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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1986)
Thursday, February 20, 1986 Page 20 Daily Nebraskan ofo n assraeo. 3 77 c CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 $2 75 minimum charge per day on commercial ads Ten words included $2 00 minimum charge per day on individual student and student organisation ads $ 75 billing charge on noncommercial ads All personal ads must be prepaid NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION FOUND ads may be submitted tree ot charge. DEADLINE: 1 p m day before publication (Monday through Friday) Learn French in Normandy Fot information, call 476 6379 regarding this excellent school COLLECTORS BUY & SELL Lincoln Stamp Club Show East Campus Union Feb 22 & 23 Saturday - 10 00 a m -6 00 p m Sunday - 10 00 am -4 00 pm FMA meeting Thursday 220 at 7 00 in the Union C) Q da D 0 k&ms can novae EXPERT sekvuz. Do you hav a notty nuf ftart Seringa racclta uuler Cha cart Squtaky brakaaf Car pull to cha left or right? Bouncy rldaT let a htawocs nuacez yxr pacaix. W provide conpUta front end tervlot, R Install ufflari, brakes, U nocka. icruta and coll p rings for both foreign and domestic and ail front UvecL drtva cars. KTJMS Hfl-YLEKS art CUARAMEQ) for as long as you own your vehlcla If anything should ever go wrong, HI das will replace the Buffler free. B1Gmi'S(Tfcr all Students J 1 J . J 1 B ana uuveraicy-urew rtnani with 10 card thru April IS, 1985. Depressed' Lonely' Come see LE BAL A UPC Foreign Film presentation at Sheldon Gallery Thursday. Feb. 20. 7 00 4 9 00 p m. ACT meeting tonight Speaker Or Stricklin How can the media better represent the Ag Crisis' 5 30 pmECU VALID C.1LY: PI (0 2118 "N" sc: 477-7724 VBEt Z MIDAS I0U2U Free escloaces i 0 D University of Nebraska Lincoln THE FRAllGiil! .What: Dallen Peterson, CEO, President Merry Maids When: Thurs., Feb. 20-6 p.m. Where: Room 120, CBA Topic: Entrepreneurship and Franchising FREE BUFFET In the Forefront of the 80's and 90's Peppermint Lounge a new twist on fun in Lincoln. Qaty Your Favorite Mixed Drink A30-dse Pitchers starting at $5 Along with reg. special: Buy One Pitcher of Beer Get One for 1 cent from 4:30-6:30 and 10-12. Entrance: Alley Between P & Q Sts. A3 BlndaD 1228 "f" 476-1020 111 This TfihM?(fcy, 9 Tl if The Original Korn Popper and Colby Ridge would like to do our part in reducing the costs of going to college. Just bring in your student I.D. this Thursday, and when you buy a bag of our gourmet white pop corn we'll give you a second bag of equal value free. It's a doubly delicious deal. Good on 300 to $1.40 size bags. Offer expires 2-27-86. THE ORIGINAL O (ORMPOPFER Popcorn & Ice Cream0 A Lincoln Foundation refreshment center 1417 "N" St. (South of Bennett Martin Library) 474-5818 233 N. 48th (South of Target) 467-581 1 ODLBY RIDGE C POPCORN . ICE CREAM ) 1 1401 Superior 4766822 Mon.-Sat. 1040 Sun. 11-9 "THE BUGS BUNNYROAD RUNNER MOVIE" will be shown at University Lutheran Chapel. 1510 "0" St at 7 30 p m on Friday, Feb 21 Everyone s Invited J. BEAUMONT Ex-Patnot and leader ot the T U R D Parly doesn't support ASUN Special occasions deserve the best' Celebrate your pinning with cigars Irom HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS East Park Plaza 467-4819 Female roommate ASAP. March 1 S150 plus 12 utilities Deb Jolynn 466-8656 Female wanted to share 2 bedroom apt. 20th & "G" area S160mo plus utilities. 477-3382 JoeS (SAEl: ..... It interested (and not busy) how does a tux. a banquet and a formal sound on March 8' Respond via PHONE CALL! Pam H. (ADPi) Real guy Saturday at 10 30 am You know where1! Reckless blonde Either: Sorry, had to work last night How about same time tonight, in front ot the fireplace' Will be wearing black Lonely Tired of lonely V-days. This may be late but it's worth the wait. Springsteen s a stud. Fuzzy Navels beat Bud. Letterman s the snow, and it s you I d like to know Another lonely Valentine This is for the guy at N RIC0S with the black Vuarnets and the tan shirt You look interesting, would like to meet you Same time, same place7 Cupid s Targets. Your description fits me perfectly Very interested Loveiboy SEXTON TYPING SERVICE Specializing in same-day service S1 25page including, proofreading. 466-8651. 8 AM-8 PM. 7 days a week. YOU WRITE I TYPE Typing for all your needs term papers to resumes oro r Word Processina available. Bernice Westerholt 474-2126 Professional typing 7days a week, 20 years experience 435-6301. TYPEWRITERS RENTAL-SALES-SERVICE BLOOMS 323 N 13th 474-4136 nitaH?lJh.i.W!i Plmn-lahel Guy. Can you correspond Thursday niqlit at 11 00' I'll be in the Sandoz Main lounge wearing pink Tired of lonely V-Days Iceman How about Friday afternoon at 4 30 in the Oldfather snack area' I II have a ted backpack and ean jacket Tired ot lonely V-days Outstanding high school male student (18 yrs old) from West Germany wishes placement with family beginning March 1 for 3-6 months to learn English and piepare for umveisity studies Willing to assist family with house work, child care etc If interested in more details call 472-1442. University ot Nebraska Lincoln College of Business Administration Ask for Gaiy "General." Be caretul Count your "Captains ." (You may have two ) -New NJA Officer YS- Your style-smile. Name it you've got it. Where does it all come from? S.I.L. Jeff(TKE). Sorry about the B D with five rolls and a moustache Anyway. Happy Birthday! Love, Sue (A-PHI) Lonely V-day, Charlie Daniels. Coors. off-campus, David Letterman, wranglers, and watching eagles soar over open range. Close Enough? Lonely on V-Day: You sound like a very interesting person. I share some of your interests. How can we meet? Mr. 501 Friend: Since you won I write me. I'll write you What s the address' Friend Sorta-Plain. Like the same. Late night Thursday. 9th floor guys lounge ABEL. Be there Plain looking sophomore female. Sophomore wno lives in Abel loves Springsteen. Fuzzy Navels. Letterman. and Starlit nights and wears only 501s is intrigued. WHERE ARE YOU' P S. Plain is in the eye of the beholder. LeAnn, Diet Coke is fine, but 69C Longnecks might drive me to drink. R.J. P S. Keep a quarter! NEED MONEY FOR TUITION? WE WILL PAY YOU UP TO $1500! Harris Laboratories needs volunteers to help evalu ate pharmaceuticals If you're a healthy male at least 19 years of age and want to earn up to S1500 for a few weekends, and yet study at the same time, give us a Call Monday through Friday. 8-4 p.m. at 474-0627. hi, Need ride to K.C.. Lawrence or vicinity on 221. Please call 475-4859. Boxer?? It's more like twittle wrists' The question is. what else can you twittle? Had a great time Sat. night, when can we play with your stick shift again? Schu & Schu P S. We know who fluffed on tht dance floor! Larry Meadowcrotch It's her birthday but don't get her anything! Happy Birthday!! Dal j Space Capt . Clarification: A TEXT adventure, such as "The Hitch hiker" requires one to read between the lines in order to solve the puzzles encountered during the voyage. JUSTIFICATION: A SPACE GENERAL WOULD NOT HAVE JUMPED TO LIGHT SPEED WITHOUT RECEIVING TRANS MISSION COMPLETELY. SPACE GEN. Cupids Targets. We re just what you're looking for. Knight in shining backpack and Robin Hood II Speckled Shoes. The hair is a fake Your friend seems more intriguing I often puke. Is he available for dinner' Girl with clothes wearing hair Tired of lonely V-days. Sounds as if we share many of the same interests, especially starlit nights. Would like to share a Fuzzy Navel sometime. Also tired of lonely V-days Too Cool For School Members, Let's make it three in a row. Same time? Same place? Can't wait! A Trusted Member LOST: Pair of women's glasses by Stadium Monday. Feb. 16. 476-3416. FOUND: Samsonite luggage key in metered parking lot across from Morrill Hall. Sunday, Feb. 16. Call 435-3685 mornings. LOST: 16mm Bell and Howell film projector. If found, please contact Air Force R0TC, 472-2473. FOUND: Gloves 2nd floor mens' bathroom in Oldfather Hall Feb. 13. Call to identify, 466-4078. Paul N. (AKAK) I knew you'd look for one of these How far could we get on half a tank for your birthday' Just kiddin". Look forward to a great day (and evening). (implied) Molly PS. The tr if fids aren't invited. SINGLE & PREGNANT? Adoption is a caring alternative. For confidential infor ma tion call Nebraska Children's Home. 483-7879. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING PREGNANT' BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. 483-2609. RESUMES Professionally typeset S15. DAILY NEBRASKAN Basement of Nebraska Union Karen's Woid processing We love dissertations. Qua-lity-Speed-Price 435-0081 AZD's. Gamma Phi's, Acacia WARRIORS '86 The Rumble continues. Be ready! The Chops Congratulations to the new initiates of Delta Upsilon: Brian F.. Greg J., Sam S.. Mike H , Dan N.. Randy S.. Mike D.. Roger H . Scott M.. Mike F.. Scott M.. Jeff D.. Kevin K., Ron A.. Jeff S.. Nate G . Matt K.. Shawn L. Mike S . Scott H , George H , Wayne L. Roses are red. Violets are blue, Love Connection is coming. WHO INVITED YOU' BLC3M COUNTY by Ocrlic Breathed ALCRI5(5...-r00TAU.tME5... UNDERARM HAIR... IT'S COrAING ANP I CANT STOP IT. WHAT'S AD0tSCNCe. COMING ? RUSHING H6AP . tONGTOWARPrAE. Lemon Day Specials SAVE at both Kep's locations! Tube Sox 99' Warm-up's 12 Price Shoes x 13 to 12 OFF Men's & Women's Shorts 12 Price Danskin Leotards 12 Price Big Red Clothing 12 Price Downtown 1332 "P" 475-2676 Gateway Garden Mall 467-2305 Many more SPECIALS throughout both stores! Photo Specials at Gateway Only Lmcon Cnr Cnwy Grind Wand Specials good through Sunday 2-23-86 Subject to stock on hand