The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 28, 1986, Page Page 14, Image 14
Daily Nebraskan Friday, February 28, 1986 Dead artists teach cold lessons Page 14 a a D B O a D O a o 1 IV Ml ilfckZ7 w v 1 Downtown buys used records, cassettes & compact discs. 217 No. 11th 477-6051 Siimday Etage'ff 2-1? 2 for 1 on all burgers 5-10 FBI fff all ageo Sunday Only l,?iwr Level Cunny's DEATH from Page 13 You begin to think about death in the winter and, out of tact, you try not to share your morbidity with the world at large. I once stood on a spot where thousands of Indians were massacred in South Dakota. I once shook hands with Lester Bangs and Dennes Boon. We're all part CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 $2 75 minimum charge per day on commercial ads Ten words included $2 00 minimum charge per day on individual student and student organization ads $ 75 billing charge on noncommercial axis All personal ads must be prepaid NO Rkf-UNDSON PRE-PAID ADS NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION FOUND ads may be submitted tree ol charge DEADLINE 1 p m day before publication (Monday through Friday) The Daily Nebraskan will not knowingly accept help wanted ads from businesses that are not equal oppor tunity employers. VISA MASTERCARD n DDOODDDDDDODOQDEIDDDDODDDDDDDQDODODDB urn 3 U EVERWIIIJG IN STOCK Cm& m ths bait selection h tai. OPEN DAILY 320 SOUTH 19rii 475-5259 08 tM SG!th cf N -Strict Drca-fo B Phone-male answering service wremote electric cor rectable typewriter; new VCR. Mexican pottery, file cabinet, desk; 2 complete component stereos; 2. 12 speeds; sola sleeper; wicker chairs; table; bentwood rocker; bw tv's: 75 Monza: 71 VW Call 475-5739 Leave essage TravTcal& SaltWater B B B B B fl B B B B ODOanDDQDQBQBD iKffiB 3-9-96g DDDOBDPDDODQOB B Superior Sound stereo system with AMFM digital syn thesizer & equalizer S700 value tor S280. Completely equipped king-size waterbed with bookcase headboard. S120 483-1660 Commodore 64 computer, disk drive, joystick. & disks. $290 435-3681. Used. 220 volt electric, model A66B. paragon Kilan. 6 cubic feet, has temperature control. $300 475-0651. Fender deluxe reverb guitar amplifier A quite loud 20 watts in perfect condition. Cheap. 472-2588 or 435-1369, ask for Jon Honey colored Martin guitar in excellent condition. S650 or best oiler 421-3089 evenings It's not too late to L ) with Campus Marketing YOUR BEST DEAL TO FLORIDA Last Year, 12,000 did! We axe the largest college operator to Florida covering well over 130 campuses across the U.S. Because we concentrate on Spring Break, we are able to channel all our efforts towards providing the best possible trip. (Last year Campus Marketing was joined by over 12.000 students during the Spring Break period making ours truly the largest PARTY in Florida. YOU DEIVc (TO THE PARTY) WE DRIVE (THE PARTY STARTS HERE) 4(o) mmaMamm mam INCLUDES: Round trip motor coach transportation to beautiful Daytona Beach (WE DRIVE Packages Only) We use nothing but modern highway coaches Eight Florida daysseven endless nights at one of our exciting oceanfront hotels, located right on the Daytona Beach strip Your hotel has a beautiful pool, sun deck, air conditioned rooms, color TV and a nice long stretch of beach A fun schedule of FREE pool dec'K parties every day. A fun list of pre-arranged discounts to save you money in Daytona Beach Travel representatives to insure a smooth trip and a good time Optional side excursions to Disney World. Epcot, deep sea fishing, party cruises, etc All taxes and tips SPEND A WEEK - NOT A FORTUNE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND SIGN UP Call 476-7652 or 435-5796 J W -hV'sS Mon.-Fri. 9 PM-12 AM all day Sat. and Sun Sponsored by Campus Marketing imtntHcn o ssonau comet mk ,L,;C Jj HAWSER of a lot of deaths. It's worse when there's that con stant voice from those cheap Longine's Symphonette speakers sprinting through all four sides of The Minutemen's "Double Nickels on the Dime" like it was the last day of the last month of the last year, the Devil in the kitchen and God upstairs making the bed. It's worse when the voice bothers to stop and teach you something. Dennes Boon taught me how complicated noise can be. Bangs taught me to love it, whether it was complicat ed or not. Bangs died a long time ago, in 1982. It came to mind, though, when Boon died. I had dinner with Richard Brauti gan once, too, and he died last year. He killed himself but didn't seem like that "type" at dinner. He was a poet and a writer, but his work was about hope. This column hasn't been about much. I won't say, when you meet someone, to be careful because they might be gone someday. I also won't say that rock V roll is a fast, lethal lifestyle. You know all that. It's winter and there's still snow on the ground here. Boon was driving across a desert and it was probably 60 degrees out. We were miles apart and I would never have shaken his hand again. Even if I would have been able to, I still wouldn't have remembered whether it was cold or not. In Los Angeles, there will be a fun eral and I won't be invited. I wouldn't have gone if they'd asked me. I didn't go to Lester's either. But then again, no one asked. Concert Sunday The Neoclassic Jazz Orchestra will play a concert at 7:30 p.m. Sunday in the Hilton Hotel ballroom, 141 N. Ninth St'. The concert will feature the trumpet section and compositions of past mem bers Bart Bartholemew, Rex Cadwalder and UNL Professor Randall Snyder. The group also will play some works by such well-known big-band writers as Toshiko Akiyoshi, Don Menza, Thad Jones and Sammy Nestico. The band recorded its first album last year and began work on its second album recently. Tickets are available at the door for $6. Advance tickets are $5, and are available at the band's business office at 885 NBC Center, 13th and 0 streets. Student and senior citizen discount tickets will be sold before the concert if not all advance tickets are sold. No one faces cancer alone. V AWIERICAN CWNCER SOCIETY' Save yourself $ 10 and about 92,999,995 miles! Thesun, our closest competitor, is93mi!lion miles away (and usually covered by clouds). , But Hair Art Ltd. is much closer to campus, at 2441 No. 48th. To help you keep your summer tan Hair Art Ltd. is offering one 15 minute visit and four 30 minute visits for $12. A $10 savings! Call now for an appointment. This offer expires April 31, 1986 Hair Art Ltd. 2441 No. 48th 464-8228 HOURS: Mon., Tues., Fri. 8:00 to 6:00 Wed., Thurs. 8:00 to 8:00 Sat. 8:00 to 4:30 IP 4 a m m m m v& jl. w i . nt-rtn r. rr'crrriAl v 76-1166 838 No. 27th St. Cafeteria Closed? Refrigerator Empty? Pefferoni's Delivers FAST & FREE Prices subject to sales Ui Limited delivery area C3 E3 m ri gsg 03 SE5J E3 KSt S3 D Any Large Original 1 Topping Pizza FOR Wo Not valid with any other coupon No coupon necessary OFFER EXPIRES MARCH 4, 1986 31 Ea CZ3 Id C3 Q KJ CO C3 cr trsa fi en 1 Q D J