The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 25, 1986, Page Page 2, Image 2
Tuesday, February 25, 1986 Page 2 Daily Nebraskan D0 as ews re Aou nef N est i i - in ladf MANILA, Philippines Soldiers fired on a jeering crowd early Tuesday near the palace of Ferdinand E. Mar cos, who struggled desperately to pre serve a 20-year hold on power that the United States said is no longer right fully his. Eight people were wounded in the shooting and five were injured while trying to flee the gunfire, hospital offi cials said. Hundreds of thousands of civilians defied a dusk-to-dawn curfew to form human shields around the suburban camp of military rebels who proclaimed Corazon Aquino president, and around the rebel-held government television station. Witnesses said masses of people at the television station drove back seven armored personnel carriers loaded with loyalist soldiers at midnight Monday. Marcos appealed to civilian loyalists Monday to bring their guns to the capi tal and protect him. In a broadcast on a private channel of television, he said: "We will defend the republic to the last breath of our life, the last drop of our Poll: NU coach should make more than governor LINCOLN The consensus of Ne braskans polled for the Lincoln Star was that the governor is underpaid but shouldn't make as much money as Nebraska football coach Tom Osborne. The poll showed that of 449 people questioned, 70 percent think the gover nor should make more than the $40,000 a year he is now paid. But only 3 percent said the governor should be paid more than $80,000, while 37 per cent said Osborne should be paid more than $80,000. Before responding, those polled were told how much the governor and Osborne are paid. Osborne's salary is $83,600 a year. The Legislature is considering raising the salary of the governor to $80,000 annually. The pay increases would come . gradually over a four-year period. Setting it Straight In an article titled "Fraternity could make history," (Daily Nebraskan, Feb. 24), the address of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity should have been 1545 R St. The location of George Washington's estate also was incorrect. Washington lived in Mount Vernon, Va. NelJraMcan 34 Nebraska Union 1400 R St.. Lincoln. Neb. 68568-0448 Edit'; Managing Edi r News Edit' Assoc. News Edit Editoria. Pane Edit Editorial Associa Wire Edit Copy Dusk Chie , Sports Edit' r Arts & Entertain ment Editor Photo Chief Asst. Photo Chief Night News Editor General Manager Production Manager Asst. Production Manager Advertising Manager Marketing Manager Circulation Manager Publications Board Chairperson Professional Adviser Readers' Representative Vicki Ruhga. 472-1766 Thom Gabrukiewicz Judi Nygren Michelle Kubik Ad Hudler James Rogers Michiela Thuman Lauri Hopple Chris Welsch Bob Asmussen ,111 Allen lavid Creamer Vlark Davis Jeff Korbelik Daniel Shattil (Catherine Policky Barb Brands Sandi Stuewe Mary Hupl Brian Hoglund John Hilgert. 4754612 Don Walton. 473-7301 James Sennetl 472-2583 The Daily Nebraskan (USPS 144-080) is Published by the UNL Publications Board londay through Friday in the fall and spring semesters ana Tuesdays and Fridays in the summer sessions, except during vacations. Readers are encouraged to submit story ideas and comments to the Daily Nebraskan by phoning 472-1763 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The public also has access to the Publications Board. For information, contact John Hilgert, 475-4612. Subscription price is $35 for one year. Postmaster: Send address changes to the Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 1400 R St., Lincoln. Neb. 68583-0448. Second-class postage paid at Lincoln, NE 68510. ALL MATERIAL COPYRIGHT 1988 DAILY NEBRASKAN blood." Several top government officials re signed Saturday, Some diplomats serv ing abroad declared allegiance to Aquino, who accuses Marcos of using fraud and violence to win the Feb. 7 presidential election in which she opposed him. Both Marcos, 68, and Aquino, 53, scheduled inauguration ceremonies for Tuesday. The Reagan administration called on Marcos to relinquish power peace fully. "Attempts to prolong the life of the present regime by violence are futile," it said in a statement Monday. A Washington congressional source said the United States offered Marcos a U.S. aircraft to use in leaving the Phil ippines. The State Department and Pentagon had no immediate comment. Rebel commanders said Marcos troops fired mortars overnight at a transmitter of the Roman Catholic radio station Veritas, the main outlet for the opposition since the election. But the station continued broadcasting. Former Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile and Lt. Gen. Fidel V. Ramos were directing the rebellion, which began Saturday. They were holed up at Camp Crame with soldiers loyal to them behi nd the surrounding sea of civilians. Aquino declared to an estimated 500,000 people surrounding the rebel camp Monday: "We, the people, have moved from victory to triumph and we did it in the spirit of peace and reconci liation. This is the first time in history that the civilian population has pro tected the military. Please keep vigil here." Marcos accused Enrile and Ramos of being a "third force" who wanted power for themselves, and claimed Aquino was backed by communists. Enrile's response was: "We are here not to grab power. We are here to per form ajob and that is to see to that the will of the Filipino people.Js respected by everybody." Ramos, a West Point graduate, has been one of the most pro-American mil itary officers under Marcos. Enrile denied any foreign participation in their defection. 7 A Frank We Can All Afford' 'mm Ul Affnrri" You Ate How Many?! ALL THE FOOTLONGS YOU CAN EAT ONLY EVERY TUESDAY 5-9 PM Special Includes: All Toppings, One Medium Drink One bag of Chips (Your Choice) No take out orders please HOURS: Sun.-Thurs. 9 a.m.-Midnight Fri.-Sat. 9 a.m.-1 :00 a.m. 1320 Q Street Try Our Soup Of The Day! 474-7766 Pir-i V - J . Add passion to vnur nunch with 1 l jvoj t i i i rr S Lverciear lau , proof grain alcohol. EHCeiHD TSDIQT QfFEQ 100 cotton. It's purple with red and white Everclear logo. Only $4' 33 Please send me . S M L XL. QUANTITY Everclear 'Purple Passionate" T-Shirts (or a total of $. Send money order or use your Mastercard C Visa CJ Acct. -Exp. date. Name. Address. ChyState. -Zip. Signature. MAIL TO: 'Purple Passionate 500 3rd Ave. W., Seattle, WA 981 19 718 Allow 4 to 6 weeks delivery. Offer good in US only. Offer void where prohibited by law, taxed or otherwise restricted by law. No product purchase lecessary Everclear bottled by World Wide Distilled Products Company, St Louis. MO 63139. Early leaders OMAHA Eleven political ob servers assessing the race for their party's gubernatorial nomination say NU Regent Nancy Hoch of Nebraska City and former Lincoln Mayor Helen Boosalis are the early leaders. For about a month, political cam paign workers have been talking about a private poll reportedly show ing the two with leads. However, those who have seen the poll results said more than half the Republicans and Democrats surveyed said they had no idea whom they would vote for. Visitor dies LINCOLN Leland Wilhelm, 64, of Dunbar, a legislative candidate, suffered a fatal heart attack at the state Capitol on Monday morning, according to state trooper Rick Brandt. Wilhelm was pronounced dead at 9:22 a.m. at Lincoln General Hospital about 40 minutes after he fell down, cut his nose and stopped breathing. Wilhelm often visited t he Capitol to watch the Legislature in session, said Sen. Calvin Carsten of Avoca, who will vacate his seat this fall! Wilhelm was one of three candi dates running for Carsten's seat. Arms proposal WASHINGTON - President Reagan, in his latest arms control proposal to the Soviet Union, has called for the elimination of medium range nuclear weapons in Europe and Asia, but dismissed elements of Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev's most recent offer as "not approp riate for consideration at this time." Gorbachev proposed in January to eliminate nuclear weapons by the end of the century, with both sides scrapping their medium-range wea pons as a first step. INTRODUCING... GOLOESWOES DELIVERY SERVICE Now Open! SPEEDY DELIVERY OF YOUR FAVORITE FAST FOOD ANYWHERE ON CITY CAMPUS FROM ANY OF THE FOLLOWING RESTAURANTS: AMIGO'S ARBY'S BURGER KING CHARTROOSE CABOOSE DO BIZ PIZZA HUT WENDY'S And More r Hours: 4:30-12:30 Sunday-Thursday 4:30-1 :30 Friday-Saturday GOLDENTOES IS NOT LEGALLY AFFILIATED WITH ANY OF THE ABOVE LISTED RESTAURANTS r c o a 3 o u co fcsjfca D E3 E3J E3 rri FREE! FREE! FREE! 1 L. GOLDENTOES DELIVERY SERVICE GoodforoneFREE16ounce soft drink with any delivery EXPIRES 5-9-86 Q C3 pj pa pi m 0 Q D SL cr o o o c o o 3 J