow" John Cougar Mellencamp (Riva) 6. "Heart" Heart (Capitol) 7. "Knee Deep In Hoopla" Starship (Grunt) 8. "Brothers In Arms" Dire Straits (Warner Bros.) 9. "Afterburner" ZZ Top (Warner Bros.) 10. "Once Upon A Time" Simple Minds (A&MVirgin) COUNTRY SINGLES 1. "You Can Dream of Me" Steve Wariner (MCA) 2. 'Think About Love" Dolly Parton (RCA) 3. 'The One I Loved Back Then" George Jones (Epic) 4. "I Could Get Used To You" Exile (Epic) 5. "Fast Lanes And Country Roads" Bar bara Mandreil (MCA) 6. "What's A Memory Like You" John Schneider (MCA) 7. "Please Be Love" Mark Gray (Columbia) 8. "You Should Have Been Gone By Now" Eddy Raven (RCA) 9. "Oklahoma Borderline" Vince Gill (RCA) 10. "Don't Underestimate My Love" Lee Greenwood (MCA) ADULT CONTEMPORARY SINGLES 1. "Sara" Starship (Grunt) 2. "Life in a Northern Town" The Dream Academy (Warner Bros.) 3. "These Dreams" Heart (Capitol) 4. "When The Going Gets Tough" Billy Ocean (Jive) 5. "How Will I Know" Whitney Houston (Arista) 6. "Nikita" Elton John (Geffen) 7. "The Sweetest Tabu" Sade (Portrait) 8. "Secret Lovers" Atlantic Star (A&M) 9. "Somewhere" Barbra Streisand (Col umbia) 10. "Only One" James Taylor (Columbia) BLACK SINGLES 1. "Do Me Baby" Meli'sa Morgan (Capitol) 2. 'Guilty" Yarbrough and Peoples (Total Experience) 3. "How Will I Know" Whitney Houston (Arista) 4. "Your Smile" Rene and Angela (Mer cury) 5. "Tender Love" Force M.D.'s (Warner Bros.) 6. "When The Going Gets Tough" Billy Ocean (Jive) 7. "Saturday Love" Cherrelle with Alex ander O'Neal (Epic) 8. "Computer Love" Zapp (Warner Bros.) 9. "Let Me Be The One" Five Star (RCA) 10. "Living in America" James Brown (Scotti Bros.) CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2583 $2.75 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Ten words included. $2.00 minimum charge per day on individual student and student organization ads. $.75 billing charge on noncommercial ads. Ail personal ads must be prepaid. NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. FOUND ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 1 p.m. day before publication (Monday through Friday). Commodore computer, disk drive, joystick. & disks. $290. 435-3681. Used. 220 volt electric, model A66B. paragon Kilan. 6 cubic feet, has temperature control. $300. 475-0651. GOVERNMENT JOBS: 16 040 - S59.230vr Now hiring. Call 805-687-6000 Ext. R-9636for current federal list. No one races cancer alone Call us. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY' Ifs Wot Too Late to Win UOi r .... I $mr m tiiivur A Pizza Party! 11 2U nflet .too. A u a MM 11 A ft i i i f j X I I 11 V vv I ooniirzo's PIZZA FnsE. Cs the ar uuerz J rlus Tax Fnr any 19" moHinm pizza-one topping Plus w-r o i i-ii x r.rR, A Offer Ends 3-14-C5 Ofidal Dorm WarsGreek Wars Standings so fan (War Ends 3-14-86) DOROS 1ABEL 4 2 HARPER 4 3 SCHRAMM 8 4 ABEL 6 SHARPER 5 GREEKS IBETASIG'S 2 BETA THETA 3ATO 4 CHI PHI 5 PHI KAPPA PSI oniino's Pizsa for official rules! Call Us. 475-7872 611 North 27th 476- 0787 11th & Comhusker Belmont Plaza 4SS-2377 2933 North 48thUniplace 4S9-SS31 4728 PrescottCollegeview 476-SB44 1415 SouthSouth Area Fast, Free DcSivery Limited Delivery Area. Our Drivers carry less than $20.00.