Prof. Pudwitz fcy Je,inek . j j j s f J j J IJJ. S J J 77 y 1 7A AUH0UMCEMEHT5 i 4 t 1 J m 1 i i 4 i; I- 1; I J .. 13 5? h 3; 1p 3i lit m m Page 12 hot rsBk feJ 476-0664 25c TACOS Every Thursday 4-7 & 10-Midnight NEVER A COVER Rock-N-Roll De-Jay! Every Wed.-Sat. JACKS GK EETTER 27th & HsUrege LITTLE S-;",i i OCK-N-ROLMaftVC OASIS Xfra. A I ft Ate llelll 'S 1 1 I 7 .A 4 TONIGHT: THE SWITCH! 1644 T HERM'S 474-6592 75 -Jtmwj Store Busch and Natural light 12 pack (tarn).... 3.99 Case (cm) ...... 7.o9 case (cold) 8.99 1. 22 or tfU Entertainment letters Cartoon regarded as 'sick humor' and in poor taste As an employee of the university, I frequently read the Daily Nebraskan and many times have disagreed with your liberal viewpoint. I am writing, however, not because of an article, but because of the cartoon that appears on page !) of t he Feb. 1 7 1)N. The "drawing cart oon" shows a car driving off with the words: My mother told me not to talk to strangers. She said "Just take the candy and get in the car." (B. Allen) Exactly what kind of sick humor are you trying to get across In your reading audience? It was offensive to me (and I'm sure others) and in very poor taste. Since it had absolutely no connection with any article on that page, may I assume it was used for "filler" space? And, if that's the case, surely you could have found something more worthwhile to have used. Sandy Lineberry Secretary NEREC 1 . N TAOJUTV SALARIED WHY X PAD $ZO ; ft ; x For a cup of C COFFEE. IN the: J r rr. W rACUOY LOUN&t, , s nP!ll8' 7 ' Vitttljnii l tAORDER I (2) im OfllJLV N6iW5 PMEMRKHIfiHT... I I,, mi 1 Mi i iimwmi iiwrwrr rwi NlfiHT CLftSS Lfiu. . JO.THEPaiCE 1 ' k ANSI i Li -r 7 V HE WAS BimPfDI ! 0H-MOi ) l WE tiAV LORD CHflNei Td WACKY Lm$To HUHT PSOPJLE-" BUNCO -CHflKEi's 511-EwrrRirKb. 15 HE MAD oc or THE BLUE CoW Cpfnpus PflF CoY WITH h Route, ansa fi!6 SECRET..- era DCFCoiies I LUNCH -V DINNER I , I 1 omP'ete '-unch MenusParty Rooms ISSlETTOy D,NNER pOR TWO UNDER $10.00 " 228 PJorth 1 2th Street and up Daily Nebraskan Thursday, February 20, 1986 7? r 4 i X A . I